I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 450 Maggots in the Canyon

"You may not believe it, but that's what we used to be like." The building block bird said with great emotion, as if he had thought of something.

"Those fragments?"

Li Luo looked at the pile of fragments, and then looked at the building blocks under him, very surprised.

"Not really."

"Of course not, we originally had no color..."

The building block bird hovered and told Li Luo their past stories...


It didn't know what they were.

Or some kind of bacteria, or some kind of energy body.

At first, they were a race trapped in the mirror fragments.

But they didn't know they were trapped, because from their perspective, their world was very large, so large that there was no boundary.

The space they were in was wrapped in the mirror, and they could see infinitely far away through the multiple reflections of the mirror.

There were also "tribesmen" like them in those mirrors. Although they couldn't communicate and were very stupid, at least they didn't feel lonely.

They claim to be the gods who control everything in the mirror space, leading the countless "people" in the mirror, and they are omnipotent in that tiny space.

"We were very satisfied at the time, because we thought that the world was so big and everything was already very beautiful, but..."

The arrival of an alien god broke it all.

The alien god came from a cube-shaped mirror world. After coming to their world, he told them the truth of the world.

"We are just poor lives trapped, and those people are just reflections. Everything is false."

After knowing all this, they are no longer satisfied with this tiny space. They want to go out and see the real world with their own eyes.

The emotion called "curiosity" rises in their hearts. At this moment, they begin to regard "transcendence" as their goal.

Transcend this tiny space.

Transcend this false world.

Transcend this ignorant appearance.

Transcend this predetermined future.


They follow the alien gods, travel through one world after another, and spread the truth of the world to more and more compatriots.

Most of the compatriots chose to leave the false, but some compatriots, due to their form, could not move and were trapped in that tiny space.

They kept crossing until they broke through the world and rushed into reality, but the Outer God disappeared.

"It saved all the tribesmen, but its energy was exhausted..."

The Outer God could have transcended alone, but it insisted on taking a lot of compatriots with it, so it carried a heavy burden.

"We saw the real world, but the person who led us to transcend disappeared forever."

They saw that the world that trapped them was just a mountain of glass fragments. They just shuttled between different fragments, which consumed countless energy.

Now, with the sacrifice of the Outer God, they really stood in reality.

But now, they can't even move.

They rely on those fragments to exist. If they leave the fragments, they will quickly die.

Even if they have seen the reality, they are still trapped by illusions.

At this time, some companions proposed a method:

"Some companions return to the fragments and control the fragments, and the remaining part transmits information outside to tell the companions in the fragments how to manipulate, so that they can make the fragments move."

But in this way, the companions who return to the fragments can never come out again.

Without the Outer Gods, they can no longer transcend.

Such a method will sacrifice the freedom of many companions and make them return to that cramped space. This is undoubtedly a terrible torment for them who see the real world.

But they did not hesitate.

Countless companions voluntarily returned to the fragments and became "parts" controlled by others, combined into a "machine" that can move.

As companions re-entered the fragments one by one, this "machine" that condensed the efforts of an entire race took its first step in the canyon.

This is a small step for the "machine", but a big step for their race.

From this moment on, they moved towards a new future.

After continuous debugging, they studied a way to make the "machine" move faster.

Those creatures in reality also gave them great inspiration.

They used appropriate fragments of different shapes to connect with each other to form a more solid structure, simulate the physiological mechanism of real creatures, and make this "transcendent machine" more and more sensitive.

At that time, they thought that "reality" was this endless mountain of fragments.

However, the will of transcendence has been guiding them.

They drilled into the deepest canyon and climbed to the highest mountain, studying the world with their ignorant eyes.

Finally, they came to a conclusion:

"This is also false."

This endless mountain of fragments is just a corner of the world.

"Transcendence is not over yet."

They studied the timing of the appearance of fragments and found that when fragments appeared, there would be a passage to the outside world.

At that time, they did not know that this was the Sea of ​​Creation dumping "garbage", but they knew that this was an opportunity to escape.

Finally, when dumping garbage, they took the opportunity to climb the highest mountain, jumped into the mirror crack, and escaped from here.

"It was not until then that we saw the original appearance of the Sea of ​​Creation for the first time. It turned out that the earth was smooth, the sky was colorful, and everything was complete. What we thought was the top of the world was only the bottom of the real world."

They saw the birds flying in the sky and the free glass creatures in the mirror. The boundless Sea of ​​Creation seemed extremely vivid to them.

"Can we fly into the sky too?"

"Does flying into the sky mean true transcendence?"

They imitated those birds and clumsily flapped their newly formed wings.

The parts composed of compatriots made a "creaking" sound, and the wind of freedom slowly lifted up the race trapped in tiny fragments.

They wore shackles, but their eyes were fixed on the sky. Countless tiny fragments turned into feathers at this time, shining brightly under the sunlight.

The detached giant bird soared into the sky and fell to the ground again.

The giant bird picked up the scattered parts on the ground again, put them on its body, and flapped its wings again.


Someone shouted.

They are parts, and also building blocks of transcendence.

They are prisoners trapped in the debris and can never leave, and they are also free souls that have already soared into the sky.

They are maggots struggling to crawl in the garbage dump, and they are also fledglings flapping their wings desperately in an attempt to escape from the earth...


Their voices were transmitted from the surface to the fragments, and finally resonated throughout the body.

The tiny tremors gathered together, and the yearning for transcendence tore through the air along the sound waves.

This time, gravity could no longer stop the free soul...

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