I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 562: Shenshan Tiandao, go and get rid of Oma Zi-O!

[I want the world to surrender to me, I want to be the king of the world]

[Money! Give me more and more money that I can't spend]

[It doesn't matter, I want all the beautiful women]

[I want to have an immortal life! ]

[I want my father who has a heart disease to recover and be free of disease and disaster]

[I need a sum of money to treat my daughter who has leukemia]

[I hope to find my destiny]

That is the [thought] accumulated in the statue of the goddess of creation, which has been condensed for thousands of years.

This power was transmitted to the mind of Tiandao from the moment of the connection of Tiandao's will energy. The [thought] accumulated for countless generations and how strong it is, the [thought] of the contestants in round after round of desire grand prix, sounded at this moment.

In these words, there is extreme darkness, the most violent desire made to satisfy one's own selfishness, and there are also ordinary wishes made for family and others.

There are also ambitious dreams made for the world.

These [thoughts] accumulated over two thousand years are actually the wishes made by the contestants in each round.

And all their wishes are deposited in the statue of the goddess of creation, where they are entrenched, making the power of the statue of the goddess of creation gradually abundant and powerful.

After a long time, this power has reached such a terrible level.

And this is completely in line with the speculation of the Heavenly Dao about the source of the power of the statue of the goddess of creation.

This is not the power of creation at all, but the power of prayer, or the power of desire.

A wish is just a beautification of desire. In essence, when a person wants to make a wish, this wish represents his desire.

The only difference is whether it is towards the good side or the bad side.

Desire is not all bad, and wishes are not all good. The two are the same, only the wishes and the desires themselves are different.

The cultivators of the mind energy are most responsive to this kind of power, so the Heavenly Dao already knows this thing when it connects to the statue of the goddess of creation with the mind energy.

So the majority of contestants who died in the first round, as he speculated, were the most important.

No matter how big or small, they would eventually flow into the statue of the goddess of creation and accumulate wishes. After the final winner was determined, the collected wishes would be used to fulfill the winner's wishes.

From the beginning, the essence of the Desire Grand Prix was to destroy the wishes of most people and then fulfill the wish of only one person.

It sounds nice to call it the power of creation, but it's not like Tiandao hasn't seen the real God of Creation. How could he not know what the God of Creation is like?

This statue of the goddess of creation is just a wishing cup that was created to collect wishes, carrying the broken wishes of countless losers, and then scooping out some of them to respond to the wish of only one person.

(PS: So the Mandarin translation and Mandarin dubbing are really interesting. The translation is called the God of Wishes, which sounds so noble, but Xin Chuanghua is different. It is directly called the God of Desire, which is straightforward and shameless.)

"This is the truth hidden in the Desire Grand Prix, the real truth hidden under the appearance of reshaping the world at will." Tiandao let go of his hand, stepped back a few steps and looked at the huge goddess statue: "Goddess of Creation..."

"You...used to be in this game, the game leads..."

"It seems that Kirori is your ultimate goal." Before Tiandao could say the following words, the voice of another person in the dark had interrupted his continuation.

The man in a suit walked over step by step, standing behind Tiandao with his hands behind his back.

"It seems I'm not too late."

"Niram." Tiandao, who had met this man once, certainly wouldn't forget him so quickly: "Did I lead you out?"

"I tried to contact Kirori, but I didn't expect the Phantom Drive to be here." Niram looked at someone who shouldn't be here: "To be honest, before I came here, I always thought I would see Kirori."

"Not you."

"That really disappoints you." Tiandao turned his back: "But for me, I think it's worth the price."

"I'm afraid that's not the case." Niram slightly pinched his head: "I'm sorry, you've seen the truth that you shouldn't have seen."

"So I have to ask you to forget all this."

"But please rest assured, you are still the favorite, I won't do anything to you."

Hearing this, Tiandao sneered and shook his head: "Do you mean that you want me to continue to participate in the Grand Prix and provide entertainment for you? A future man from the future."

The smile on Niram's face finally couldn't be maintained. He thought Tiandao just defeated Kirori and took away the Phantom Drive, but he didn't expect that he even knew this.

"This is not something you should know."

"But the fact is, I do know." Tiandao pointed his thumb behind him and said, "And this, the statue of the goddess of creation."

"Thank you for letting me see the truth of the Desire Grand Prix, and for letting me know that the future of this world can interfere with the past at will." Tiandao snorted coldly: "I don't know if you have seen a movie called The Truman Show."

Niram: "Are you trying to say that you want to be Truman?"

"No." Tiandao raised his lips: "I came to the world from outside Trumen to help him break the wall of sea and sky."

"Tiandao player." Neelam stretched out his hand: "Hand over what should belong to us."

"Before that, let me try something else first." With that said, Tiandao turned around and stared at the huge statue of the goddess of creation: "Nilam, do you remember what I said?"

"I said that I have too many wishes. I don't know how many rounds of the game I have to participate in if I want to realize them one by one." Tiandao tilted his head slightly and spoke again: "And now, I can make a wish."

Neelam's eyes widened.

Tiandao, who possesses the phantom drive, is equivalent to the game administrator at this moment, and the game administrator certainly has the right to make a wish to the statue of the Goddess of Creation!

"Wait! You can't!"

"O Goddess of Creation." The fundamental principle of Heavenly Dao ignored Neelam, but said to himself: "Tell me, where is the King of Demonic Time in this world at this moment."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole dark world suddenly shook. Neelam, who was running at full speed, was caught off guard and slipped to the ground. However, he was even more surprised by the strange movement of the statue of the Goddess of Creation.

Who is the King of Demonic Time? Can it cause such a huge reaction as the Goddess of Creation?

Tiandao didn't answer, he just stood there and waited eagerly, waiting for the answer from the goddess of creation.

And the Goddess of Creation did not disappoint Tiandao. A bright light suddenly reflected on the sphere held in her hands, and then... the appearance of a person was revealed in front of Tiandao.

It was a man standing in the darkness with his arms folded, and not far behind him stood a Neelam.

Yes, the answer that Tiandao is looking for when encountering the King of Demons and the Goddess of Creation is Tiandao himself.

He is the King of Demonic Time.

"Although I do bear his sins, I am not him." Tiandao's eyes became much colder.

It was obvious that he was responsible for the sins caused by the indiscriminate killing of innocent people by demons, but he had to bear the burden in the end. There was no way he would agree to such a thing.

Find the Demon King of Time and return his sins to him intact, and the power of Heaven will be able to return to its peak.

No matter what the world looks like by then, he will have the confidence to smash it to pieces.

However, the goddess who can reshape the world told him that the King of Demonic Time is himself?

What a joke...

"Then the second wish." When one wish failed, Tiandao spoke again.

"Shut up!" Neelam started running again, just like Parade running towards the shrimp dumplings, just short of an exciting BGM.

Ignoring Nilam, Tiandao spoke again.

"Then, the second wish!" Tiandao smiled coldly, and his tone suddenly became high-pitched: "Return to your original self!"

"Creation Goddess!!"

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