Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1745: The mystery of Ba Jiu's Ba Jiu (Part 1)

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"Are you a person?"

Lin Feng couldn't help whispering.

Turtle Lord's shamelessness, even if it was him, also admired the five body cast.

Lin Gui didn't believe much about Guiye.

Even if the tortoise took his personality as a guarantee, Lin Feng felt that Bajiu Xuan Gong was definitely a pit.

But Lin Feng dare not say these words in his heart.

Because Turtle is a careful eye.

Once questioning the personality of Turtle, Lin Feng dare to guarantee that Turtle will definitely retaliate against himself.

Lin Feng now prayed that those ancestors who had left could invite the suzerain, and then save himself from the tortoise of Lord Turtle.

Turtle Lord grinned and said, "Are you kid waiting for those old guys to come to the suzerain, and the suzerain will come forward to rescue you?".

Lin Feng whispered in his heart, it really deserves to be a mature person.

The old guy guessed what he thought.

But Lin Feng will never admit it. Once he admits, maybe he will clean up himself.

He said with a smile, "Master, you old man really misunderstood the disciple. Master, you are such a wise man, how can the disciple be willing to leave your old man's home".

The tortoise suddenly laughed and said, "Your kid sees people and talks to people, and he talks to ghosts. Although you don't believe these words as a teacher, they are still very comfortable to listen to. In the sect gate, I went to a very dangerous place. In that place, the sect master could n’t get the message from the old guys, and those old guys could n’t help me. They could only eat this dumb loss for a short time. It won't come, so if you have any thoughts in your heart, put them out as soon as possible. Don't play tricks in front of the teacher, otherwise, the teacher will let you know what it means to be immortal. "

"Fuck! This old guy is so shameless, and even threatened the younger man? I thought the younger man was scared me?".

Lin Feng couldn't help thinking badly.

Although my heart is defamatory.

But Lin Feng didn't dare to really violate Turtle Lord, otherwise it would be his own luck.

He hurriedly said, "Master, you old man, don't worry, Tu'er will not play tricks, he will practice with you, and he will never disappoint the master's good intentions."

Gui Gui narrowed his eyes and said, "Haha, good disciple, that's right, you can rest assured that the master will definitely cultivate yours and make you a peerless strongman."

Then Turtle took out a jade tube and handed it to Lin Feng, saying, "Good student, the recipes for the cultivation of Bajiu Xuan Gong are all in it. You can take it to familiarize yourself, and first run it according to the method described above For six big Sundays, tomorrow, the teacher will check whether you have been able to independently operate the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong. If it cannot be completed, the teacher will be angry, and the door will be waiting for you! "

Lin Feng wailed, this cheap master is the devil.

He took the jade tube helplessly and said, "Master, where do I live?".

"The fairy hall in the middle is the place where the master practiced, and you can just pick one of the other fairy halls." Turtle said with a smile.

Lin Feng couldn't help but raised his **** to Turtle Lord.

The broken palaces were about to collapse, and the old guy was embarrassed to say that this was a "celestial palace".

Can it be more shameless?

People are shameless and invincible.

Lin Feng always felt that his face was thick enough.

Only now I found that compared with my cheap master.

It's almost a thousand miles away.

Lin Feng randomly found a palace, and then simply tidied up, and then began to study the Bajiu Xuan Gong.

The running route of Bajiu Xuan Gong is very weird, but the thought of this kind of exercise is really a weird exercise, so Lin Feng did not feel anything unacceptable.

He tried hundreds of times, and finally successfully operated for a big week.


Lin Feng then began to practice the Eighty-nine Xuangong one after another.

The mana in the body began to flow backwards during the eighty-nine Xuangong exercise.

Originally Lin Feng was also worried that the backflow of mana in his body would make mana flounder and his body exploded.

But after a few weeks of operation, the mana in the body turned back, but it was still relatively calm, and there was no dangerous situation, so I was relieved.

After thirty-six weeks of operation, he opened his eyes and found that it was dark outside.

It is late at night.

Lin Feng walked cautiously towards the outside, not daring to make a sound.

He intends to take advantage of the night.

While the turtle was sleeping, he escaped.

At this time, there was a voice from the tortoise in the middle hall, "Good boy, late at night, where are you going to go?".

Lin Feng had no choice but to be discovered by this old guy.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Tuer intends to prepare some supper for your old master!"

"You're so loyal, good boy! I'm so relieved to be a teacher", Turtle Lord walked out of the palace in the middle and looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

Lin Feng felt that Turtle's eyes were not the same as usual. This look surprised him.

"Master, filial piety, your old man's duty is his duty." Lin Feng said.

"Haha, yes! Not bad! I didn't expect you to be so respectful of teachers. It seems that this time God treats me well, so that I have received a good apprentice like you.

The turtle turtle grinned and asked, "Have you mastered the Ba Jiu Xuan Gong?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Yes, master! Tu'er can already run Bajiu Xuan Gong freely."

"You have to run it again, let the master see it!" Turtle said.


Lin Feng responded with a cry, sat cross-legged, and began to exercise Bajiu Xuan Gong.

After the eight-nine Xuan Gong had been running for a big week, Lin Feng suddenly felt a burst of severe colic from Dantian.

Cold sweat suddenly wet the clothes.

"What's going on? My Dantian? Why is it so painful as a split?" Lin Feng looked pale, and he looked at Turtle Master.

There must be something wrong with the eight or nine Xuan Gong.

Turtle said with a smile, "This is a normal phenomenon, and this will happen when Ba Jiu Xuan Gong just practiced."

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Master, your old man is not kind. You said that Ba Jiu Xuan Gong tends to be perfect. When you practice, there will be no problems with your body, and I also use my personality as a guarantee. Xuan Gong, there is a problem with the body. Master, you ca n’t pit your apprentice like this. "

Turtle Lord said with a smile, "My stupid apprentice, your master, I am a basalist beast, not a human race. Since I am not a human race, where is my personality?".

Hearing this explanation from Turtle Lord, Lin Feng couldn't wait to rush directly to fight with the old guy.

This old guy is so shameless that he sets himself up to drill.

This time he was miserable by the old guy.

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