Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1899: Servant reappearance

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Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao stray into the Luoshen Temple in the misty forest of Tianwu mainland.

The scenes of the past are still vivid.

There are 72 ancient coffins in the temple.

There is also a servant who is not dead.

The **** servant told the story of Luoshen to Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao.

Luo Shen, the daughter of Fu Xi.

Goddess of heaven.

Luo Shen went on a trip and didn't know how many gods he was fascinated with. There was a **** named Zhu Yin, whose face was red, and he lived under Zhongshan Mountain. This is an extremely powerful god, he began to pursue Luoshen.

But the **** who pursued Luoshen was not only the candle-yin, but also a **** called the Arctic Divine Emperor, and the two gods fought against each other. Zhuyin defeated the Arctic Divine Emperor. Luoshen was involved in a war of gods and demons. Zhuyin killed the gods and demons battlefield and rescued the dying Luoshen, but Zhuyin failed to save Luoshen. Luoshen died, and Zhuyin came to the Luoshen temple, day and night Guarded by Luoshen's body until he died, he never left.

And the **** servant who did not die is the **** servant of Luoshen Temple.

But that **** servant was not the **** servant who served Luoshen.

God servants are also passed down from generation to generation.

The **** servant in the Temple of Luo.

Luo Shen died and did not know how many thousand years before he became the servant of Luoshen Temple.

Lin Feng remembered that the **** servant was about to reach the end of his life.

And the **** servant once said that he could not leave the temple.

Gou Yan is panting, just to wait for life to die.


Lin Feng was shocked.

That **** servant.

Now it appears in Kyushu, before his eyes.

The old man in front of him.

The servant of the Luoshen Temple.


At first, this **** servant deceived Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao.

He can leave the Luoshen Temple.

His life has not come to an end.

Now seeing this **** servant, Lin Feng's mood is extremely heavy.

Because he felt that the **** servant had no good intentions towards him.

Especially the kind of look that looked at him.

Let him have a creepy feeling.

The servant of the gods laughed like a fierce ghost, and his gaze looked at Lin Feng, saying, "After all these years, how are you doing, Xiaoyou?"

Lin Feng held back the fear in his heart and looked at the **** servant, saying, "Everything is fine! Thank you senior for missing it!"

The **** servant said, "I didn't expect that in just ten years, Xiaoyou's cultivation behavior has been elevated to the present level, which is really shocking!"

Lin Feng felt that there was something in the old guy's words.

And he felt that the old guy looked at him more and more strangely.

This is an unspeakable feeling.

Let him be stunned.

Although I don't know what the old guy is doing, he is a little clear.

The old guy must be bad-hearted.

But Lin Feng is also a person who has seen big winds and waves. His expression is still very calm, and he can't see any special expression changes on his face.

He said, "It is a great fluke to be able to break through to the current cultivation practice!"

The servant said, "Youyou is too humble. Such a gift is rare in the world!"

The old guy kept staring at Lin Feng while talking.

This feeling made Lin Feng feel a sense of horror.

Soon Lin Feng knew why he was frightened.

Because the old guy looked at him like a baby, a private item.

"What the **** is this old thing doing?". Lin Feng looked somber.

He said quietly, "What do seniors do when they come to Kyushu?"

The **** servant gave Lin Feng a meaningful look, and then said, "Yeah, there is one thing to do, and it is a very important thing. This matter, the husband has waited for many years. I have fulfilled my wish and I am in a good mood! "

Lin Feng couldn't help asking, "I don't know what it is? Is it convenient for seniors to disclose it?".

The servant smiled inexplicably and said, "Not to say! Not to say!"

Lin Feng made a murmur in his heart. It wasn't a good person to look at this old guy. I guess he was thinking about something lacking in morality?

The servant looked at the rising moon outside and said aloud, "Look, in a few days, it will be full moon!"

Lin Feng looked towards the moon and nodded.

It is indeed almost full moon again.

However, the old guy mentioned the full moon violently.

What is his purpose?

Lin Feng doesn't think this old guy will be bored to mention the full moon alone.

Every word of this old guy.

It's worth scrutinizing.

It's just that it's hard for Lin Feng to guess what he meant.

"Okay, let's talk here today. Let's see you bye!"

Said the servant.

Immediately turned and walked towards the distance, and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared.

"This is gone?".

Lin Feng murmured in his heart.

He always felt the old guy was hitting his idea, but the old guy walked so neatly.

It seems that there is nothing malicious.

Lin Feng felt extremely puzzled.

What exactly does the old guy want to do?

At this time Lin Feng found that he could communicate with the demon king and the black bear demon king.

"What do you think?".

Lin Feng asked.

The Black Bear Demon King said, "This old guy is not simple, with a scent of evil spirits.

The demon said, "Obviously, this old guy has another attempt on you. Be careful yourself! His method is very strange!

Lin Feng nodded.


He can only avoid the old guy as much as possible.

"I hope this old thing has nothing to do with me in Kyushu!"

Lin Feng muttered to himself.

He stopped staying and quickly skimmed towards the distance.

Three days later.

Lin Feng finally saw the huge Thunder City.

The endless thunder rolls, and Thunder City is above the thunder.

Many monks now look at Leicheng.

Everyone was waiting for the ban around Leicheng to disperse.

"Heir of the Ancient Thor!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and looked at Leicheng's eyes, which gradually became hot.

Taikoo Thor, but it can exist against Taikoo Dragon Elephant.

Taikoo Thor is one of the most powerful monks of the Terran era.

The ancient Thunder God's exercises may be more suitable for human cultivation.


Archaic Thor is a human monk, and his exercises are created according to the structure of the human body.

The Taiko Dragon Elephant's exercises are based on the Taiko Dragon Elephant's body.

Therefore, it may be difficult for human race monks to practice Taiko dragon elephants to the peak.

But if you practice the Thunder God's exercises.

Certainly you can cultivate to the peak level.


A war broke out in the distance.

The five old antique-class powerhouses of the Jinwu ethnic group are besieging a black robe monk.

This war shocked everyone. The siege monk in black robe was the one who had devoured dozens of masters from the Jinwu clan before.

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