Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1955: "Guan Hai Jing"

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Xu Yao's ethereal voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind, and then Lin Feng felt a huge message pouring into his mind.

This information almost cracked his mind, because the information contained in this information was too much, and it made his head split.

The severe pain disappeared soon after, and Lin Feng took a deep breath, and Shen Nian invaded into the information obtained.

Lin Feng discovered.

This information turned out to be a cultivation method.

This cultivating method is called "Kuan Hai Jing".

Here is also an introduction to Guan Hai Jing.

The Guanjing is divided into two parts.

The upper general outline is: The stone man looks at the sea of ​​clouds.

This only introduces the upper master outline, not the lower master outline.

Because this is only half of the ocean view.

The upper view of the sea is equivalent to "quasi- fairy technique!"

If you can get the lower view of the sea sutra, it is equivalent to "Xianshu!"

After seeing this introduction, Lin Feng took a breath.

Quasi Immortal Technique? Immortality?

Guan Hai Jing is so extraordinary.

"It's a pity that only the upper part of the ocean is viewed!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but whispered some regrets.

However, although only the upper part of the sea view.

However, this half of the Book of Sea is also equivalent to a quasi- fairy technique.

Beyond the imperial technique.

The power is bound to be terrifying.

"Successfully practice the upper view of the sea sutra first! Then look for the lower view of the sea sutra later!"

Lin Feng made up his mind.


A powerful energy swept his body.

"Has it time?"

Lin Feng was a little dumb, but did not expect that the retreat took almost a month.

But the only thing that was more fortunate was that he realized the Guanjing in a timely manner.

If there is no epiphany, now I have to leave Hongjun Dojo.

It is bound to miss the view of the sea.


The light flashed.

Lin Feng found that he had appeared outside, but did not appear in the Red Dust Fairy Sect.

This is the periphery of the space-time counter-current sea area.

Far away can see the spatiotemporal countercurrent storm raging in the spatiotemporal countercurrent sea area.

Surrounded by the endless sea, there was no one but Lin Feng himself.

It should be that Hong Chen Xianzun deliberately sent out the monks who entered the Hongjun dojo, and they also appeared in different places.

"Hongchen Xianzun thought about it and sent it to different places. Even if there was a monk's idea of ​​beating others, now I have to give up!"

Lin Feng couldn't help whispering.

Lin Feng flew above the endless sea.

Now he has two plans. The first plan is to go back to the inland and go to Guxiemen, hoping to find a way to resolve Li Yingdie's heart guts at Guxiemen.

The second plan is to start to form your own forces in the overseas world.

The overseas world is so huge.

There are countless powerful monks.

As long as you are willing to give the blood.

It is bound to form a powerful force.

Moreover, as long as it becomes a climate, there will not even be solicitation by then, there will certainly be many overseas overseas repairs come to seek refuge.

Everyone knows how to lean against the big tree to get some cool.

The demon seems to know the general thoughts in Lin Feng's heart, and said aloud, "Guxiemen is a sect that is a force of evil Dao. When you go to Guxiemen with the power you have now, you can also die. I also rushed in together. If you want a force like Guxiemen to promise to help you, you only have one way to go, that is, you have enough strength. Even if they do n’t want to help you, they have to weigh it. Offending you is worthless ? "

Lin Feng nodded.

He already understood what the demon wanted to express.

The top priority now is to establish your own forces.

It is impossible to go to Guxiemen alone, this force is so powerful.

It's estimated that I can't come out alive.

Going to.

Also brought a group of strong.

Going mightily.

Let Gu Xie Men know the power they have.

"Where should I go?"

Lin Feng couldn't help himself.

"You can ask the little mermaid!" Said the demon king.

"Wanxing Island" is located at the junction of Nanxian sea area, space-time counter-current sea area, and Guixu sea area.

This island is incomparably huge, but it is an important port to enter and leave the three seas.

It is also a very famous gathering place for repairs at sea.

There are countless powerful scattered repairs here.

Now, Lin Feng and Naza have come to Wanxing Island.

Naza has been here once, and has some memories of many places.

You can see the figure of Hai people everywhere on Wanxing Island.

This ten thousand star island can be said to be mixed with fish and dragons.

Human race, demon race, demon race, sea race and so on.

Can be seen on Wanxing Island.

"There are many forces in this island of Ten Thousand Stars. These forces are composed of loose repairs. It is said that there are hundreds of forces of all sizes. We can go to Baixiaoge to inquire!"

Naza said.

Lin Feng nodded.

Every time you go to a place, it is necessary to know the division of forces in this place.

Lin Feng and Naza walked towards Baixiao Pavilion together.

The sources of Baixiaoge are extensive.

Able to hear many secret stories.

Of course, the prerequisite is that you have enough money.

This world is so cruel, it is impossible to move without money.

Lin Feng and Naza came to Baixiao Pavilion together.

I spent a whole hour in Baixiaoge.

Only then did the two leave.

Then Lin Feng and Naza together look for a place to live.

Lin Feng set a courtyard in the Bieyuan district of Wanxing Inn.

Bang Bang Bang ...

It didn't take long for a knock to come from outside.

Naza went to open the door.

Then he saw a fat man with a slightly frivolous appearance standing outside.

"Who are you? Is there anything?". Naza asked suspiciously.

The fat man said, "I'm the person in charge of this Beyuan District, please see your son!"

"come in!"

Lin Feng's voice came inside.

Naza led the fat man into the living room, and poured two cups of tea.

Seeing that the fat man kept talking, Lin Feng knew that the fat man had something to say in front of Naza.

Lin Feng said, "Naza, go to the room to see if there are any unclean areas. Clean it carefully!"

Naza nodded cleverly and walked towards the second floor.

Lin Feng said, "Say whatever you want!"

"This son, there will be an auction tonight, and there will be several top-quality women being auctioned!"

Said the fat man.

This kind of thing is everywhere.

At the beginning, Naza was bought by Lin Feng from the auction.

People who can live here are either rich or expensive.

So the fat man came to ask Lin Feng.

If they can help the auction house reach customers, they all have a commission.

Lin Feng was not interested in such an auction, and he said lightly, "Even if this kind of thing happens, I have no interest!"

The fat man said, "Master, those women are not simple. One of them is the body of water spirits, two of them are bodies of spirits, and two are bodies of cold spirits!"

Lin Feng was a little surprised, but this is the three major double physiques of practitioners in the world.

With such a woman double cultivation, cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds.

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