Immortal Immortal

Chapter 56 Hooking the bar? nonexistent!

Although the Qinghonghua Building is located in a remote place, in the northeast corner of the Heart Beast Black Market, the number of people visiting it is no less than that of Yibao Pavilion.

Li Mo has been in the black market for several years, and this is the first time he goes to Qinghonghua Building.

What he didn't expect was that Qinghonghualou was closely related to Han Cai, and it was really difficult to classify the two together.

When Li Mo approached the flower building, the doubts in his heart suddenly disappeared.

In the world of cultivating immortals, probably only doctors can do the flesh-and-blood business.

The alleys were filled with the pungent smell of rouge and gouache, mixed with the strong smell of corpses, which was really torture for the sense of smell.

The flower building is divided into two floors, with lanterns hanging from the eaves. The fiery red candlelight is looming in the darkness, looking hazy like fog.


"Officials please come in."

As soon as Li Mo arrived in front of the door, a graceful madam came over. The strong smell of corpses made him cough.

He raised his eyes and looked at the madam, and found that her skin was white, without any rot, her hair was black, and she had a flattering smile.

The madam even has a superficial cultivation level of the second level of the total horn stage.

"No need, I'll see for myself."

"The officials are too smart. If you want me to come over, just call Mei Niang. I'll be here at any time."

Li Mo quickly ducked aside, and Mei Niang went to receive others wisely, but this also attracted the attention of the Hualou nursing home.

He didn't think that the fact that the madam had no traces of corpse transformation was due to her good looks.

If Li Mo read it correctly, the madam was wearing a low-grade human skin magic weapon, so she still maintained the appearance of a living person.

Mei Niang's body has also undergone many surgeries, and the joints during movement are slightly unnatural.

As expected, from beginning to end, only the internal organs of Mei Niang were left untouched, while the rest of the organs had been replaced.

It is almost impossible for the opponent to break through the weak championship period.

Li Mo finally understands what kind of medical skills are contained in Qinghonghua Tower. At least there are doctors from Rongzhen on duty all year round.

When he came to the lobby, he saw all the Yingying Yanyans in skimpy clothes.

The monks were drinking and having fun, which was like heaven and earth compared to the strict black market, filled with smoke and smoke from the world of mortals.

Li Mo was naturally not interested. If he wanted to do the hook-up thing, it would be better to find a mortal town. Who knows who the real identity of the female shepherd was.

A man from the Qing Dynasty played the guzheng and sang a song of drunkenness and dreams.

"Oh, I'm sighing at the fireworks in the middle of the night, and I remember that my little slave's life is so bad."

"I'm busy calculating the eight characters in my life, and I'm counting on the fate of this little slave..."

The Hualou is just a sales treasury, and there is no need for Qinghuan to show off his skin, but if he wants to get the spirit stone, it all depends on whether there is a reward.

Li Mo rejected several waitresses one after another and waited alone at the stairs for a while before the nursing staff gathered around him with unkind expressions on their faces.

Just as the nurse was about to say something, she heard two words squeezed out of Li Mo's mouth.

"Han Cai."

They immediately lowered their heads, clasped their fists in fear and said, "You are a villain, so please ask the cultivator to move to the private room on the second floor."

Li Mo nodded.

They walked up a flight of stairs into a dark, damp passage.

The corridor was obviously shrouded by a magic circle. When Li Mo stepped into the shadow, the noise in his ears disappeared.

There are no decorations at all in the closed areas of Qinghonghua Building.

"Doctor Han was resting in the elegant room inside, and the villain took his leave first."

After the nursing home left quickly, Li Mo began to look for traces of Han Cai along the corridor, and the eerie and terrifying atmosphere gradually emerged.

Li Mo narrowed his eyes and pinched his nose unconsciously.

An inexplicable sense of danger came to my mind.

Li Mo stood still and glanced around with his peripheral vision. There was no one in the several hidden rooms, only the shadows were shaking under the candlelight.

Suddenly, the sound of viscous liquid squirming came from behind.

Li Mo jumped forward without hesitation, only to see a mass of flesh and tissue rushing toward him so fast that he couldn't react in time.


Flesh and flesh tissue hit Li Mo's back, and the inertia caused him to fall into the house.

The tables, chairs and furniture were in a mess, and bits of sawdust were floating in the air. The private room was obscured by dust, and there was no trace of Li Mo.

"That's it for the juniors you're optimistic about, right?"

An old voice sounded from the end of the corridor, and then a naked old man walked out from behind the door, with bursts of strange laughter coming from his mouth.

The old Taoist appearance is extremely terrifying.

His skin collapsed, like a 400- to 500-pound obese patient who had his fat drained away. The overly large skin lost its fat filling, and at first glance it looked like a robe made of wrinkled skin.

"Pagoda, the little doll is proficient in weapon refining, and it's normal for him to be a little weak in magic."

Han Cai hurried out of the private room, hung upside down from the ceiling supported by eight arms, and looked at the Buddhist layman with a dissatisfied expression.

Buddhist layman laughed and said, "That's not what Hu Wen told me."


Manager Hu was sitting in the private room, sketching his facial features against the bronze mirror.

Buddhist layman shook his head and said: "Doctor Han, I have an old friend and disciple who is quite proficient in weapon refining. Why not call him here..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stared at the elegant room where Li Mo was in fear.

A tiger roar exploded on the ground.

boom! !

The wall of the private room was knocked down directly, and the ghost tiger, which was more than seven meters tall, leaned over and crawled out, its huge head almost filling the aisle.

The ghost tiger tore into the mass of skin and flesh with its bloody mouth, and its claws fell one after another, and the evil nature originating from the ghost rushed towards him.

Li Mo stood aside calmly.

"This junior..."

The Buddhist layman was stunned for a few seconds, and then he retracted his skin and flesh tissue, and found that even if Guihu faced Li Mo, who had a far higher cultivation level, he still wouldn't take a step back, and his eyes widened with eagerness.

Li Mo recalls Ghost Tiger Tattoo.

He controlled the desert map to break away from his body, revealing the animal head tattoos with fangs and claws. The ghost tiger, red fox, whale kun, and salamander looked extremely magical.

"Doctor Han, the Five Alchemy Golden Sand Pictures."

"Jiejiejiejiejie, Master Futu, please give me a good look. This registered disciple of mine is a genius who can refine low-grade magic weapons to the fifth level."

Li Mo hesitated to speak. They had only met a few times in total. Could it be that because of that basic medical book, he ended up becoming a registered disciple?

He also understood that Han Cai was trying to protect his shortcomings. He would definitely be jealous if he occupied an auction spot for no apparent reason.

The most important thing is that Li Mo's talent allowed Han Cai to actively win over him.

Hu Wen paused for a few breaths on the tiger head on Li Mo's right arm, nodded slightly in approval, and didn't care about the rest.

The Buddhist layman stared at the desert map intently.

"Is this...did you refine it?"

"Senior Futu, this is me."

Buddhist layman shook his head. The low-grade five-refined magic weapon surprised him at most, but the artistic conception contained in the desert map was too shocking, unlike what Zongjiao could draw.

He was very interested in calligraphy and painting, and he couldn't help but feel itchy after seeing the picture of the desert.

"Junior, help me refine one."

"Senior, I was refined by chance and fell into a state of divine help."

"Oh, that's right too."

The Buddhist layman believed that paintings like the Desert Map were rare to come by, and at Li Mo's age, he really needed good luck to create them.

He couldn't help but snatch the junior's magic weapon, so he nodded to allow Li Mo to participate in the auction.

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