I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 627 Kuzuya Kota, you wait for me! Wait!! (Heart-wrenching)

"It is fate that you will come to this era." After Kuzuye Hongtae finished talking about the possible things, the next thing to tell is the current story.

"For you, this is your first time here, but in my eyes..." Ge Yehongtai smiled and pointed to his eyes: "I have seen it countless times."

"Tsk... That's why I hate gods like you the most." Tiandao curled his lips: "You can see the distant future at a glance, see everything in your eyes, and have no expectations for the unknown."

"Only by looking far can we let fate guide us to the best destination for you and me." Ge Ye Hongtai patted Tiandao on the shoulder: "I am not the maker of fate. In fact, even I am still Just a prisoner of fate."

"Not much nonsense, after you leave here, your name will be resounding throughout the world. You will complete the most glorious history in Roman mythology. Whether it is a god or a human, Endymion's name will be passed down through the ages. "Ge Ye Hongtai calculated the time for a while and began to lay out his plan.

"I can't tell you what you will get in this era, but no matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, please remember it."

"Missing is the power that transcends time and space. Even if you are in this distant era, it does not mean that no one is missing you."


Yes, this familiar smell, these familiar words, although the Shenshan Heart Man has not appeared in many chapters, everyone can master the Riddler's skills without a teacher, right?

"After that, hurry back to your era." Kuzuye Hongtai shook his head: "In your era, the stories unfolding now are particularly exciting."

"Without it, you won't be able to push it forward."

After saying this, Ge Yehongti immediately turned around, as if he was about to leave.

"Kaiwu!" Tiandao immediately said: "Let's not talk about my era first, the outside world..."

Tiandao is not the kind of stupid fool. He naturally knows what is most important: "How long has it been?"

Ge Yehongtai did not answer, but took out a blank dial from his back, handed it to Tiandao, and then it fell into the aperture and disappeared completely.

Looking at the unfamiliar dial in his hand, there was no power attached to the empty dial.

Tiandao now knows quite a bit about the dial. The program built into this dial will only be activated after touching someone, and will it devour the opponent's power crazily?

Thinking so, Tiandao had no intention of trying it himself.

"That place is not some kind of God Realm." Under the leadership of Diana and Jupiter, the two gods left the so-called "God Realm" and stood under the blue sky and white clouds.

Tiandao turned around and glanced behind him, staring at the slowly closing door: "The divine world is your Jupiter's territory. How could you stand aside without saying a word, like a guest."

"That is indeed not the world of gods." Jupiter stroked his beard cheerfully: "That place is called the underworld of Heim, and that god is the controller of that world."

"Or, call him the Dimension Demon God, so you can understand it better."

"Dimension Demon God?" Tiandao was stunned. He could be called a Demon God by Jupiter. The last time he was treated like this was during the Greek mythology period, when he faced the hundred-headed dragon.

"Since the trial has been completed, I will not interfere with the next thing." Jupiter waved his hand, called Diana over, grabbed their hands and clasped them together: "After thousands of calamities and hundreds of hardships, in the end, The male gods who accompany the goddess, the goddess who has been waiting for his true love for a long time, your story will add the most wonderful epic in Roman mythology.”

"Now, it's time to turn this great legend into a happy ending."

Jupiter still had that kind of character in his bones. After blinking at the two of them, he took a few steps back.

"In the name of the God King, I..."

"No need!" Pulling Diana over, Tiandao forcefully interrupted Jupiter's subsequent words: "I won't lay a finger on Diana."

"I couldn't do that kind of thing as I replaced Endymion." Tiandao rolled his eyes: "I didn't come to this era to fall in love."

"Now, I have regained my freedom in this era, right? Can I move around as I please?" He ruthlessly let go of his hand that was tied to Diana, and turned around and left with a very clear goal: "That's enough ”

"Everything I do is just to be able to move freely in this era. In this way..."

Looking into the distance, Tiandao clenched his fists unconsciously.

"If you have an account, you can settle it slowly."

Let's talk about the matter of settling accounts. After Tiandao returned to Rome, he looked at Mitsume who was knitting clothes and Kane who was carrying wood and doing infrastructure construction. He was speechless for a while.

What really silenced him was not these two people, but... the child squatting on the ground and digging his hands into the hole.

He looked at Kane and Mitsume, and then at the child, and a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

How long had he stayed in the underworld of Heim? Mitsume and Kane even have babies!

"Huh? It's Lord Endymion!"

Mitsume raised her head as if she was aware of it, and immediately saw someone standing at the gate with dull eyes.

Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, Endymion's legend on this land has never been cut off.

Rather, it became more exciting.

Putting down the work in hand, Mitsume opened the door and led Tiandao in. After guiding him to sit at the table, he prepared to pour tea.

Kane took the child's hand and walked over together, sitting next to Tiandao.

"What a great experience, Lord Endymion." Kane smiled and joked: "You are now famous."

"Hercules Endymion, right?" Tiandao rolled his eyes: "This is really a crappy name."

"Hercules is indeed one of your divine names, but... your legend makes your other name more famous."

Before Kane finished speaking, his child couldn't wait to raise his hand.

"I know!" The blond boy raised his hand and said in a proud tone: "Magic King! Endymion!"


What a crappy name Magic King is? Hercules can still say that he plagiarized Hercules next door, but what about the Magic King? Plagiarized Solomon?

"The trials you have completed are as incomprehensible to humans as magic, and your great achievements in becoming a god are like a king guiding countless people forward." Kane has been professionally trained, and this kind of unfunny thing can't make him laugh.

Unless he can't help it.

"So, the name of the Magic King is more widely known than Hercules."

Tiandao: ...

Tell me where Aleister is, and I will immediately twist Aleister's head off!

(Aleister: a famous scumbag, and others who understand know.)

"So how many years have passed, and your child has grown up so big." Unconsciously, Tiandao reached out and stroked the child's head, feeling the touch of soft golden hair on his fingertips, which really made him feel happy.

It's worthy of being Mitzme's child, and it's a child born out of nothing, the feeling is different.

"ACE. That's his name." Kane pushed his child: "Come on, call Endymion uncle."

"Don't you like to hear the story of the Magic King? And I told you that your father and the Magic King are old friends, but you always don't believe it." Kane blinked and said mischievously: "Now you believe it."

Ace ignored his father's shamelessness, but stared at Tiandao with his eyes, without any intention of moving away.

The most famous legend on this land today, the greatest hero in the mythological era.

The Magic King - Endymion.

His legendary deeds are known to everyone from the king to the children.

But seeing this legend with his own eyes, Ace didn't know what to say.

Thousands of words can't compare to...

"Come, come, it's time to eat!" Mitsume walked out of the kitchen with food in her hand, and just stepped through the door. The next second, a data portal suddenly opened and instantly enveloped her, and covered her at a very fast speed while Mitsume screamed.



The sudden change made Kane and Tiandao unable to react in time. After screaming for a moment, Mitsume disappeared and was completely teleported away.


The next moment, the door was violently destroyed, and the armored soldiers raised the beam sword and slashed at the confused Ace.

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