I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 593 591 Facing the competition for the

Back in the game master's room, Tiandao looked at the phantom drive placed on the table.

He looked at the drive that belonged to the game administrator for a long time, and even when Samus appeared in front of him, he didn't react at all.

"How long are you going to be in a daze?"

Samas thought that after standing here waiting for a long time, this guy would see her.

As a result, I didn't know what this guy was thinking. The face with the metal mask just stared at the table blankly, without ever shifting his attention.

She, Samas, was not that free. As a last resort, she could only speak first to break the atmosphere and remind Tiandao of the fact that she was standing here.

"Samas?" After Samas's confusion, Tiandao recovered from his contemplation. Looking at Samas' sudden appearance, he directly asked why Samas came.

"Get ready, go and meet the new game guide with Mr. Neelam." Samas crossed his arms and said calmly: "The new Desire Grand Prix has a new game producer, and there is a new game director." Gamemasters, and of course new game guides.”

Heavenly Way:.

If he hadn't known what happened to Milu, and what Samas said, he would have really thought that Milu had retired with Nemeru.

"What about Mi Lu? Where did she go?" Although he already knew the answer, Tiandao still wanted to ask Samas.

"That's not your business." Samas was not in the mood to explain to Tiandao. The game administrator was aloof in the eyes of the contestants, but in her eyes, Samas was just a little Karami. That's all, not worth mentioning.

After explaining what he wanted to say, Samas turned around and prepared to leave.

"Mi Lu, the game guide, must have done nothing wrong. Are you going to abandon her like this?"

Samas was arrogant, but Tian Dao would not indulge her. Instead, he spoke on his own and continued to ask: "Also, the Grand Prix also requires as many game guides as there are designated?"

Samas paused slightly.


Turning his head slightly, Samas replied: "Existences like Mi Lu are meant to have as much as they want."

After saying these words, Samas' figure completely disappeared in front of Tiandao, and even the corner of his clothes could not be seen.

So Samas didn't see that after she left, Tiandao put his hand on the metal mask and lifted one corner.

Sure enough, Samas was such a bastard, no matter how many times he saw it, he found it unbearable.

Using the phantom drive, he came to this familiar dark place and saw the statue of the goddess of creation standing in the darkness. Tiandao, who returned again, became a game administrator this time, following Nilam and Sa. Behind Mars, he came step by step.

Just like Samas said, a new game guide will be born here.

Neelam put his hands behind his back, and after hastily treating the wound on his cheek, he stood in front of the statue of the Goddess of Creation, waiting for the arrival of the game guide belonging to the New-Desire Grand Prix.

Under the gaze of the three parties, the statue of the Goddess of Creation emitted a strange light.

That is different from the light when the Creation Goddess plays a role in fulfilling wishes. In the change of blue and white streamer, it is not a human form transformed by data mimicry, but a real woman with flesh and blood and clothing constructed by the power of the Creation Goddess. The image is becoming real little by little, from virtual to physical.

Neelam had a glimpse of the true joy, Samarth was the wonder of seeing the creation of life with his own eyes, and the way of heaven.

It was watching the familiar figure gradually reveal its posture under the gestation of the Statue of Self, and gradually solidified from its feet.

As the last person standing, Tiandao took off the metal mask on his face, and with his own eyes, he witnessed the woman in the black and white dress slowly opening her closed eyes after she fully appeared. appearance.

"Zimli" saw Zimli's appearance with his own eyes, and Tiandao murmured in a low voice: "Will Milu's fate also be imposed on you?"

After saying this, Zimli, who had just opened her eyes and seemed a little dazed, suddenly changed her gaze. She didn't even answer Nilam's call to her, and her eyes were directly locked on Tiandao.

Although he was a creature created by God, he was in a state of ignorance about everything in the world, but for some reason, the moment Zimli saw Tiandao, her attention was completely attracted to him.

It's as if there is something about this person that he must care about.

After Tian Dao noticed that he and Zimli were looking at each other, he didn't say anything more, but slowly raised his hand in response to Zimli's gaze.

He raised his cloak with one hand and disappeared in front of Zimli. There was only a crisp sound of the phantom drive that had lost its owner falling to the ground.

So much so that when Neelam and Samas looked back to follow Zimli's line of sight, they could only see a belt dropped on the ground, and the game administrator completely disappeared without a trace. .

Standing between the horns of the golden-armored war dragon again, all he could see in front of him was the colorful time and space tunnel. Tiandao recalled what he had seen before when Zimli looked like when she was born, and smiled unconsciously. .

Although he experienced terrible things at that time, Tiandao was still very happy to see Zimli's birth.

Mi Lu's question, maybe no matter how much he guessed, he couldn't get the answer, but Mi Lu did give a corresponding solution.

"The original goddess?" Tian Dao murmured, looking at the time nodes emerging on the time-space tunnel, his heart suddenly surged: "Zhan Long, it seems that our goal is very clear."


Zhan Long responded immediately, directly abandoned the time-space nodes around him, and chose the timeline before the Desire Grand Prix was opened the longest time ago.

At the same time, the posture of the golden armored Zhan Long changed. In a moment, most of the gold on his body faded away. Pure white attached to his body, and the red lines dotted on it flickered very much, flashing a light that belonged only to it in the channel of time and space.

The speed beyond light was displayed on the stretched body. Zhan Long merged with time and space, completely returning himself to the dimension, turning into particles of equal time and space, and rushed towards the Desire Grand Prix the longest time ago.

The original goddess, the place where all the answers are.

[Gareth: I went there, to the original goddess land two thousand years ago]

[Decade: Why do you sound as if you really experienced all this? Gaim, you can't really.]

[Kuga: Otherwise, why do you think Tendou disintegrated Gaim when he first met?]

[Kabuto: Two thousand years ago, Gaim, you were in that era.]

[Gareth: The plants of that world appeared in my world. I thought it was another world that gave birth to golden apples.]

[Gareth: But that's not wrong. After all, if no one interferes, once the tree bears fruit, it is indeed no different from the golden fruit.]

[Wuqi: I watched the live broadcast. If the future of that world is really like that, once the tree bears fruit, it will be a fruit intertwined with the power of the planet and the power of the universe. I don't know what kind of terrible power it will have.]

[Chuangqi: That is simply an existence beyond the laws of physics.]

[Sword: If someone can eat that fruit, Gaim, will the other person become a god like you? ]

[Gaiwu: Ah, that's true. That's why I went to that world.]

[Gaiwu: But it's completely different from what I imagined.]

[Spirit Rider: Can you win, senior?]

[Agito: You will win]

[Sizi: You will win]

[W: You will win]

[Moon Rider: You will win]

[Gaiwu: You will definitely win!]

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