I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 624: Okay, the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is here! It's also three days for me, so I&

As long as he can transform, Tiandao's fighting power can be infinitely improved.

The so-called creatures of the mythical era are a little challenging for him, but they are by no means invincible.

The gap is obvious at a glance.

Before the transformation, Tiandao was still thinking about how to face this golden snake, but after the transformation, he didn't need to think about this problem at all, and he could win no matter what.

His weak body still limited his performance.

After the transformation posture was released, Tiandao returned to his original state in the flashing light. He turned around and looked at the golden snake that had been dead for a long time, and looked at the wound that was still bleeding.

The blood from the monster soaked the land, which was enough to foresee that the plants here would grow abnormally vigorously in the future.

Tiandao was silent.

Then how should he offer this snake to Mars next?

Or just kill it?

[You guy...Is the power of Kuuga always available to you at your call and gone at your wave? 】

Sitting on the throne, Oma Zi-O was frustrated for a long time, and finally could only say this.

【It seems that it is a wrong choice to give you the power of Kuuga. 】

"Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?" Tiandao snorted coldly: "I tell you, except for the power of Kuuga, I will not accept any other gifts from you."

The bond between himself and the fifth generation is deep enough. As long as it is Kuuga, Tiandao can use it to connect with the fifth generation and then exert the true power of Kuuga.

Although the upper limit will not exceed the fifth generation, it is enough.

【Then let us wait and see. 】

After saying this, Oma Zi-O's breath gradually calmed down, and the originally restless seal also returned to calm.

Tiandao looked at the Kuuga dial on his hand without saying a word.

If he had not put almost all his willpower into the Xingtian summoner, he would never be so weak now, and even the weapon manifestation weapon can only do the most basic limit one.

【Hahaha! You are worthy of it! Endymion! Another brand new power! It still gives us too many surprises. 】

Mars' voice sounded from the dark, and he laughed heartily with a cheerful tone.

[Then, you have passed the fourth trial! ]

[I, Mars! I will promise you an invincible promise! Whenever there is a battle, you will win! ! ]

Mars' voice had just fallen, and it was followed by another arrogant and proud voice.

[Hehe! Endymion! You didn't expect it! This fifth trial is me! ]

Even if it wasn't in front of him, Tiandao could fully imagine Vesta's hands on his waist and chest, looking at him proudly.

"… Vesta, stop it." Tiandao looked helpless: "I must complete Endymion's mission as soon as possible before I can do my unfinished business."

"That's good." Vesta hummed proudly: "I am the goddess of the house. My trial is naturally related to the family."

"Well~ Let's cook!" After thinking for a long time, Vesta finally gave this answer: "It shouldn't be too much to cook a meal?"

"As the goddess of the house, I want to see your cooking skills."

Vesta's words were still wandering in his mind, but Tiandao was already covered by silence and couldn't speak for a long time.

It was not until Vesta spoke repeatedly but got no response and repeatedly questioned that Tiandao came back to his senses from the shock.

"It's worthy of you, Vesta, this is indeed something only you can think of." Tiandao shook his head helplessly: "Then, please ask the great goddess Vesta to teleport me back to the sacred mountain, so that I can cook a meal for you in person."

"Okay!" Vesta had no objection, and her cheering voice was mixed with excitement.

It is difficult for the trial from the twelve main gods to be so childish, but if it is Vesta, it is understandable.

Tian Dao himself can't cook. Compared with cooking, he is a master in cooking fried rice and instant noodles. Even Tian Dao Zongsi has to admit this.

So facing Vesta's trial, it may be the biggest crisis for Tian Dao to some extent.

After all, in Rome two thousand years ago, where is the thing called noodles?

Fortunately, Tian Dao is not a figure of this era. He came from the future and his solution was to take out the noodles he carried with him from the four-dimensional chrysanthemum he carried with him, and then cook it himself, asking the twelve main gods of Rome to eat noodles and give them some shocking luminous dishes.

In the shocking taste that can be called food poison, the twelve main gods were deeply trapped in a wonderful illusion, and the trial from Vesta naturally passed.

After that, it was the trial of the sixth Dao, that is, the trial of the God of Light-Phoebus.

Phoebus's trial was simple. He asked Tiandao to chase the sun that rose in the east and set in the west on the earth, and at the end of the sun's setting, he had to destroy the dark monster that devoured the sun.

Tiandao did as promised, starting at noon, chasing the sun's trajectory all the way west, and finally found the dark monster at the end of the earth before the sun sank into the earth.

