I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 625 Chapter 623 The first meeting between Kuzuya Kota and Kamiyama Tendō (Tendō! Gaim!)

The location of the gate to the divine realm was unexpected, or rather, the existence of the gate to the divine realm was unexpected.

Please, this is European mythology, what is the gate to the divine realm? How can such four words with an oriental flavor appear in Europe?

I can understand that there are all kinds of mountains and temples in European mythology, but I really can't stand the sudden appearance of a gate to the divine realm.

Although he was madly complaining in his heart, Tiandao remained calm on the surface. Following the guidance of Jupiter, Tiandao crossed mountains and seas, crossed rivers, and walked towards the destined place.

The things he saw along the way were indeed very rich, but none of them were as inexplicable as the moment he saw the gate to the divine realm.

The so-called gate... The flag engraved on the double-opened door looked extremely bright, and it stood alone on the earth, which was so special that even if Tiandao looked behind the gate, he could see everything empty behind the gate.

The gate to the divine realm?

With a half-believing and half-doubting attitude, Tiandao stretched out his hand and pushed open the door, but the moment his hands touched the door, he was drowned by the dazzling light.

When his eyes regained their sight, what he could see was no longer the world of blue sky and white clouds.

"Are you here?"

Holding Tiandao's hand with five fingers clasped together, the blonde goddess smiled and said to herself, "I will take you to the end of the journey."

"Diana?" Tiandao looked at the goddess who suddenly appeared beside him and was extremely surprised: "Why would you..."

"Because this is the ultimate goal." Diana knew that Tiandao had many confusing places, so she didn't plan to be a riddler, but said openly: "The previous trials were all prepared to make you come here naturally."

"Come here?" Tiandao looked around, and there was nothing else except the desolate grassland at a glance, and he and Diana, who were stepping on this land, were in a fantasy world.

The stars in the dark night sky are extremely bright, but this is not on the planet, but in the universe.

"Yes, His Majesty the God King has entrusted everything to me, and Jupiter will be waiting for us at the end." Diana smiled and said: "Some things that cannot be said in the outside world and cannot be expressed in the outside world can also be said here."

"Diana... What do you twelve gods know?" At this point, Tiandao also realized that the twelve gods had other plans: "Becoming Endymion, is it also part of your plan?"

"Of course, the story of Endymion is still going on. In the eyes of the world, you are now about to become a god, the greatest Roman epic from a human to a god." Holding Tiandao's hand, he flew up, and the two flew towards the moon above the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they stood on the moon.

Goddess Diana let go of Tiandao's hand, and with her hands open, she painted the scenery of the universe, and soon wiped out the darkness, painting a staircase leading to the distance.

Diana took the lead and stepped up, followed by Tiandao. After walking through the long staircase, the two finally came to a square suspended round platform.

Diana led Tiandao down from the staircase, while Jupiter changed into his noble attire as the king of gods.

Holding the thunder scepter symbolizing the kingship, he stood here waiting for a long time.

"You are finally here, Endymion." The white-bearded old man said happily: "All the trials are to allow you to appear here without conflict."

"Is it true that the twelve trials are just a formality?" Tiandao understood: "So why did you bring Endymion here?"

"Someone wants to see you." Jupiter said with a smile, and then gave up his position, exposing the true owner of this place.

Bai Jie's cloak was lifted up as she walked, and under her white hair was a lively expression, far from the indifference and ruthlessness of God.

His azure eyes were filled with joy, and his tall body seemed to feel some strange power stirring just by looking at him.

"We finally meet, Shenshan Tiandao." A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in an inexplicable tone: "Since you came to the era a thousand years later, we have met once."

"In fate, driven by chance, we will eventually meet in this era."

He bowed slightly and maintained a mysterious posture: "You can call me Kuroba Kota, or my other identity."

"Kamen Rider-Gaimu."

"Kamen Rider?" Tiandao was stunned. He actually heard a word that he absolutely could not hear in this era, which really shocked him: "You..."

"You should have seen the Black God." Kuroba Kota waved his hand, and Jupiter and Diana consciously walked aside to act as spectators, and they were in the whole process of OMO: "That is the god of creation, I can never compare to him."

"I am just the master of a world, not as good as the Black God."

Tiandao: ...

Waiting for me here? You're talking such bullshit in front of me? Versailles, right?

You kid!

"Mr. Tiandao has been in this world for quite a while, right? What do you think of this world, whether it's the present you are supposed to be in, the future you have witnessed, or the past you are standing in now?" Kuzuya Kota looked normal. He certainly knew that the person standing in front of him was his predecessor.

