I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 449 The Story-Telling Tree

"You understand very well, enough to join us."

The dog seemed to have found a confidant, and kept patting the trunk of the tree with his paws.

But as he patted, he became depressed again.

"But how can we take you away?"

The dog looked at the heavy tree and became worried. He looked at Mo Ling for help, but Mo Ling had no way.

He could let the rabbit and the dog hold the legs of the glass sculpture, but he was really powerless against the tree.

Mo Ling had no way to control the movement of the glass sculpture, and could only let the glass sculpture move simply through the elves.

And wanting to move the tree was obviously beyond the movement limit of the glass sculpture.

The elves on the other side could not see the content of this simulated world at all, and could not help him.

Seeing that the Lord Outer God had no way, the dog became more discouraged and had to pat the tree comfortingly.

"I promise you, I will find a way to take you out, and I will not let you stay here alone." The dog solemnly promised the tree.

But the tree was still motionless and did not respond.

"Let's go, Lord Outer God, and continue to transcend, for you and me, and for those companions who can no longer move forward."

The dog's tone was firm, and it stretched out its paws, as if pressing a handprint, and pressed hard on the trunk of the tree.

"Believe me...comrade, I will carry out the will of transcendence."

It looked at the tree reluctantly, slowly jumped back to Mo Ling's feet, and hugged Mo Ling's ankles.

"Alas." Mo Ling sighed helplessly in his heart.

"Keep going." He said to the elf.

Following Mo Ling's instructions, the glass sculpture approached the mirror again and was about to go to the next space.

However, at this moment, Mo Ling heard the tree tell another story.

"There is a big tree, which has been in a strange ball since it became conscious."

"It is very lonely. It is the only one in this ball. It occupies the whole world, but has no companions and no one to communicate with."

"It can only tell itself stories every day. These stories come from its knowledge that comes from nowhere."

"However, knowledge is limited, and stories are also limited. In an unchanging world, it can only repeat the stories it has told before, again and again."

"Finally, one day, a dog, a rabbit, and an alien god came to this world. They brought new stories and invited it to be their partner."

"However, it couldn't leave."

"The big tree will not move. It wants to leave very much. It tries hard to twitch its roots, swing its leaves, and try hard to respond to the dog's patting, but it is in vain. The big tree will not move, it just won't move."

"It can only watch its companions leave apologetically, believing that one day, they will come back... and take it away."

At this point, the voice of the big tree fell silent, and Mo Ling had sunk into the mirror.

However, in the blur, Mo Ling seemed to hear the tree continue to say something.

The story of the tree seemed to be not finished yet...

But the glass sculpture had completely sunk into the mirror, and he could no longer hear the trembling sound.

The resonance was affected, and Mo Ling could only hear some intermittent words:

"The outer god sank into the mirror and left here..."

"... looked at this text and laughed."

"... It means transcendence."

What does this mean?

Mo Ling tried his best to listen to the story of the tree and wanted to hear the last few words, but he couldn't hear it clearly at all. The voice of the tree became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only the echoing noise...


"Where is this?"

After crossing the mirror again, Mo Ling found that it was not a new mirror space in front of him.

Instead, it was a canyon full of glass fragments. Fragments of various shapes were piled into small hills of different sizes. The broken lenses were shining and covered the ground. The sun shone through the gaps in the hills, making the ground sparkle.

"We came out of the cracks in the mirror, and you should have left the simulation now." The voice of the elf came slowly.

Hearing the words of the elf, Mo Ling hurriedly looked at his current state through the reflection of the fragments.

Sure enough, the glass sculpture had completely disappeared, and now there was nothing where he was.

The rabbit and the dog also disappeared without a trace, as if they had experienced a dream.

"I roughly know where we were before." The elf looked at the mirror fragments all over the mountains and said lightly.


"In these fragments... because there is no reference, my field of vision is very small. It was actually a microscopic perspective before, but now I have adjusted it."


Mo Ling looked at these lenses carefully and found that their shapes were indeed very similar to the previous space.

Cubes, cylinders, triangular pyramids... and even spheres.

Normally, glass should not be broken into this shape. The fragments here seem to have been specially processed.

"They are ground into this." The elf looked at the strange glass fragments and explained.

"This is the garbage dump of the entire Sea of ​​Creation. All the broken mirrors were transported here. They rubbed against each other and became what they are now..."

The glass on the ground was glittering. These fragments were originally part of the Sea of ​​Creation, but now they are abandoned here.

It is precisely because they were originally part of the Sea of ​​Creation that they show that special "superposition state".

They have simulated many worlds, and the energy residues of these worlds are also trapped in the mirror. Even if they become fragments, they can still connect reality and illusion.

"I see."

After listening to the elf's explanation, Mo Ling suddenly realized.

Just as Mo Ling was marveling at the wonders of the Sea of ​​Creation, the elf suddenly locked his vision to the sky far away in the canyon.

"Look over there, I found them."

Mo Ling looked over quickly.

In the distance, the building block bird was carrying Li Luo and shuttling through the fragmented canyon.

The originally huge building block bird looked very small in this canyon full of fragments. Compared with the tall fragmented hills, it was like a small black dot.

"Finally found it."

In fact, Mo Ling and the elf had been near the building block bird for a long time, but their vision was too small, resulting in the fact that they could always feel the location of the building block bird but could not see it.

When the vision returned to normal, the figure of the building block bird naturally entered the field of vision.

After discovering the building block bird flying through the canyon, the elf quickly adjusted his vision again and moved closer.

At the same time, in the sky, Li Luo was looking at the tall debris mountain with a confused look on his face.

“Where is this?”

The building block bird did not answer immediately, but slowly flapped its wings and circled in the canyon.

“This is a garbage dump, the garbage dump of the Sea of ​​Creation.”

The building block bird paused for a while and said with some nostalgia:

“It is also the place where our race was born…”

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