I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 579 Golden Armored Dragon (x) Different Colored Sky-Breaking Seat

Chapter 579 Golden Armored War Dragon (x) Different-Colored Cracking Seat ()

After that.


The Heavenly Fierce Sword slashed at the vines that were shooting at him. The power of the fire rising from the sword wiped out the plant vines with one blow, turning them into ignited meteors and falling from the sky.

The golden-armored war dragon roared angrily, and its soaring golden body dived toward the ground from high altitude. Its outstretched claws drew deep traces on the ground and wiped out all the evil demons wandering on the ground.

The dragon's body rose into the air and soared above the sky again.

Tiandao waved the Heavenly Fierce Sword, and his red and black robes fluttered and swayed in the wind. Standing between the dragon horns, he stared at the barren land filled with yellow sand and the dim and low sky, and fell into speechlessness for a moment.

He was very sure that he was chasing Su Al, and even in the time and space tunnel, Su Al's body had been destroyed by him.

Even if Suel turned himself into countless data streams and fled in a critical moment, he could not completely escape.

Tiandao is very sure of this. Part of Suel's data was annihilated by his Heavenly Fierce Sword and was suppressed by the power of [Wood].

The power of suppression is an application of the power of [Wood], and Tiandao is naturally very good at using it.

Use this power to suppress part of Suel's data, so that even if Suel is resurrected, he will definitely be missing arms and legs.

For the sake of the integrity of his body, Tiandao believed that Su Al would definitely come to him.

But this thought, after chasing the distant Grand Prix of Desire and even Suel who was running away like crazy, gradually approached the future, the moment Tiandao drove the war dragon into the future world, it had already dissipated.

Although he came after Su Al, he had no idea that the world Su Al was in would actually look like this.

Plants that eat flesh and blood grow on the barren land, they are huge and crazy. The randomly twisted vines are like tentacles, intertwining and intertwining, stimulating people's eyes.

The huge red flower sprays pollen into the sky, completely covering the surrounding space in red mist, declaring that this area belongs to its territory.

And between heaven and earth, the huge branches growing from the ground and rising straight into the clouds are shocking.

The whole world is a carnival of plants, and living things made of flesh and blood are not worthy of living in such a world.

Even though Tiandao was in a transformed posture, he could still feel that the air was filled with a strange spore. Its posture was quite weak, floating in the air with the wind.

Heaven doesn't know what will happen if these spores come into contact with flesh and blood, but even if he keeps his clothes on, he can still feel these spores "lying" on his body, trying to penetrate into his body bit by bit.

The golden-armored war dragon soars with aura, rejecting all foreign objects, while the Heavenly Dao also raises a wave of energy, turning into a blue wave, continuously purifying its body.

One man and one dragon soared above the sky, heading towards the huge plant that connected heaven and earth.

After flying around this huge plant trunk, Tiandao didn't feel any hostility on it, as if it was just an ordinary plant.

"Golden Armored War Dragon, fly up." Tiandao raised his head and finally set his sights on the clouds that completely blocked the sun and condensed into one.

The situation on the ground is clear at a glance, but it is not yet clear what the situation inside the earth is like.

But instead of going underground, Tiandao chose to pull himself up to better see what was happening in this world.

He could no longer tell which continent this was, and he couldn't even see an ocean all the way there. It was completely different from the earth he knew.

The golden-armored war dragon swung its tail, carried Tiandao straight towards Tiandao, and got directly into the clouds.

The moment he entered the clouds, Tiandao was ready to deal with the possible enemies hidden in the clouds.

But until he flew out from inside the clouds and was completely above the clouds, the attack he imagined did not come.

On the contrary, the clouds here are still completely dark, and only the stars in the sky provide insignificant light, allowing Tiandao to clearly see the huge plant trunk in the distance that is still continuing to rise.

"Still higher up?" Tiandao raised his head again and broke through the clouds, but there was a thicker cloud layer above his head.