But Tiandao didn't know!

Then he would have to take advantage of him.

"Views on the world..." Tiandao pondered for a moment before giving an answer: "It's hard for me to imagine that a world has a goddess of creation, who can change the world at will."

"In other words, if Su'er, who has the power of the goddess of creation, doesn't use it to hold a competition, wouldn't he be able to turn his life into a world modulation mode with this power?"

"It may be great for Su'er, but for other people in this world, life and death are all in Su'er's mind."

Hearing this answer, Kuzuya Kota didn't say anything, but smiled and said: "Then do you know who the goddess of creation is in this era?"

"...Mitsume ” Tiandao closed his eyes and finally gave his inner answer: “After meeting Mitsume, I knew that my previous assumption about the game guide was wrong.”

“The game guide is not a tool to carry wishes, but itself, the goddess of creation.”

Geye Kota clapped his hands: “As expected of you, you found it easily.”

Tiandao waved his hands and didn’t take it seriously: “But Mitsume, I think she is just an ordinary person, why did she become the goddess of creation?”

“That’s because Mitsume didn’t meet you before.” Geye Kota said this, and the next second, the screen suddenly opened and appeared in front of everyone.

In the picture, Kane was full of smiles, took off his horn helmet and put his head on Mitsume’s belly.

And Mitsume also had tenderness in her eyes, stroking Kane’s head while stroking her belly.


Tiandao, who witnessed all this, slowly typed a question mark.

"Before meeting you, Mitsume was just Mitsume, but after meeting you, she became the goddess of creation." Kuzuya Kota pointed at Tiandao: "Can you understand?"

"Where do you think the thing you originally had but disappeared is?"

Tiandao is not a fool, and his face was extremely ugly when he reacted.

"The immortal deduction..." Gritting his teeth, Tiandao roared in a low voice: "The deduction brought to me by the power of the goddess has become the key to the goddess' initial awakening in this era..."

"Is this also fate?"

"Yes." Kuzuya Kota nodded: "As I said at the beginning."

"Your meeting with me is due to fate."

"You will help Mitsume awaken, which is also the affirmation of fate."

"After that, what will happen to Mitsume, you should know better than me, right?"

Tiandao was silent, and the existence of the statue of the goddess of creation immediately emerged in his mind.

"If Mitsume ends up like that... then Kane!" Tiandao raised his head and looked at the warm family on the screen: "And their children!"

"No! That kind of fate! Never impose it on them..."

"Do you want to resist fate?" Kuzuya Kota spoke.

"That's not certain!" Tiandao said without thinking: "No matter who it is, no one can sit back and watch this happen!"

"What if I tell you that your resistance to fate is also part of fate?" Kuzuya Kota's words were enough to vent any anger and determination of Tiandao.

"My resistance... is also due to fate?" Tiandao looked at his hands and smiled suddenly: "What a joke... I have cut off the fate of the Showa Knights to fight endlessly, me!!"

"Then do you know what the price of cutting off the fate of the Showa Knights to fight is?" Kuzuya Kota waved his hand again, and the entire large screen split into countless small screens, presenting Shenshan Tiandao in different worlds and different time periods in front of Tiandao.

"You did cut off the fate of the Showa Knights' battle, but that doesn't mean that the fate is severed. Instead, it has found a new object to maintain it."

"That's you."

"Do you know? Your act of cutting off fate has implicated you in all parallel universes. Those fates that should have been linked to the Showa Knights were eventually passed on to you."

"...What do you mean?" Tiandao looked at Kamiyama Tiandao who was undergoing Shocker's transformation in one of the pictures, and suddenly had some bad ideas.

"I mean..." Kuzuya Kota spread his hands: "Kamen Rider No. 1 is you, Kamen Rider No. 2 is also you."

"All the Showa Riders, the sever destiny is linked to you, whether it is No. 1 or the last BLACK RX."

"Since then, it's all Kamiyama Tendō."

"Kamiyama Tendō replaced all the Showa Riders, took over the fate of Showa, and became a prisoner of battle."

Looking at the stunned Tendō, Kuzuya Kota looked over and happened to see the scene of Kamiyama Tendō who turned into black and Kadoya Shi who turned into Shadow Moon fighting each other, and he pulled the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

"You didn't cut off your destiny, but replaced them and became a prisoner captured by destiny."

"Destiny never changes."

"It will only make you pay for it all in another way."

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