I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 626 Anyone can resist fate, except Oma Zi-O.

Tied to the operating table, disemboweled, and falling into a coma, Shenshan Tiandao was like fish meat on a chopping board. A group of scientists who repaired cards gathered together to remove the human parts one by one from the body. Parts of the mechanical creation are filled into the body of this being named Shenshan Tiandao.

In the dim light, change begins.

What the audience can see is only the human creations that have been taken out and thrown aside, until... when the ox of the sacred mountain Tiandao was taken out and transformed into a telescopic drainage pipe, and the scientist who repaired the card inserted it into the abdomen. After entering a nuclear power furnace, this finally ended.

After being transformed in the picture, Kamiyama Tendo did not give up on himself, but immediately devoted himself to the fight against Shuka. Facing the wind, Kamiyama Tendo transformed into Kamen Rider No. 1 and began to entangle with Shuka. life.

This is the story of another world, the story of the God of God who transforms people.

"When a person thinks he has changed his destiny and is complacent, in fact, destiny has already captured you." Ge Ye Hongtai looked at Tiandao: "You should be able to understand this."

"If the price of cutting off destiny is all borne by me..." Tiandao turned his head and looked at the white-haired great god: "Then it would be unfair to me in the parallel world."

"In this world, is there no possibility of truly breaking destiny?" Tiandao was still a little unwilling: "I..."

"Destiny cannot be broken." Geye Hongtai said with certainty: "But fate can be guided, towards the side that is beneficial to you and everyone."

"You must not be that naive. A future where everyone is happy cannot exist."

The way of heaven is silent... Even fairy tales cannot lead to a future where everyone is happy, let alone the real world?

"Kamiyama Tiandao, our meeting is destined by fate." Ge Yehongtai smiled and said: "And for me, this is not the first meeting between us."

"Maybe it does for you."


"The meeting between us is destined by fate, but what we will talk about and tell after we meet is not inevitable." Ge Yehongtai looked deeply at Tiandao: "It has its inevitable side, just There must be something that can be changed.”

"This is true of the world, and even of one's destiny."

"The world will eventually be destroyed one day, this is destined; life will eventually perish one day, this is also destiny." Ge Yehongtai stretched out his hand, and a rootless flower grew in his palm. Ups and downs, the moving beauty is blooming: "But under the inevitable fate here, the world is destined to be born, and the world is destined to perish."

“Life is destined to appear, life is destined to die.”

"Every beginning and end are already determined, but... the most important thing is always the process."

“Destined to perish, that’s why you die; destined to die, that’s why you die.”

"All we can decide, all we work for, is this."

Ge Yehongti clearly knew some of the words, but he just couldn't say them outright. Even if he told a bunch of twists and turns and his sentences were clumsy, he couldn't speak frankly and clearly.

But the principle is the same, and the key point needs to be understood by Tiandao himself.

Tiandao fell into deep thought, seeming to have some insights into what Ge Ye Hongtai said, and quietly thinking about the mystery.

But since he encountered Ge Ye Hongtai, a certain king who was sealed in the body of Tiandao was naturally unwilling to remain silent.

[Kaiwu, saying this cannot hide the fact that you are powerless. 】

The voice of the King of Demons was conveyed accurately and was captured by Kaiwu.

Jupiter and Diana were a little curious, but Kuzuye Hongta showed a genuine expression.

"King of the Demon King, you really heard it." After confirming that the King of the Demon King was indeed in Tiandao's body, Kuzuye Hongtai was even more pleased.

[No matter what you say, you can't change the fact that you are powerless]

The tone of the King of Enchantment was full of disdain.

[You will only be content with the status quo, repeating mechanical behaviors over and over again, watching everything silently, and doing nothing]

[I will never do anything like you do! He is like a puppet in the woven script, being manipulated with peace of mind for people to watch! 】

The amount of information contained in the words of the King of Demons is very huge, but Tiandao cannot understand everything. Like an outsider, he is still thinking hard about his own problems, leaving the conversation between Kuzuye Hongtai and him alone.

"Do nothing?" Ge Ye Hongtai suddenly realized, then immediately said: "How do you know we didn't do anything?"

"I know that you are also one of those who want to cut off your destiny, otherwise you would not have met the way of heaven."

"Whatever you do, I understand."

It can be seen that in the eyes of Kuzuye Hongtai, the King of Demon Time who transformed multiple worlds and was stained with countless blood and sins is a tragic lunatic.

【You...can understand me? 】

The King of Demons was silent for a moment.

[I am the devil who has kneaded several worlds in his hands and kneaded countless lives]

"Although I don't agree with it, I can understand it." Kuzu Ye Hongtai continued: "Including those lives, and even the world itself."

The King of Demonic Time:…

[Do you... know what you are saying? ]

Oma Zi-O's tone was very surprised.

"Of course I understand." Kuzuya Kota smiled: "Because randomly rubbing several worlds, randomly killing and resurrecting countless lives, this is part of fate."

"That is your fate."

"Is everything you do also due to fate?" Kuzuya Kota turned and said: "Among countless Oma Zi-O, only you do this. It seems that you are crazy forced by fate; it seems that you are working hard to save all the worlds; it seems that you are the king who bears everything in the world."

[Impossible! Are you saying that everything I do is also destined? ! ]

Oma Zi-O can't accept this fact at all. This ending has been arranged for him long ago.

"Oma Zi-O... no, it should be Tokiwa Sougo." Looking at the still stubborn Oma Zi-O, Kuzuya Kota sighed helplessly: "Anyone in this world can break the predetermined fate, but you can't."

With a light sentence, Kuzuya Kota made the final judgment on Oma Zi-O.

"Because you were born to be a king."

These seven short words were like the sharpest steel knife stabbing into Oma Zi-O's heart, cutting off all his subsequent words, and even his breathing was suppressed, making Oma Zi-O feel the suffocating pressure.

Even the cold throne was not as frightening as these few words.

He understood the meaning of these eight words, but it was precisely because he understood that he was afraid.

Tokiwa Sougo was destined to become a king, and Tokiwa Sougo was born to be a king.

Becoming a king, and even Oma Zi-O himself, were destined facts under the push of fate. How could Oma Zi-O resist fate?

Anyone in this world can defy fate, but Oma Zi-O cannot.

Because he was born to be a king.

Oma Zi-O fell silent, but Tendō came back to his senses from his contemplation.

"I roughly understand what you said." Tendō nodded: "But you still didn't say, you..."

"Do you really roughly understand, or are you just saying it for show?" Kuzuya Kota didn't fall for Tendō's trick, and immediately said: "This is very important."

Tendō: ...

"Well, I really don't understand much." Seeing that Kuzuya Kota seemed to be quite concerned about this, Tendō could only tell the truth: "But I have remembered what you said, and I will pay more attention to it in the future."

"No problem." Kuzuya Kota waved his hand, not caring.

"There will always be someone who will make you understand these."


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