I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 707: The Heart of the Divine Mountain, Tian Dao, go and kill Shura Armor! (Tian Dao? Me?)

Chapter 707: The Heart of the Divine Mountain: Tiandao, go and kill Shura Armor! (Tiandao: Ah? Me?)

Tiandao turned around in shock and looked at Daguba with an extremely incredible look.

What did he just hear?

Shura Armor? Fusion?

With Daguba?

But no matter how unbelievable Tiandao was, the facts that had already happened would not change because of his astonishment.

The Shura Summoner was worn on the driver on the wrist. The moment the combination was completed, the dark purple cold light suddenly bloomed and turned into a surging thunder in an instant.

The extremely terrifying evil spirit dissipated from Daguba's body, turning into a storm that rose from the ground, sweeping up everything in the dark earth, rolling up countless dead things that were condensed underground, and surging endlessly between heaven and earth.

The power of Shura Armor depends purely on the quality of the user, either extremely evil or extremely righteous. A half-baked person will never be able to bring out the effectiveness of Shura Armor.

Whether Shura Armor, which only takes the extreme of the two points, will become an evil demon king who destroys the world or an armored warrior who brings infinite justice, depends entirely on the user.

But this time, the evil spirit that rises to the sky, the demonic atmosphere that carries a terrifying wave in the extreme violence, have shown Tiandao what this Shura Armor represents.

[Shura Armor, Combination]

The mechanical voice broadcast sounded in an instant, and Daguba, who still turned his back to Tiandao, completed the transformation at this moment, leaving only the back of Shura for Tiandao to see.

"Dagub! You!!" Tiandao stretched out his hand and pointed at Daguba's back, horrified.

"Sure enough, if I show this kind of power, I should be in Tiandao-san's eyes." Although it was a question, Daguba turned slowly and showed the front of the Shura Armor to Tiandao.

The Shura Armor that I had seen on the top of the sacred mountain now appeared in the real world at this moment, and appeared in front of me again.

"Shura Armor, you should have returned to the Mingjie!"

Tiandao clearly remembered what the Shura Armor was used for by the Shenshan Heart. The Shura Armor, which was worn on Oma Zi-O as a limiter and then detonated, should have returned to the Mingjie at that moment.

But now... not only did it appear again, it even chose a master.

The most unacceptable master for Tiandao.

Facing Tiandao's questioning, the Shura Armor did not show the intelligence it had when it was on the top of the sacred mountain, or it was too lazy to pay attention to Tiandao. Only the silent Shura Armor provided Daguba with fighting power wholeheartedly.

"You are the God of War, and I am Shura." Pointing at Tiandao and then at himself, Daguba grinned, smiling happier than anyone else.

"We are born to be a pair!"

Saying this, Daguba opened Shura's phone, pressed a button, and then closed the phone cover.

[Wind→Wind→Wind→Confirm Button]

[Shura Wind Claw]

Shura's weapon was directly swiped out. It was a claw equipped on the wrist guard, with only two barbed claws extending on both sides, existing on both sides of the palm.

While not affecting the flexibility of the hand, it also provides the possibility of claw strikes.

And Tiandao was not to be outdone. In terms of the strength of the weapon, Xingtian Armor was really not afraid of anyone.

[Fire Punishment Palm]

The golden arm guard appeared in the palm, and the instantly activated Fire Punishment Palm brought additional attack power to Tiandao.

"Hmph!" Shura Wind Claw fell suddenly, and the looming purple shadow flashed in the air, and then turned into nothingness.

But Tiandao knew that it was not turning into nothingness, but hiding in space, and would suddenly appear from a position you could not imagine, and then give you a hard blow.

When he was on the top of the sacred mountain, Tiandao had practiced with Shura before, and of course he had a very clear perception of Shura's methods.

"Fire Punishment Wind and Cloud Palm!" He waved one hand in front of him, and a sudden blow broke the flow of air. The looming palm print also flashed in the air, but in a flash, it burst into a strong flame.


Obviously, the palm print and the claw light collided with each other in the dark, both perished, and returned to nothingness together.

"Very good! That's right!" Daguba was not surprised but happy, as if he had confirmed something through this blow just now, and he became crazy and took a step and rushed towards Tiandao.