The monster with its mouth opened completely swallowed the setting sun, and the cold night brought a biting cold wind.

Tiandao didn't know much about Roman mythology, and didn't know why such a monster appeared.

But he didn't care, just did it and it was done.

After a 12-hour battle, Tendao finally ended the opponent's life with a nuclear explosion kick that sublimated the almighty Kuuga, defeated him, and successfully released the sun from the opponent's stomach.

It took 12 hours for the sun to rise again from the east.

Then, it was the trial from the sea god Neptune.

He asked Tendao to enter the deep sea and kill the sea monster entrenched at the bottom of the deep sea.

This is actually quite difficult for Tendao, after all, Kamen Rider is really not good at water battles.

But it doesn't matter. Faced with this situation, Tendao can only choose to use the ultimate move, that is, Ultimate Kuuga.

Standing on the earth in a black and gold posture, the ultimate life form caused a worldwide horrible shock the moment it appeared.

Tendao tore the sea with the ability to control molecules, forcibly opened up a road, as if walking on the continent, stepped into the deep sea, grasped the trembling sea monster, and killed it.

…Although Kamen Rider is not good at underwater combat, when the strength reaches a certain level, it doesn't matter whether he is good at it or not.

The power displayed by Tiandao shocked the twelve gods, but the trial is still going on, and they will not be shaken by it.

After the sea god, it is the trial of Venus. The trial of Venus is also very simple, that is, let Tiandao find the most beautiful flower in the world and then offer it to Venus.

Tiandao thought hard for a long time, and didn't know what the most beautiful standard of Venus was.

However, thinking of the other side of this goddess and her reputation in the Greek period, Tiandao probably knew how to deal with it.

So he picked a flower from the roadside and handed it to Venus solemnly, saying. Is the answer.

"Venus is the most beautiful flower in the world. No flower in the world can compare to your half beauty!"

Looking at Venus's surprised smile, Tiandao knew that he did the right thing.

After that, the trial from Vulcan, the god of fire and forging, followed.

His trial was also very simple, that is, to let Tiandao forge a divine weapon.

Tiandao did as he was told, and chose the style of the weapon that he was most familiar with in his mind.

That's right, it was the flaming knife!

Although Tiandao didn't know what the purpose of the divine weapon that Vulcan wanted him to forge was, no matter what, as the god of forging, he should be able to find a way to use even something like the flaming knife, right?

This trial took the longest time, after all, it only took time to forge a divine weapon.

Then, it was the trial of the god of agriculture-Chris.

He asked Tiandao to find the seeds of the most perfect plant in the world.

Well... this trial is difficult and simple. Tiandao doesn't need to find this seed. He just handed over the seed from the evil demon with an inexplicable look, and successfully passed the trial.

If we look at it from the perspective of the future, the tree that broke through the planet is the final form of the evil demon, then the seeds of the evil demon map are indeed the most precious seeds in the world.

After completing the trial of the god of agriculture, it is the trial from the god of the underworld, Pluto.

The trial requirements of this god who controls death are also very simple, that is, let Tiandao pass through the wall of sighs, enter the Pure Land of Bliss, pick the flowers of the underworld and return to the earth.

Hearing such a trial requirement, Tiandao suddenly felt full of déjà vu.

If it weren't for the inexplicable disappearance of the immortal deduction, he would have to become a Pegasus Saint Seiya to enter the Pure Land of Bliss and have a good fight with this Hades.

However, although he couldn't do this, with his ability, it was also very simple to complete the trial of Hades.

In the final analysis, the Kuga dial is just like what Oma Zi-O said, handing it over to Tiandao is indeed a stupid move.

The trials of these main gods sound very bluffing, but in fact they are just a formality, and Tiandao also understands this.

The goal of the twelve main gods is to leave a legend of Endymion in the mythological epic, so that no matter what he does, it will not leave a void in history.

After completing Pluto's trial, except for Diana who did not need to issue a trial at all, the final trial, the trial from the God King Jupiter, was placed in front of Tiandao.

Tiandao was really unsure about what kind of trial this King of Kings, whose predecessor was the famous Greek God King Zeus, could come up with.

However, such worries did not last long. Soon, Jupiter issued the requirements for the final trial, which was to open the door to the God Realm, go to the throne of the God King, accept the coronation of the God King in front of the gods, and finally become a god.

The road to becoming a god is the final and most difficult part of the twelve trials.

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