This is just the gap between two clouds.

Taking off again, the golden armored war dragon flew upward again, but as it got closer to the clouds, Tiandao felt in a trance that the bright stars seemed to be getting brighter and brighter, and even getting closer to him.

The eyes hidden under the fox mask narrowed slightly. There was a trace of uneasiness in Tiandao's heart, but he didn't know where this uneasiness came from.

It wasn't until...the stars that fell from the sky above began to fall overwhelmingly, that Heaven finally knew the truth.

One by one, the luminous fruits suddenly descended. The light connecting to the roots was extremely bright, but under the fruits, there was a mouth with sharp teeth.

As if they had finally sensed a living person, these stars high in the sky all fell down at this moment and opened their mouths towards the visitor.

"Golden Armored War Dragon!"


Tiandao reacted very quickly. With a command, the golden-armored war dragon instantly straightened its body, and its whole body was wrapped in turbulent golden air waves. It was as unstoppable as a missile, and it collided head-on with the falling "star". Go up.

The mouthparts tore, the teeth flew, the dragon cut through the thorns, even the stars could not stop it, even facing the falling stars, the dragon rushed into the clouds, rushed out from below again, and surpassed a higher level.

The arrogance dissipated, and the straight body softened. The golden armored dragon shouted, and the Tiandao, who was hiding under the dragon horns, stood up again.

The human from the past cast his first glance at the completely unknown new world.

And it was this first glance that reflected the cruelest truth and the most unbelievable... ending.

The falling leaves fell rustling, and in the atmosphere, from the shade of the trees that blocked the light from the universe, the dead leaves together created a beautiful world.

These falling leaves made people think that they were in a street with cherry blossoms flying, and they were fascinated by it.

The trunks that can be seen on the ground are not plants that rise from the ground, but they hang down from the branches full of shade, reaching the ground.

This is a shocking scene. Even if he just looks at it, Tiandao can fully imagine that kind of scenery.

You must know that from Tiandao's perspective, even the gaps between leaves and the distinctions between branches are far enough for him to fly Zhanlong back and forth in it.

The golden armored Zhanlong shook his head and waved his dragon horns in front of Tiandao's eyes.

Tiandao, who is in tune with Zhanlong, certainly knows what Zhanlong means.

"Fly up!" Tiandao affirmed Zhanlong's plan: "Even if I have to go to the universe, I want to see how big this tree is!"


With a warm and excited roar, Zhanlong swung his tail and took off again, heading towards the gaps between branches and heading towards the world above.

Avoiding all leaves and bypassing all branches, Tiandao will never touch any place.

But... no matter how careful he was, he still inevitably exposed himself in someone else's home field.

He spread his wings and swooped down from the back of a huge leaf. His sharp claws grabbed the body of the dragon, but missed the dragon's agility.

The dragon sensed the sneak attack and burst into speed, causing the opponent's calculated hit to miss.

The dragon spun down in the air and turned around to dive towards the attacker. Tiandao, who was standing between the dragon's horns, had gathered the power of [fire] and swung out a hot sword in an instant.

He crossed his hands in front of him to offset the sword energy, and the attacker stood steady in the air without any intention of retreating.

With just this one move, the opponent had already demonstrated his strength, so Tiandao did not dare to be careless.


The moment Zhanlong was about to touch the opponent, he suddenly turned around. Instead of hitting directly with his dragon head, he turned around again and "swung" his dragon tail at the opponent, knocking him out.

Tiandao and Zhanlong were of one mind and body, and they cooperated tacitly, accelerating again and rushing upward.

Although I don't know why the world has become like this, there is no doubt that this planet is no longer safe.

As long as you are still within the range of this planet, you must still be in the opponent's home field.

Knowing this, Tiandao must break through the gap between the trees and head outside the planet.

Only by entering the universe can you get a glimpse of the full picture of the future.

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