Tiandao was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and also rushed towards Daguba with both hands.

The straight punch was blocked by the bent elbow. Tiandao pressed down his elbow, pushed down Daguba's fist and took a step further. The free palm hit Daguba's chest fiercely.

But this time, Daguba, who was protected by Shura's armor, was not repelled at all. Instead, he grabbed Tiandao's wrist and twisted it as if nothing had happened.

Tiandao moved his body along the direction of Daguba's force. Although he avoided having his wrist cut, he also gave up the initiative.

The offensive and defensive situation changed. Daguba swept the wind-chopping claws and drew a burst of sparks on Xingtian's chest.

Just taking a step back, Tiandao did not retreat but advanced again. He stepped forward and hugged Daguba's body. His hand, which had used all his strength, was obviously suppressed by Tiandao before he could retract it, forcing Daguba to be unable to use it at all.


Holding Daguba and falling to the ground together, Tiandao controlled Daguba and took advantage of the situation to hit Shura's mask with his fists.

But after a few hits, Daguba used his legs to wrap around Tiandao's neck and forcibly pulled him away from his body.

In terms of flexibility, Daguba is extremely outstanding.

The two sides moved apart again, both got up from the ground, and looked at each other at the same time.

[Thunder → Thunder → Dark → Confirm Key]

"Ashura Magic Dagger!"

"Lightning Strike!"

A silver-purple dagger was held in Shura's hand, forming a coordinated weapon with one hand splitting wind claw and one hand dagger.

On the Tiandao side, one hand was lightning strike and the other hand was fire punishment palm, which was tit-for-tat with Shura's dual-wielding weapon, and was not inferior.

In terms of weapon equipment, it is obvious that Xingtian is not much inferior to Shura.

The two kept half-kneeling on the ground, and no one took the initiative, but they were also on guard against each other at the same time.

In such a battle, whoever moves first will reveal his flaws!


But in the end, it was the more proactive Daguba who took the initiative.

He threw the silver-purple dagger in his hand, turned it into a hidden weapon and rushed straight to Tiandao's face. He quickly started his steps, and his cloak pulled a silver-purple phantom behind him, rushing straight to Tiandao.

With the lightning strike in front, Tiandao launched an attack. Although it was a boxing glove, it released a red beam at this moment, hitting Shura's dagger away with one blow, and then launched it one after another. The red beam turned into a rain-like storm, wrapping all the space on Shura's way forward, leaving him no room to dodge.

But Daguba didn't need to dodge, but directly waved his claws, and bounced all the incoming beams away while his body was flying and moving.

Even in the rain of bullets, Shura's awe-inspiring posture was extremely domineering, and no attack could reach his body and break through the range of the wind-splitting claws.

While maintaining the lightning strike to launch beams, Tiandao took out another chip and the fire-torture quick gun.

With the gun in hand, Tiandao pulled the trigger and added the Fire Punishment Gun to the attack, covering Daguba's body at a speed twice as fast and dense as before.

The lightning strike and the Fire Punishment Gun interweave together to form a brilliant red galaxy.

In this way, Daguba has to withstand much more pressure.

He must swing the Wind Claw at a faster speed to resist the faster and denser beams.

Tiandao only needs to pull the trigger and fire continuously, but Daguba has to consider a lot of things.

Raising his hand, Daguba summoned back the Shura dagger that fell to the side after a difficult resistance.

The moment he got the weapon, Shura, blessed by the dual weapons, swept away his increasingly stagnant steps, and walked briskly again, shortening the distance between himself and Tiandao.

Seeing that Shura was no longer under pressure, Tiandao knew that he could not expand the victory if he continued like this, so he stopped pulling the trigger and combined the fire gun and the lightning strike to form a combined weapon.

[Fire and lightning gun]

The moment the combined weapon was in hand, Tiandao slightly accumulated power and pulled the trigger again to launch a thick blue-white beam, launching the final blow to Shura.

Shura broke free from the torrential beam and turned around in an instant. The moment the cloak was raised, the power accumulated and gathered on the top of his head.

The round bead like a camera in the center of the raised golden eyebrow released a strong dark purple light, and in Shura's roar, it launched a thicker ray.

The two collided, and the world lost its color.

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