I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 708 Let’s be honest, can you give me a set of Black Rhino in the Armor Civil War? I will def

The moment the beams collided, the dark earth was rolled up again, and countless dormant soils were flying again. The kingdom of the dead was full of vitality, waiting for the moment of landing, which was to redefine the millennium pattern of who was on top and who was below.

But this pattern was born in an instant, but destroyed in an instant.

Stepping on the black mud that was turning over, the footsteps provided a long-lasting force at the moment of pushing the ground.

The flying figures collided with each other, completely ignoring the impact of any sword-fighting, just to suppress the opponent at this moment and conquer it.

Long before entering the battlefield, the button had been pressed to summon the main weapon. Daguba held a sharp blade, and the blade of Shura Purgatory Blade was already within reach.

But on the way that Shura Purgatory Blade must pass, the Fire Sword became its last obstacle, forcing Shura Purgatory Blade to be unable to go further, and could only be stopped here in vain, wrestling with the opponent.

"No! This is not right! Tiandao-san!" With his palm against the back of the knife, Daguba put all his strength on the Shura Purgatory Blade. No one was more interested in suppressing Tiandao than him.

"Your sword is not qualified!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" The Fire Punishment Sword deflected the blade, and Tiandao used the Cloud Sword (a sword style that uses the sword to rotate and drive other people's weapons to create an opponent's empty door for counterattack. It is a defensive counterattack type of sword style) to drive the Purgatory Blade itself.

After making a big circle, it drove the Purgatory Blade to turn to the side, forcing Daguba to expose his empty door.

Tiandao came up close, and the Fire Punishment Palm was not cancelled. It was combined with the Covering Sky Palm to hit Daguba's chest heavily, successfully hitting back.

Daguba took a few steps back uncontrollably. Tiandao would definitely not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The tip of the Fire Punishment Sword touched the ground, and the moment the sword was raised, the fiery sword energy of the Fire Punishment Qiankun Chop rushed out and flew towards Daguba, whose body was still out of control.


The crescent-shaped fiery sword energy hit Daguba's body, creating a brilliant spark.

But Shura, as the ultimate armor, its own defense should not be underestimated. Even if it took this blow in an unguarded state, it would only produce a few sparks for the Shura armor.

"Tiandao-san, it's not enough!"

Wiping off the traces of the remaining sparks on the breastplate, Daguba swept with one hand, and Shura's wind-splitting claws suddenly appeared in a sweeping posture, flashing in the air for a moment, but disappeared in an instant.

Tiandao bent his arm and blocked this critical attack with the arm armor of the Xingtian armor. But he staggered to the side a few steps uncontrollably, and narrowly avoided falling.

"The Shura Armor once told me that the Xingtian Armor upgraded in a fierce battle has a weapon that can kill him." Putting down his hand, Daguba carried the Shura Purgatory Blade on his shoulder, with a wild and arrogant attitude.

"Let me see that weapon, Tiandao-san."

The weapon that can kill Shura... the God of War Fiery Sword?

Tiandao exhaled a breath, and not to mention the impact caused by the rebellion against the world at the time of creation, just the fact that the Tianlie Sword is still in a broken state, the God of War Fiery Sword can't be taken out even if you want to.

The Tianlie Sword was broken by the world with [Heaven], [Earth], and even after the creation of the world, I have never been able to successfully restore it.

The power that the world targeted still exists, and it will not disappear because you created the world.

How can I, who can't borrow these three powers, let the God of War Fiery Sword come?

Or is it okay for me now?

This time, I don't have the power of the Nine-Tails, nor the power of Oma Zi-O.

"The power you have shown now is not enough to witness that sword." Lifting the sword of fire, Tiandao said word by word: "Only by pushing me to the limit can you have a glimpse of the truth."

"Oh?" Daguba was stunned. Such crazy words seemed not to come from Tiandao's mouth, but it must be said that such words made his blood boil.

"Then I can't let Tiandao down no matter what!"

Putting the Shura Purgatory Blade into the ground in front of him, Daguba lowered his body and frantically extracted the power in his body. The black and purple light emanating from his body wrapped the entire Shura armor.

Strictly speaking, Daguba is not the most evil existence and cannot meet the requirement of the strongest evil spirit.

But he is pure enough, a pure battle maniac who is eager to fight and hopes to find an opponent.

This purity, on the contrary, gives him the qualifications and strength to control the Shura armor.


