I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 120 This is what I hear (Part 1)

You might as well come up with the entire seventh sense. What about you, Saint Seiya?

Jing Yang said dumbly: "Just answer the question. It is indeed the strengthening system..."

There was a question mark on Yun Gu's head, not knowing why he said this.

Jing Yang waved his hand and said with a smile: "We won't go to the restaurant. We have asked the waiter to deliver the food later."

Yun Gu understood that Zhen Yuanzi wanted to continue practicing, "Then I won't bother you."

From the beginning to the end, Xiaodi sat motionless on the sofa chair with her back to the door, her eyes closed and practicing her "circle".

Perhaps it was because she was always so "free from distractions" that she could learn to be "round" so quickly under Jing Yang's guidance... Jing Yang stared at her face for a while, Xiao Di noticed his gaze and opened her eyes. Open your eyes to reveal doubt. Jing Yang guessed that she might not have realized that Yun Gu had come just now, so he couldn't help but smile and said: "It's nothing, come on, continue."

Yun Gu brought Hart to the restaurant, where martial artists from all schools gathered together to eat and drink as if in a social gathering. When they saw Yun Gu, they waved to invite them to sit down.

Xin Yuan Liu's status in the world is not as high as usual. After all, the leader, Nitro, is universally recognized as the best martial artist in the world.

Hart loved to join in the fun, and soon he was beaming with joy as the other martial artists spoke to each other, and he was even more excited when he worked.

Everyone boasted about the unique skills of their respective schools, heard anecdotes, and talked about the Xianshui Mountain Conference that will start tomorrow. Since there are three competitions of courage, martial arts, and perseverance, everyone is very excited about the first competition of courage tomorrow. In the end, no one wants to be at a disadvantage in a simple competition of strength...

"Strength, strength, strength, qi itself is power, but Master Tian said it is not as good as the ability to read." Yungu thought to himself while eating, "Can the ability to read and qi be separated? Can qi and force be separated? I don't know what the comparison will be tomorrow. Dharma is a simple contest of strength..."

Unless Master Sky wants everyone to consciously or passively enter the state of "absolute", but this is not what everyone is willing to do.

Naturally, many of the more than thirty martial artists who have awakened their thoughts have thought of this.

Zhehao also thought of this, so his heart became more intense. Regardless of mental ability, as long as martial arts, is there anything more in line with my own aspirations?

"Where is Zhen Yuanzi?" He suddenly noticed that Zhen Yuanzi's duo were not found in the entire restaurant.

Yun Gu looked around at the crowd of people talking loudly and opened his mouth to speak. Finally, he took a bite of food and ate it without saying anything.

Zhehao understood.

The martial artists here are too weak, and with Zhen Yuanzi’s character, they may not be willing to join in the fun...

"The stars are so bright."

As night fell, Jingyang and Xiaodi strolled in the garden of the villa.

The air at the top of the peak was exceptionally refreshing, the night sky seemed so low that it seemed as if it was very close, and the entire universe and galaxies were within reach.

Jing Yang couldn't help but daydream, what would the universe and outer space of Hunter World be like? The planet under my feet also has the sun rising and the moon setting, so it also has an earth-moon system, and is it also rotating in a galaxy similar to the solar system?

"It is simply a competition of the bravery, martial arts, and perseverance of martial artists, and does not involve the ability to read..."

Jing Yang and Xiao Di found a pavilion in the middle of the lake and sat down, and said casually, "How do we compare this, relying on consciousness, not using telekinesis, or not using energy? Or simply the Sky Master seals everyone's energy, Entering 'Absolute'?" He looked at Xiaodi. ..

Xiaodi said: "Then I will abstain."

"Jue" is a completely defenseless state. It is generally only used in a few specific situations, or to eliminate one's own aura and lurk - the prerequisite is that it has not been swept by "Yuan", and "Jetsu" is within "Yuan" "It's useless; either he enters "Absolute" in order to speed up the recovery.

