I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 580: The Fruit of the Sacred Tree Aliens from the Universe Feed on the Power of Planets

Chapter 580: Divine Tree Fruit Aliens from the Universe, Feeding on Planetary Power (___)


The dragon roar could not be heard far under the lush leaves. On the contrary, such roars caused changes in the whole world.

The originally calm leaves began to tremble, and various different existences appeared on the branches that were originally empty.

And without exception, they were not flesh and blood.

In Tiandao's perception, he could feel a distorted vitality appearing densely, and occupying the range he could perceive at a very fast speed.

That symbolized that the world was no longer peaceful, and also represented that the truly terrible things in the future would be presented to Tiandao.

The most urgent task was to get out of this place!

With this thought, Tiandao calmed down and no longer borrowed the power of the Golden Armored War Dragon to fight, but transmitted the power of the goddess deducted by the immortal to the Golden Armored War Dragon to help its power reach a higher level.

With the blessing of the goddess' power, the golden light around the golden armored dragon was dotted with starlight, making the gold look a little dim, as if some other colors were mixed in it.

The dragon roared happily, accelerated, and knocked away an evil demon who jumped down to try to stop it. His body was up and did not retreat at all.

The increase brought by the goddess' power was indeed considerable, but for the future, Tiandao, who had never understood it, paid the price for his actions after using the goddess' power.

Sensing the goddess' power, the evil demons who had only come out to scream and had not made any moves became violent, running wildly on the tree trunks, and roaring furiously at the dragon.

These were the residents of the evil demons living on the "tree".

And the real impact was the opening of the wings. With the help of the wings like green leaves, more and more flying evil demons gathered together, swarming from all directions, chasing after the dragon.

Their eyes turned red, obviously in extreme anger.

All this starts from the moment the power of the goddess emerges.

"Did the power of the goddess stimulate them?" Tiandao glanced back and looked at the increasing number of pursuers: "At this time in the future, what does the power of the goddess represent?"

Tiandao's understanding of the evil demons is limited to that they are a group of enemies created by the Desire Grand Prix to be eliminated by the contestants.

Theoretically, the evil demons belong to the Desire Grand Prix.

But the scenes in front of him seem to tell Tiandao that the Desire Grand Prix is ​​out of control.

The evil demons have escaped the control of the Desire Grand Prix and even annihilated the future in turn.

But if that's the case, why is Su Ai'er still alive? Where are those future people?

Tiandao chased Su Ai'er and came out of the same door. Where did Su Ai go?

Or is that guy... actually hiding behind the evil demons and is still the mastermind behind the scenes?

Tian Dao, who was thinking this, was called back to his thoughts by the sudden roar of the Golden Armored War Dragon. Looking forward, he just saw the defense line in front of the Golden Armored War Dragon, which was made up of countless fine leaves and branches, completely covering the sky.

It can be said that the road ahead was completely cut off.

"Can you feel the power from the planet?" Connected with the consciousness of the Golden Armored War Dragon, Tian Dao certainly felt the warning from the War Dragon.

"Sure enough... Just as I thought, it can grow so big, this tree can absorb the energy of the planet to grow!" The Golden Armored War Dragon's perception of the energy of the planet will not be wrong. After Tian Dao confirmed this, he also knew that it was time for him to take action.

"If the power of the entire planet is absorbed for growth, the power of the planet in a large area will be too dispersed, and this is my chance to break through." The Golden Armored War Dragon cannot stop, otherwise it will be caught up and drowned by the endless evil demons behind it. Tian Dao must come up with a solution in a very short time.

There is no other choice except to break the surface with a point and put all hopes on opening up a way forward!

With this thought, Tiandao immediately extracted the power of the three elements and hung the Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword in front of him again.

With the power of the [wood phase] to create something out of nothing, he constructed the existence of [stone], and then gave it the essence of [stone] with the [earth phase]. Tiandao wrapped the high-speed rotating Tianlie Sword in front of him with countless rocks, taking the sword as the core body, filling and covering it one by one, and finally turning it into a huge... drill.

The power of the [fire phase] ignited it, and the burning drill carried an extremely high temperature. Under the high-speed rotation, it brought up a spiral flame tail, which appeared around Tiandao and Zhanlong, and was thrown off by the forward posture.

Tiandao roared and released the change of the Fire and Earth Fierce Rock.

This flame drill flew forward at a very fast speed, hitting the barrier woven by leaves and branches first.


The dragon responded by spewing out a golden beam from its mouth, which hit the back of the drill head heavily, providing the power to propel it forward.

Keeping the beam bombardment, the drill head tore through the blockade of the tree, advancing all the way, opening up a path of life between the thick and dense leaves, heading outside the planet.

The universe.

For most people, the universe is a landscape that they will never see in their lifetime. They can only glimpse a part of the universe in documentaries or some movies and TV series.

But that was just watching, not being there in person.

Even for Tiandao, who had experienced many wars and traveled around in several worlds, this was the first time he really came to the universe.

After tearing apart the last obstacle, Tiandao leaped out of the opened road, and the war dragon roamed in the universe, releasing a roar to vent the fact that he was able to break away from the planet.

Tiandao nodded, and while the war dragon was circling in the universe, he also cast a look behind him.

And with this glance, he clearly saw a tree crown that grew extremely large, even breaking through the concept of [planet], and growing from the surface of the planet.

The huge tree crown emerged from the earth, making the roundness of the planet earth no longer pure.

It absorbs the power of the planet, grows with the planet as nutrients, and shows itself in the universe.

Even in the face of various harmful factors in the universe and strong ultraviolet rays from stars, it has no effect on this tree.

It is better to say that this will make it grow faster.

The tree that broke through the planet's body, the tree of life swaying in the universe, it is really hard to describe this scene if you don't see it with your own eyes.

The war dragon swayed, taking Tiandao through the universe. If you zoom out, you can see the whole tree better, and if you zoom in and pass through the treetop, you can feel its surging vitality and terrifying energy reserves.

It is still in the growth period, and even the current scale is not its limit.

This tree can grow again!

Tiandao, who learned of this fact, was shocked and curious about the origin of this tree.

Why does such a tree exist?

Is there really an Otsutsuki clan in this universe? Is this tree really planted by this group of aliens?

The body of the war dragon passed by rose again and had circled to the other side of the earth.

Although there is no such a huge treetop here, the light of the earth has long disappeared, and the side where the tree grows is always facing the sun.

And here... is constant darkness.

[Tian Dao…pretending to…ride…a red fox…]

Just after he set foot on the back of the earth, such a voice suddenly sounded in Tian Dao’s communication platform.

This means that someone is contacting him.

“Is there anyone still alive?” Tian Dao was shocked: “The earth has become like this, is there anyone still alive?”

Tian Dao cast his eyes towards the earth.

In this constant night? In this place where the power of the [Tree] is the weakest?

[Go…you…are coming!]

The vague words concealed an unstoppable urgency, and before Tian Dao could hear clearly, a terrifying pressure far beyond any existence suddenly descended.

The murderous intent that was approaching made Tian Dao’s subconscious mind issue a hasty warning.

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