Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1954: The stone man looks at the sea of ​​clouds, one thought can become a fairy, an

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It was a stone man, and now the stone man sat cross-legged and looked at the sea of ​​clouds.

This made Lin Feng extremely shocked.

How could there be a stone man here?

Among the stone clan.

The stone people are definitely one of the top stone people.

The strength of the stone tribe, naturally, needless to say.

"Stone man!" Lin Feng's voice was solemn.

At this time Bai Yingyou said, "Don't worry, he hasn't conceived successfully yet!"

"You mean, this is still a stone man in pregnancy?" Lin Feng said in shock.

"Yes! According to Master Zun, when she got the Hongjun Dojo, the stone man was already here, watching the sea of ​​clouds, and enlightening Heavenly Dao. Enlightenment! "

Bai Yingyou said.

Lin Feng was very surprised, did not expect that there was such a story.

He walked toward the stone man, watching the stone man carefully.

I saw the stone man sitting cross-legged in front of his eyes, holding flowers in his hands, just like a Buddhist monk, who was enlightening the Tao.

Lin Feng could not help touching his chin.

This stone man is really extraordinary.

Shocked and moved him.

His hand rested on the stone man's body.

Boom Boom ...

Lin Feng was shocked.

Because he actually sensed the sound of a beating heart.

This made him very moved.

"His vitality is very powerful!" Bai Yingyou said.

Lin Feng nodded.

The vitality of this stone man is indeed too strong, and his heart is beating.

I don't know if it's about to wake up.

"You are practicing here! I'm out! I don't want to stay here!"

Bai Yingyou said.

"Sister, go slowly!"

Lin Feng waved at Bai Yingyou.


Soon he knew why Bai Yingyou didn't want to stay here.

Because the hands of the stone man were moving.

The stone man's hands seemed to be changing the law.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was almost scared and ran away.

Fortunately, he still stabilized his mind.

Although the Stone Man was about to wake up, it did not really wake up. At this stage, it should not pose a threat.

Seeing that the stone man no longer moved after changing the law, Lin Feng was finally able to take a breath.

He sat cross-legged next to the stone man, and then closed his eyes to see the road.



Lin Feng felt that a force that destroyed the sky came from all over.

Cover him in.

That strength.

It's suffocating.

"Who are you, humble creature?".

Suddenly, a loud voice rang out.

Lin Feng opened his eyes.

Then I saw a stone man standing above him.

Now the stone man's cold eyes stared.

"Is the stone man awake?"

There was a horrified expression on Lin Feng's face.

The stone man wakes up.

to him.

It must be catastrophic.

Lin Feng wanted to escape, but was shocked by the discovery.

His body was imprisoned.

"Humble creatures, trespass into this place of cultivation, you **** it!"

Suddenly, the stone man made a cold roar.


I saw that the stone man stuck out his big hand and drove towards Lin Feng.

There was a frightened expression on Lin Feng's face.

Because when the stone man attacked, he felt a thick breath of death covering his body.

That feeling is too bad.

This is a feeling that makes people's spirits collapse instantly.

But soon Lin Feng felt something was wrong.

The stone man's awakening was too sudden.

And the breath of the stone man seems not quite right.

It was too far away from what I thought.

Although this stone man feels very strong to Lin Feng.

However, he lacked the domineering power of the stone man.


Lin Feng's expression sank.

He quickly ran the land pressure stargazing chart.

Suddenly, the stone man in front of him disappeared.

When Lin Feng opened his eyes, he discovered.

He sat cross-legged next to the stone man without any movement.

"My will almost collapsed! This stone man is really evil! It can even affect my mind! If I just changed it to someone else, I am afraid that my will will collapse and I will die in death!

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The stone man is too weird.

It's too scary.

Fortunately, the Shiren did not recover.

After he calmed down, he continued to close his eyes and began to enlighten here.

Time passed slowly.

Lin Feng gradually fell into a profound and mysterious mood.

He felt as if he had become an immortal stone man.

Watching the sea of ​​clouds every day.

Among the clouds.

Have the "Tao" you need.

"Tao" in the sea of ​​clouds.

Can help yourself to wake up.

Time passed slowly.

Finally one day.

Lin Feng found that his body could move.


At this stage, only his hand can move.

The rest of the body cannot move.


It's a long time.

Maybe one year.

Maybe ten years.

Perhaps a hundred years.

Maybe a thousand years.

Maybe ten thousand years.

Maybe a million years, tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years ..., maybe a longer time.

Lin Feng found that he had forgotten the time.

And such a long time.

I was finally able to move.

This is a body made of stone.

When this body stands up.

But turned into flesh and blood.

Faintly, he suddenly heard the voice of others mumbling.

"For hundreds of millions of years of practice, the flesh and blood fossil man and the stone man look at the sea of ​​clouds.

When I heard this voice, Lin Feng was very shocked.

He vaguely understood the meaning of this sentence.

After hundreds of millions of years of practice, the flesh and blood became a stone man.

The stone man sat watching the sea of ​​clouds.

If one day, my body changed from stone man to flesh and blood.

This is a new reincarnation.

And this time.

I will be able to get eternal life.


The words are short.

Although the content is also very short.


The content contained is too shocking.

Eternal life is the legend of Xu Yao.

It is said that even immortals have no way to live forever.

But this discourse contains some information about eternal life.

The most difficult thing for Lin Feng to understand is that the flesh and blood turned into stone men.

Some powerful stone men may become human races after practicing Taoism.


It just turned into a human race, and their bodies were still made of stone.

Powerful monks can also be transformed into stone men, but this is only a technique of change, and their bodies are still flesh and blood.

and so.

This passage contains too many places that make Lin Feng feel puzzled.

"The **** figure is present, the exercises come out, the stone man looks at the sea of ​​clouds, one thought can become an immortal, and one thought can become a demon!" At this time, another voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

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