Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1744: Ba Jiu Xuan Gong

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Guiye took Lin Feng to a barren mountain in the northwest corner of Xianzong, where the peaks were bare and there were several dilapidated palaces on the top.

Several crows croaked on a dead tree.

"Master! This place will not be our fairy mountain?". Lin Feng asked with a sad face.

Within the reincarnation of immortals, the immortal mountains towering into the clouds, towering and heavy, filled with the majesty of the immortal family, very grand style.

But here, several small broken mountains formed a wilderness mountain range, and the only few dilapidated palaces made Lin Feng wonder, are those palaces about to collapse?

"Yes! This is our fairy mountain, is it a surprise?"! Turtle said with a grin.

Lin Feng is not a surprise, but depressed.

He sat on a rock and said, "Master, won't you really let me practice that eight or nine Xuan Gong? The kind of exercises that killed my brothers, I don't want to die"

"Don't listen to the nonsense of that group of people, Bajiu Xuangong! But an extremely anti-natural power!" Gui Ye grinned.

"Oh? Is there anything against the sky?" Lin Feng asked.

Turtle Lord did not answer Lin Feng ’s question, but asked with a smile, "Have you ever known some meridian retrograde exercises or supernatural powers?".

Lin Feng stunned slightly, then nodded.

Such magical power is recorded in the Taikoo Dragon Elephant Juice.

Meridian retrograde! Deadly battle!

This is a practice that will never be performed until a last resort.

Once the meridians are retrograde, although powerful forces can be obtained, the body will be severely repulsed.

For example, the backwardness of the state, the body is weak, the meridians are broken, and so on.

Lin Feng said, "Now there should be a lot of exercises, there are secret methods of meridian retrograde. This is a life-and-death fight. There is really no way to use it. Once this method is used, it is to kill a thousand enemies and damage yourself. Eight hundred, and the anti-bite is too serious. The most terrible anti-bite is not even the state of retrogression, nor the body falling into weakness, but the permanent damage to its own meridians, even the immortal medicine Divine Pill cannot repair the damaged. Meridian ".

"Yes! The meridian retrograde exercises or supernatural powers are permanently harmful to the body's meridians, and the monk's mana is closely linked to his own meridians. If his meridians are damaged, they cannot withstand the powerful mana. , I will never be able to break through cultivation practice again! But Bajiu Xuan Gong is different. "

"What's the difference? Reversing the meridians and mana backflow is more harmful to the body than the desperate means of reversing the meridians in many exercises and supernatural powers?" Lin Feng muttered.

Turtle Lord said with a smile, "The Bajiu Profound Attack reverses the meridians! The mana flows backward! It will not cause any harm to the body, and it can frantically increase the monk's combat power!"

Lin Feng really wanted to kick this unscrupulous master to the extraterrestrial sky.

Does this old guy think he is as easy to deceive as a three-year-old?

If Bajiu Xuangong does not cause any harm to the body, will several of his brothers die because of his physical self-explosion?

Lin Feng said, "Master, do n’t you foolish your apprentices, my elders, okay? Those ancestors mentioned the eighty-nine Xuangong's discoloration. Obviously, these eighty-nine Xuangong must have a big problem. "Jiu Xuan Gong made it clear that if you kill me, I won't practice Ba Jiu Xuan Gong."

Turtle Lord said, "Good disciple! Since you are so persistent, then okay, I will give you a detailed introduction to Bajiu Xuan Gong".

"The Eighty-nine Xuangong was discovered from a wordless sky monument for the young teacher."

Lin Feng was immediately interested, and asked, "What wordless monument?"

"Xuangui pack stele, have you heard of it?". Turtle asked.

Lin Feng shook his head.

For the first time, I heard about the Xuangui pack stele.

"Since ancient times, there is a rumor that there is an immortal tortoise with a wordless sky stele on the back of the turtle! The wordless sky stele records a lot of secrets in this world! It also records some secrets against the sky! "

Turtle said.

"Since it was obtained from the Wuzi Tianbei, Master, why don't you old people practice?". Lin Feng asked.

Turtleman was almost speechless by Lin Feng's problem.

He said angrily, "You filial disciple! Just interrupt the teacher! Believe it or not to cut you?".

Lin Feng shut up quickly.

This cheap master is careful.

He can definitely do something like revenge.

Turtle Lord continued, "At that time, because I was young, I didn't know that it was the rumored Xuangui pack stele. A lot of text appeared on the wordless sky stele at the time, but unfortunately only a short paragraph was remembered for the teacher. , Which is the practice method of Bajiu Xuangong, and then those fonts soon disappeared, the stone monument became the wordless sky monument again, and the Xuangui pack monument soon disappeared. I haven't seen the Xuangui Pack Monument. "

"In this way, Master, the eighty-nine Xuanong that your old man got from Wuzitianbei is actually incomplete?". Lin Feng asked.

After being dismantled by Lin Feng, Guiye also scratched his head with embarrassment, and then said, "After countless years of improvement, it is now very perfect. If you are not a plastic talent, you are eligible to inherit the ancestors of Guiye. , Do you think Turtle Lord will accept you as an apprentice? ".

"Please also ask the master, your old man to expel the disciple from the teacher's door." Lin Feng worshipped.

He doesn't want to be a little white rat who tests the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong.

Turtle patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, and then said with a long heart, "Good boy! Since you have been a teacher, then you live to be a tortoise of my tortoise, and die as a ghost, and tortoise of my tortoise, of course, etc. You are dead. As your master, you will burn more incense for you. "

Lin Feng was full of black lines, and he felt quite helpless when he met such a shameless master.

Turtle Lord said, "Don't worry, obedient! Now that the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong has become perfect, so you don't have to worry about practicing it. Once your cultivation is successful, you can reverse the meridians! The mana flow backwards! Times ".

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly widened, and he shouted in disbelief, "The combat power has increased by thirty-three times? Master, wouldn't your old man be fooling me?".

"Cough ... Master, you are a baby apprentice, how can you foolish you with such words?". Turtle said seriously.

"But! Several of my brothers are dead, I feel like you said the same to them"! Lin Feng muttered.

Turtle Lord said, "If you don't believe in being a teacher like this, it really hurts the teacher. In order to prove your innocence, today you will use your own personality guarantee for the teacher. There is absolutely no lying to deceive you. Now you can believe it. Right? ".

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