I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 594 Now it’s Yang Nine-Tail vs. Yin Nine-Tail (What about Susano? What about me!)

The world of Extreme Fox, two thousand years ago.

"Gods don't seem to be that good." Lifting up the figure of a certain martial god in his hand, the black and purple knight looked at this so-called god, a famous regional martial god in the history of the Age of Gods. Now He was carrying her like a dead dog, with no power to resist.

"It's just a group of beings named God." His hair spread out like a rooster, and red and blue teardrop decorations were dotted under the corners of his eyes.

Her shoulders were bare, exposing large tracts of skin, and she was sitting on the big rock with one hand supporting her cheek. She was so bored that she thought it was going to be some great battle.

Who knows, that's it.

"Aren't you the ones you worked for before?" The black and blue knight turned his head, his erect fox ears standing out.

And that fox face.

Different from the red fox of Tiandao, it seems to be another type of fox.

Nine ribbons floated behind him, swaying in the wind, like a cloak and a tail, highlighting his extraordinary identity.

He is still nine ribbons now, but after gaining the power of another fox in the future, he will be promoted to the Ten-Tails and become the strongest existence.

"Stop talking, I feel so stupid when I think about how I used to be." The woman waved her hands in disgust, with a disgusted look on her face: "It would be better to see them like this now. It would be more enjoyable."

"Have you finished absorbing it? Meera."

"Neon's God of War, Susano'o, is indeed pretty strong." The nine-tailed black fox named Mera first praised him: "But compared to me, it's still not enough."

"So leave all the divinity of this god of war to me." With a grin, the nine-tailed black fox activated its absorption power, depriving Susanoo's divinity from the opponent's body and flowing it along his arm. Not a bit penetrated into his body, strengthening his strength.

"You said that after we become stronger, should we go to the future?" The girl did not go to see the end of the god, but looked into the distance and thought about other things.

"Destroy the earth again?" Meera said with a smile while absorbing it: "I don't find that kind of thing very interesting anymore."

"It's really no fun to do something that has been done once before." A steady stream of divinity entered the body. Behind Mera, where the nine tails were, a little spiritual light kept flickering, as if there was something. is gestating.

Borrow the divinity of this god of war.

But even the famous god in this area seems not qualified to let Meera give birth to a tenth tail.

The plundered divinity can only be temporarily stored in the body, waiting for subsequent digestion.

"After you're done with your work here, let's go to Rome, Mero." Throwing the god of war statue in her hand like rubbish, which seemed to have too much air in and too little air out, Mera folded her arms and said calmly: " The Roman gods are integrated with other pantheons in the area, and if they are used, they should make me stronger.”

"That place is the current host venue for the Desire Grand Prix." Mero turned around and glanced at Black Fox: "And unlike this place, the Roman God is also the organizer of the Desire Grand Prix. Do you have that confidence?"

"Ha?!" Black Fox pointed at himself, extremely surprised: "Can those things also be called gods?"

"In my eyes, there is only one true God."

Black Fox pointed at the sky: "Everything I am doing now is to gain the qualification to hunt that god."

"The master of the Heim Underworld." When talking about this existence, Mero did not dare to call him by his name. After all, compared to these gods who only wander around the earth, or even just regional gods, the Heim Underworld The master is an out-and-out master of a realm, completely different in nature from these regional mythological gods.

That is the most worthy of hunting.

Meera's god-killing power is clearly ready to be used.

"Let's wait a moment for Rome." Mera said with a smile: "If you want to get the power to split a god of that level into different individuals and create different worlds, the wisdom of the water god is indispensable."

"Nanshe?" Mello, as a former staff member of the Divine News, was positioned like Zimli and knew the myths of many gods. Even if the black fox didn't call him by his name, Mello could guess it. .

"Otherwise? Who else could the god of this place be besides this Susanoo?" Mera spread her hands and said helplessly: "Amaterasu, the highest god on the throne of heaven, does not exist at all! "

"Who knows where that goddess will go..."

Before the subsequent words were finished, both Black Fox and Mello immediately raised their heads and looked at the sky.

As they came to this era from the future, they immediately noticed the fluctuations in time and space.

"Who is coming?" Mero jumped down from the stone: "Are those guys from God's Retribution chasing you?"

"It doesn't matter if you come!" Black Fox is fearless. Absolute strength brings absolute confidence. No matter who is chasing him in the future, he will not be his opponent.

As the space shattered like a mirror, countless space fragments burst out at that moment, turning into countless fragments and falling toward the ground.

Colorful time and space channels link from the future to the past, directly manifesting in this era.

Under the gaze of Black Fox and Melo, a red and white light suddenly flew out of the tunnel, and in the air it shone with golden light at a very fast speed, like a big sun releasing strong golden light.

And Susanoo, who had already absorbed most of his divinity and was about to die, actually recovered a little bit under the shining of this golden light, gradually stabilizing his condition, and the divinity in his body also stabilized his injuries, instead of directly disintegrating and disappearing.

Noticing this scene, Black Fox looked at Melo.

"Omikami?" Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared in the sky and rode the golden dragon, Melo was not sure.

Because as far as she knew, Amaterasu Omikami was a woman, and she didn't look like she was riding a dragon.

Although the golden light looked very similar, Susanoo did adapt to this power, but...

Again, Amaterasu, it's obvious that she is a woman!

"Can't a woman disguise herself as a man?" Black Fox snorted coldly: "Before Zeus turned into Jupiter, can you determine his gender and race?"

Mello: ...

If you want to talk about other gods, I can still argue with you, but if you use Zeus as an example... I really can't refute it.

"Humph, you finally came out, Amaterasu!" Black Fox didn't care about anything. He could feel the strong fluctuation of divine power from this person, and it was indeed the power that only the [Goddess] had.

Compared with Susanoo, the war god, Amaterasu, as the highest god in the region, was believed in, prayed, and longed for by the people in this region. Of course, her divine power was full of hope, gentleness, and the power that could fulfill the wishes of believers.

This kind of divine power was being released from that person in his perception.

So even though the other person was a man, Black Fox saw his essence at a glance.

Gender can be changed, dressing can be disguised.

Voice can be imitated, and expression can be made up.

Only divine power will not lie!

"This is... the place where the original goddess was two thousand years ago." Riding the golden armored dragon and landing in this era, Tiandao really came to such an ancient era for the first time.


The golden armored dragon responded weakly. It can be seen that this journey across time and space has consumed a lot of the dragon.

"Thank you for your hard work, Zhanlong." Squatting down and touching Zhanlong's head, Tiandao continued: "You go back to Mingjie to recuperate first, then I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw nine ribbons rising from the ground, spreading at a very fast speed, and entangled Zhanlong's body, pulling it to the ground.

In the past, Zhanlong would not be so easily entangled. But crossing two thousand years of time upstream has consumed most of Zhanlong's strength. In his weakness, he had no time to react and was pulled to the ground by these nine ribbons.

Sudden attack, Tiandao released the golden armored dragon at the critical moment, and the portal appeared under the dragon, allowing it to fall back to the world of light.

Tiandao jumped into the air, flipped repeatedly in mid-air, and finally landed steadily on the ground.

Before he could get up, the approaching murderous intent had already made him shudder.

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