I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 121 This is what I hear (Part 2)

Jing Yang's eyes moved left and right, observing the situation around him.

...So what's going on with this numbness?

The condition of the droplet looks very strange. The body is in a semi-floating shape and is very unstable. If Jing Yang had to describe it, the droplet in front of him looks like something between a gaseous state and a flesh-and-blood state.

Xiaodi's eyes were dull and wandering unconsciously.

Suddenly, a strange... "picture" appeared in her translucent body. Jing Yang could only think of this word.

Empty but neat streets...

People wearing protective clothing and wandering in piles of garbage...

A child who was beaten to a bloody head over a broken toy he found...

Sitting in the corner of the garbage mountain, Xiaodi himself reads a book alone...

She was sitting on a crude version of a fish vacuum cleaner folded out of a cardboard box, and next to her lay a few gangsters with bloody heads and eyes that were about to pop out...

The tone is monotonous, black, white and gray, and many images are distorted and deformed from time to time, with fleeting light flashing and passing over Xiaodi's body.

"Is this Xiaodi's memory? Or is it her dream?"

Jing Yang tried to observe in secret as calmly as possible.

I looked around and saw that the "ghosts" similar to Xiaodi's situation gathered nearby were all wandering aimlessly, like the zombies in The Walking Dead who had not yet met a living person... They were also in a similar situation to Xiaodi's. What's strange is that various strange and bizarre pictures appear on the translucent bodies of some of them...

Jing Yang tried to remember what happened.

As a result, the first thing that popped into my mind was the emoticon of DiCaprio from Inception...

Just focus, okay!

Jing Yang shook his head and suddenly noticed that the strange scene on Xiaodi began to spread, like a blurred halo, floating around her.

Like bubbles of dreams or memories, the Ferris wheel, the night, and Jing Yang’s own appearance when talking and laughing...

If these are memory scenes, then it was more than half a year ago, and Xiaodi still remembers them so clearly.

If these were dream scenes, then Jingyang really didn't expect that Xiaodi would dream about their memories at the Ghost Island Amusement Park...

"Is the same thing happening to me?" Jing Yang suddenly thought, "What picture popped up?"

It can't be the same scene as when the crow possessed him and he was obsessed with lifting Xiaodi's sweater...

The zombie-like crowd wandered on the grass, slowly moving towards the peach tree swaying in the wind in front of them. .

Jing Yang mingled among them, wandering next to the unconscious Xiao Didi, thinking again about what happened before he appeared here.

"Xiao Di and I... are chatting in the pavilion in the garden of the villa!"

As if a bubble had been popped, Jing Yang suddenly woke up as if he was floating out of the water - his eyes moved and he immediately saw himself and Xiao Di in the pavilion.

He and the little dripper were leaning against each other, sleeping soundly.

Especially Xiaodi, she slept very soundly. But my eyelids tremble from time to time...

"I'm looking at me and Xiaodi, then who am I?"

Jing Yang was stunned for half a second. A confused voice called "ji?" came from his mind, and he suddenly woke up.

He has now activated the rock bird's star mark and is controlling it from a first-person perspective. Through the eyes of the rock bird, observe yourself and Xiaodi in the pavilion.

"When did Xiaodi and I fall asleep?"

The "Jingyan Bird" flapped its wings, landed gently on the pavilion fence, and turned its head to observe itself.

The eyes of birds are on both sides of the head. He can only turn his head to look at people with one eye at a time. He really can't get used to it.

He only remembered that he and Xiaodi practiced "circle" at the Villa Hotel, ate dinner brought by the waiter, and then walked in the garden together... The only thing he could roughly determine was that the reason why he was able to be in that strange "dream world" "I am afraid that the only reason why I stayed awake is because of my "star mark".

"Jingyanque" turned his head and looked at the back of his neck with his eyes closed and frowning in sleep.


The "Jingyan Bird" fluttered its wings and flew up into the air, flying around the garden of the villa. On the garden bench, there were scattered other warriors who were traveling together. As expected, they were also sitting there with their heads down and falling asleep.

"So, we were pulled into a dream world by a certain operating system user?"

"But that's not right. If the other party is an operating system..."

Jing Yang was confused in his heart, and as his consciousness changed, he looked around at the strange grassy plains, the dense crowds of people wandering like a group of zombies, and the peach tree that everyone was slowly heading towards.

Many peach petals are flying in the wind in the night sky...

Jing Yang looked at Xiaodi beside him, and with a thought, he activated the star mark on her body.

Xiaodi's dull eyes immediately became "highlighted" and became a little more vivid. She was a little dazed and noticed the surrounding situation, and finally her eyes fell on Jing Yang.

[Don’t act rashly yet. ] Through the moon mark, Jing Yang's voice appeared directly in Xiaodi's mind, [We fell asleep at some point in the pavilion. It seemed like a space similar to a collective dream... probably because the other party was from the operating system. ability so I can stay awake. 】

At the same time, Jing Yang noticed that the bizarre dream scenes on Xiaodi were also fading away like a tide.

Of course, the picture has not completely disappeared. Those suspected scenes of Meteor Street appear vaguely from time to time... After all, strictly speaking, Jingyang and Xiaodi are not "waking up" now, but are just being very sober. In "lucid dreaming", there are fewer dream images, not so rich and jumping.

Both Jing Yang and Xiao Di saw that the other person's body was blurry, uncertain, like a shadow. Occasionally, scenes of the other party's appearance flashed across the screen.

The two of them wandered along the "tide of corpses" toward the source of the petals flying in the wind, the peach tree on the plain... On the way, Jing Yang and Xiao Di looked around, and saw the mist-covered figure emerging from the immortal tree. The one walking swiftly on the steps is obviously one of the martial artists who climbed the mountain together in the afternoon; the one with the picture full of applause and holding his fists high in the ring, oh, it’s Zhehao...


Who is that man whose muscles are as high as granite, whose golden proportions are like cast iron, and who is two meters tall?

And wear glasses...

Cloud Valley?

Jing Yang looked in surprise. The "dream" image that appeared on Yun Gu's body actually made him look like a walking muscular demon... He didn't expect that such a muscular man lived in the heart of the elegant and easy-going Yun Gu. Dream? Look at you, Auntie Bi, how "harmful" you are!

[But, Jingyang, if this is done by a certain operating system, and it doesn’t work for you, Jingyang, who is also an operating system,] Xiaodi’s voice appeared in Jingyang’s mind, and her tone was a little confused, [Then why? Was it possible to pull you, Jing Yang, into this dream space in the first place? 】

[Coincidentally, I am also thinking about this issue. 】

Jing Yang said, [1. We do not fully understand the theory related to the ability of the operating system; 2. The other party is not actually an operating system...]

As he said this, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Xiao Di looked along and saw a snake with gray scales swimming slowly on the grass.

As if noticing their gaze, the gray-scaled snake raised its head and spat out a gray snake message. Soon, heads with the same gray snake scales appeared one after another in the grass around it, with densely packed snake eyes, spitting out gray snake messages, staring coldly at the "indiscriminate weapons" in the "zombie tide" Jingyang and Xiaodi...

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