Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1898: Dawn

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The attack by so many monks was naturally terrifying, but the flat-headed young man looked indifferent.

Faced with attacks from so many powerful men, he walked in the void.

"I am the son of Pluto walking in this world. I represent Pluto and exercise the rights of the underworld!"

The flat-headed young man recited a method in a very ancient, mysterious, obscure language.

The content of that tactic.

It seems to be communicating with the underworld.

He stretched his hand gently.

A cloud of black mist flew from his fingertips.

Then the dark fog covered the sky.

All the magic weapons are wrapped in it.

At this time, a terrible scene happened.

Clicking Clicking sounds from the black mist endlessly.

Among the black mist.

That piece of magic.

It was all broken.


After seeing this scene, Lin Feng could not help but take a breath.

Who is that flat-headed youth?

This method is really weird.

Actually destroyed so many people's magic weapon.

"You are a monk!"

Someone shouted in horror.

"What? He's a monk?". Immediately afterwards, there were horror sounds resounding.

Lin Feng's heart shook slightly.

Mingzi, the second-ranked anti-celestial figure in the Tianjiao list.

It is said that Mingzi is also a demon who walked out of broken stone.


The stone that sealed the Mingzi came from the underworld.

This is why he is called the Mingzi.

Mingzi's incomparable combat strength is against the sky.

This is a devil-like evildoer that makes the older generations have a headache.

Ming Zi said lightly, "As soon as I know who I am, I will leave quickly!"

He walked towards the golden dragon.

At this time the golden dragon roared, "Bold! Don't accept the test! You want to enter the hall, who gave you the guts?".


The loud sound of the sky, the golden dragon protruded the dragon claw.

Bombing directly towards Mingzi.

Many people were immediately excited when they saw this scene.

They prayed that it would be better for the golden dragon to get rid of the Mingzi directly, so that everyone would be happy.

Facing the blow of the golden dragon, Mingzi shot and swept the punch, and behind him, the black mist rolled.

Among the black mist.

You can see a mysterious world, that world.

It seems to be a world of death.

That world.

It is like a mysterious and ancient underworld.

Ming Zi swept out with a punch.

It collided fiercely with the giant dragon's claws.


Accompanied by a dull collision sound.

The golden dragon was blasted back into the hall directly by Mingzi.


The endless black mist covered the entire golden temple.

Soon after.

The voice of the golden dragon came from the Golden Temple.

"I am willing to surrender!"



The golden holy land soared into the sky and flew towards the distance.

"The spirit of the Golden Temple was surrendered by Ming Zi! That powerful spirit is not even an opponent of Ming Zi. The strength of Ming Zi is too horrible?"

Lin Feng's face was full of shock and emotion.

The fighting power displayed by Ming Zi.

Completely beyond imagination.

It is no wonder that Mingzi could become the terrifying existence of "Tianjiao List".

"Ming Zi! You are too bully!"

After Mingzi left, a monk roared angrily.

Mingzi came strong.

Then they destroyed their magic weapon with arrogance, and robbed the Golden Temple, which naturally made many people hate their teeth.

But Hei Mingzi is really too powerful.

So even if there was any dissatisfaction, these monks only dared to vent after Ming Zi left.

"Sometimes the strength is strong to a certain degree, it is really possible to forcibly take away these opportunities anywhere! A little chance is not left to others!"

Lin Feng couldn't help whispering.

He did not stay, left the ancient mountain, and continued to walk deep.

The land of Thor's heritage.

There are treasures in many places.

But Lin Feng is not interested in ordinary baby.

He has been walking towards the depths, wanting to look into the Thunder City.

In the evening of that day, far away, he felt as if someone was behind him.

But when Lin Feng looked back, he found nothing.

"Is it because I am wrong?"

Lin Feng could not help whispering.

But what if there is no sensing error?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly felt a sense of horror.

He speeded up and skimmed deep.

But the feeling of being followed has never been lingering.

He explored the surroundings with divine thought, and found no trace of anyone.

However, that special induction, mysterious and mysterious induction, is absolutely not wrong.


Lin Feng tried to call the demon king.

But what horrified him was.

His connection with the demon was cut off.

Then Lin Feng tried to communicate with the Black Bear Demon King.

He found himself unable to communicate with the Black Bear Saint.

At this time Lin Feng was basically certain that there was really a terrible existence following him.


That existence.

The strength may even surpass that of the demon lord, otherwise, he cannot isolate the connection between himself and the demon monarch.

This made Lin Feng's complexion extremely gloomy.

"What on earth is following me?".

"Why doesn't he keep showing up?"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and looked very dignified.

The comers are not good.

It stands to reason that the dreadful existence that followed him should not just stay out of sight.

Since the other party did not show up.

Lin Feng decided to go to a place with as many people as possible as soon as possible. It is best to be able to find several peerless strong men.

Then make a deal with the strong to deal with the unknown existence that followed you.

Lin Feng used his speed to the extreme.

But at this time, he saw a dry old man carrying his hands in the forest in front, a pair of ghost-like eyes flashing a miserable green light.

After seeing the old man, Lin Feng could not help but take a breath.

The old man must be the old man who secretly followed himself.

He stepped back quickly, trying to escape.

The old man's voice resounded in his ears.

"Meet old people! Why do you go so hurriedly?".

"Old friend?"

Lin Feng murmured in his heart.

He hurryed and his body was fixed, unable to move.

It was the old man who imprisoned him.

A rustling voice came from behind.

The old man was walking towards Lin Feng step by step.

It didn't take long.

He came behind Lin Feng.

Lin Feng suddenly found himself able to move at this moment, and the old man lifted his imprisonment.

At this time, his expression was uncertain, but he did not directly escape, because Lin Feng knew that if the old man wanted to kill him, he could not escape.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and turned to look behind him.

At this time he saw this face clearly.

This is a face like a ghost.

"It's you……".

After seeing the old man.

Lin Feng could not help but take a breath.

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