Just like in the neon anime, Daguba clenched his fists and gathered them at both sides, and roared. Under the extreme crazy fighting spirit, his willpower began to rise infinitely.

Increase, surge, and explode... until it exceeds the limit, and then exceeds the limit of the limit, allowing the fighting spirit to condense into a solid body, condensing strange patterns and unique runes on the body of Shura's armor.

The high spirits of extreme fighting brought a hint of impossible changes to Shura.

Grabbing the Shura Purgatory Blade in front of him, Daguba twisted the grip and stretched the entire handle, turning it from a knife into a long-handled weapon.

[Shura Purgatory Halberd]

Turning the knife into a halberd, the fighting spirit condensed into a solid body, Daguba roared, fighting madly and fiercely to the limit, and the Shura Purgatory Halberd dragged a narrow arc on the ground, but in a moment it was forced in front of Tiandao.

Raise your hand, hold the halberd, and chop down.


The Fire Punishment Sword flew out of his hand, and his trembling hands were forced to be behind his back. Tiandao was chopped off by a blow and flew away, his body spinning in the air and falling far away.

The scattered energy turned into tentacles, entangled the Fire Punishment Sword still flying in the air, and pulled it back abruptly, and was held by Tiandao again.

Grasping the halberd with both hands, he drove his body in the rotation. The domineering long halberd was a weapon that was enough to set off any killing, and it was in the hands of a madman born for war. It played 200% of its effectiveness.

With one hand in front and the other hand behind, the Shura Purgatory Blade hit upward from bottom to top, and a crescent-shaped scarlet light flew out, turning from the earth into an upward silk thread, stretching all the way, and approaching Tiandao.

Turning the body of the Fire Punishment Sword, Tiandao charged the Fire Punishment Sword with the Fire Light Sword Technique in the Heaven and Earth Wuji Must Kill Technique, making the whole sword emit a brilliant red light.

Swinging his hand across, the scattered flames turned into a ray of sharp light, falling from the sky and colliding with Shura's attack.

The world was black and white for a moment, and the world of the dead was destroyed again, and everything was reduced to nothingness in the explosion that was so strong that it was silent.

The madly spreading energy stopped expanding due to the pressure from the outside world, and was instead forced to shrink back by some force until all the explosive power was absorbed by the Fire Punishment Palm and Shura Purgatory Halberd, and then launched an attack again.

"Shura Continuous Slash!"

Using the Shura Hundred Practice Strike, a fast palm method, on the Shura Purgatory Halberd, Daguba quickly swung the weapon, and the purple sharp light brought a handful of extremely fast knife light between the flashes, but all of them were condensed in front of him, waiting for the final knife to explode, so as to burst out completely.

The power stored in the Fire Punishment Palm was infused into the Fire Punishment Sword. Without the Tianlie Sword, Tiandao, who could not launch the ultimate move of the God of War Xingtian, could only choose to use this enhanced attack method to resist Shura's attack.

That is...

"Hah! Go!"

"Now! Fire punishment... Heaven and Earth Splitting!!"

The absorbed energy was released again, and it surged out with the power of one strike at the moment of a hundred strikes, and it blasted away completely, containing the absolute fighting spirit of a hundred consecutive strikes.

The sword light absorbed and transformed, only at this moment, with a helpless choice, turned into a soaring bird, and pounced on the candlelight.


Another explosion, another blast, the force field of the explosion swallowed up the figures of Tiandao and Daguba together, and destroyed everything in the range in the chain explosion.


The figure that flew backwards rolled on the ground one after another, and the armor of the God of War Xingtian was stained with black mud, becoming a little dirty, but it could not hide the sparks that were still escaping from the armor itself.

Lying on the ground, Tiandao looked at the Fire Punishment Sword that had also fallen not far away, gritted his teeth and tried to stand up again, but in the end he could only half-kneel on the ground, breathing hard.

"Using such a trick to fight against my Hundred Practice Strike, Tiandao-san, are you so confident in yourself?" Shura Armor tore through the smoke and dust with one hand, and the scarlet goggles reflected the slightly liberated eyes of Zhan Kuang.

"It's really worthy of being... Shura Armor." Tiandao exhaled, raised his hand, and summoned the Fire Punishment Sword back in his hand.

The next moment, a copybook with the pattern of [Fire] engraved on it appeared in front of Tiandao.

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