It was impossible for Xiaodi to put herself and Jing Yang into such a dangerous situation at the same time for a strange martial arts competition.

"Let's see what happens tomorrow. How can we go to the art exhibition in Qianshan?"

As Jing Yang spoke, he rubbed the ring on his index finger.

Looking through the vast night, in the direction of the front mountain, there are lighted airships hovering and landing in the night sky from time to time.

"Is Suzaku here?" Xiaodi asked following his line of sight.

"No." Jing Yang said, "I don't know what's going on with him..."

At least it is certain that the position of the moon mark on Kurapika's C-shaped ring is not in the building complex in front of Sensui Mountain at this moment.

It was already night, and Jing Yang's moon-marking ability signal was very good, so there was no mistaking it.

As for why Jing Yang is not very clear about Kurapika's situation, it is of course because he rarely communicates with him through the ring recently. As for why he rarely communicates through the ring...Kurapika himself is not the type who likes to proactively contact others for support, and is probably used to dealing with situations alone. As for Jing Yang, he is used to using the ring to cook telepathic porridge with Xiaodi. Suddenly, I was a bit reluctant to chat with Kurapika privately in this way when I had nothing to do...

Anyway, with Kurapika's current strength and his own star mark, nothing will happen.

After Kurapika enters the flaming eye state, his power of thought doubles, even surpassing that of Xiaodi. This advantage is too great - it must be noted that after Kurapika enters the flaming eye state, he will become a special ability user. The ability is called "Absolute Time", and the effect of this trait ability "Absolute Time" allows Kurapika to fully utilize the six major systems of telekinesis.

It does not include the increase in thought volume.

In other words, the surge in mental energy during the flaming eye state is not Kurapika's special ability, but his racial talent.

After all, "Qi" itself is affected by a person's mental state. Extreme sadness, despair, determination, anger, excitement... can all cause the ups and downs of Qi.

So essentially, it wasn't the flaming red eyes that caused Kurapika's thoughts to surge, but the endless rage that caused him to manifest his flaming eyes, which caused his thoughts to surge.

"Let's get in touch tomorrow." Jing Yang finally said, "If he doesn't arrive tomorrow, let Yanque take him quietly up the mountain."

In another city, Kurapika looked at his dissolute employer with an expressionless expression.

"Don't worry about it, you're an artist. It's a common thing." The civilian hunter who was also employed next to him, with silver hair and a square face, said with a carefree smile, "Kurapika, I'll wait for you to take on a few more missions like this. If you get in touch with more people, you will know that this is just a very simple level at the moment..."

"Don't talk to me." Kurapika said without looking up. "It's disgusting."

The silver-haired civilian hunter with a square face choked up, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but he said nothing more.

After getting to know each other in the past few days, they also fully realized the strength of this novice folk hunter. It's really weird. Even if this boy named Kurapika started learning Nen ability just after weaning, there is no reason why he can develop such outstanding strength at such a young age, right?

You know, it took these people several years just to take the first and most basic step of opening up all the pores in the body and opening up the foundation of learning mindfulness ability!


Kurapika silently thought in his heart that he would be able to go to Xianshui Mountain to attend the art exhibition tomorrow and meet the painter who bought the flaming eye.

In the endless plain grassland, a peach tree stands quietly under the moonlight.

Countless peach petals are flying in the night wind.

On the plain grass, shadows appeared like will-o'-the-wisps...

But if you get closer, you can see that these are not shadows or will-o'-wisps at all, but the outlines of zombie-like figures. And among these densely packed figures, the faces of some of them are exactly those of the more than thirty martial artists of various schools who had climbed the mountain before...

Jing Yang was also among them. He was originally wandering around like a soulless ghost, but he suddenly woke up. When he turned around, he saw Xiao Didi, whose eyes were lifeless, in a similar state, wandering next to him like a zombie.

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