I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 561 559 Zhen Tiandao F*ck! Why is my body glowing! (Kadoya Shi, I am the head of the Kamiyam

Chapter 561 559 True-Tendo Fuck! Why is my body glowing! (Kadashi I am the head of the Kamiyama family!

The wish made in the first round, but now in this world where the wish has been fulfilled, Tiandao proposed the choice of breaking up, which makes people want to question him involuntarily, why did he work so hard in the first round of the Grand Prix.

The same is true for Tsumurri. She was confused by what Tiandao said. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. She just moved her mouth and muttered.

"Tsumurri, how are you feeling now?" Putting away the trace of guilt that flashed in his eyes, Tiandao spoke again: "You shouldn't...really fall in love with me?"

"Did you make such a wish just to get close to me and achieve your goal?" Tsumurri covered her chest. She couldn't say what she was feeling now What kind of mood.

This is too complicated, so complicated that she can't find an adjective to describe it.

"Yes, I chose to join the game in order to find out what this game is. I made such a wish because of your identity as a game guide." Tiandao nodded. Now that the live broadcast has been closed, he is fearless and speaks freely.

"I think you, as a game guide, will know a lot about this game."

"But as we get along day by day, I gradually understand that you actually know nothing, you are just a game guide." Tiandao shook his head: "You can't meet my needs like this."

"So I set my target on the game administrator, but you are still part of my plan."

Tiandao confessed "It's a part of luring the game administrator out."

"That's why you approached me." Tsumuri clenched her fists: "Then what you said before..."

"I'm sorry, I lied to you, Tsumuri." It's time to make a decision. Since you choose to speak openly at this time, you have to make everything clear.

Tiandao knew that he was sorry for Tsumuri, but he also understood that what he was going to do next would inevitably draw a line with Tsumuri.

In any case, she was the game guide of the Grand Prix, and it was obviously unbearable for the organizer to hook up with herself, who was about to overturn the table.

So some words were cruel, but he had to say them because they were cruel.

"You approached me and spent time with me, were you using me?" Tsumuri asked again.

"Yes." Tiandao nodded: "I used you."

"You said you wanted to win the competition for the misfortune of the loser, but you lied to me?" Tsumeli took out the wish card and pointed to the wish written in black and white on it.

"Yes, I am still lying to you." Tiandao nodded. There is nothing wrong with admitting this. Although he could have tricked Tsumeli into his hand if he was a bit more scumbag, he was one of the few people in the Kamiyama family with a conscience and could not do such a thing.

Tsumeli was silent.

"Tiandao..." She raised her head, tears in the corners of her eyes. The complex feeling that was about to burst out of her heart was blocked in her throat, so that Tsumeli could not even say a complete sentence.

As a future person, her eyes that would not shed tears also turned red at this moment.

"What do you have, you didn't lie to me? "

Tian Dao was silent.

How can I tell you? In fact, even the name of Tian Dao Souji that you know is a lie I told you...

From the beginning, we have been in the roulette of calculations and lies.

You may not understand anything, but I did approach you with such a desire.

"Maybe." Without a direct answer, Tian Dao turned around, took out the phantom drive and wore it on his waist: "Tsumurai, it's over between us. "

As soon as the words fell, Tiandao no longer looked back at Tsumurri, but walked towards the unconscious Kirori and unlocked the combination lock of the phantom drive with his fingerprint.

Tiandao did not know how to use the phantom drive to transform, but he already knew the true use of the phantom drive in Kirori's memory.

Therefore, the moment the phantom drive was worn on his waist, he was taken away by the purple data stream, and entered the core of the Desire Grand Prix with the positioning coordinates stored in the phantom drive and the administrator's authority.

Behind the scenes, the beginning of all changes, the gods who released light in the darkness but were also bound by chains.

Tiandao, who stepped into this dark world behind the scenes, raised his head and saw the statue of the goddess standing between the pillars, with huge wings spread out, holding a ball, and showing a compassionate look on her face.

"This is... the goddess of creation! ”

The fundamental right of the winner of the Desire Grand Prix to realize his wishes, the source of the power to reshape the world.

Everything is in this stone statue of the goddess.

Unlike the lively guy that Tiandao knows about the God of Creation-Hei Shen Douzhen, this Goddess of Creation seems to be just a stone statue.

But how can a stone statue realize the wishes of others?

With this thought, Tiandao took a step forward. Before the organizer of the Desire Grand Prix reacted, he had a very important question to verify.

The answer to that question can only be answered after seeing the Goddess of Creation.

Sitting on the ground, Tiandao closed his eyes and used all his strength to activate the remaining energy to transform into countless silk threads, which were connected to the stone statue of the Goddess of Creation bit by bit.

Then, at the moment when Yi Neng came into contact with the statue of the Goddess of Creation, the face of an extremely beautiful woman suddenly burst into the sea of ​​consciousness of Tiandao and emerged out of thin air.

In the next moment, the rapidly changing appearance of the woman flashed in Tiandao's mind very quickly.

Among them are tall girls with big golden waves; there are also gentle women in red clothes with a Song Dynasty style; there are also heroic women in armor.

There is also a smiling girl in a kimono.

A series of women's figures jumped quickly in Tiandao's mind, and then the figures switched at high speed and finally settled on a black and white girl.

Tiandao suddenly opened his eyes and spit out blood with a "wow" sound, dyeing the ground in front of him red.

"That's... the memory stored on the statue of the Goddess of Creation. Did this statue of the goddess appear two thousand years ago?" Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Tiandao raised his head and looked at the huge statue of the goddess.

"Why...what do those women have to do with you? Why did they end up focusing on Zimli?!"

"If this has anything to do with Zimli, that means those women before Zimli were all game guides for the Desire Grand Prix!"

Tiandao propped up his body.

"So my initial choice was right?" Tiandao squinted his eyes and walked forward.

What he wants to verify this time is not the identity of the Creation Goddess, but the source of this reshaping power.

Whose creation god would pop up two thousand years ago?

The Statue of the Goddess of Creation... combined with the figures of the previous women, Tiandao even had a bold idea.

He lied to me...

He has been lying to me...

Nothing that came out of his mouth was true...

Tiandao's decisive words were still echoing in her mind. After confessing everything, the outcome in exchange for sincerity was like this. Zimli didn't know how to describe herself, nor what kind of expression she should show towards Tiandao.

I have never had this kind of experience, I have never had this kind of experience, I have never had such a mood, everything that had nothing to do with Zimli before, but at this moment, it came one after another, and everything piled up. In Zimli's heart, it made her ears buzz.

Scenes from the past came to mind, but they were not Zimli's simple life, but the first time she met Tiandao on the street while holding the box in her hand.

Before meeting him, her simple life as a game guide couldn't give Zimli any help to answer her current mood. Only in the bits and pieces after meeting him, those complex but addictive things that made her addicted. Only in life can she find a sense.

A sense of what I should do.

Watching the two of them in scenes of memories, Zimli unconsciously held her hands in front of her chest and slowly closed her red eyes.

People in the future will not shed tears, nor will they express emotions other than those set by them. Even if they do, they will be expressed because they need to show such emotions, and have been set in advance.

It’s not true.

So what should I do?

Zimli... Even at this moment, you can only recall every moment between you and that liar, and then tell yourself lies. What should you do?

The hands clasped against his chest tightened.

But what should I do without finding the truth in the lies?

In the life named Zimli, before I met him, I couldn’t cope with my current mood and I didn’t know what to do.

Do you want to ask him in person? Do you want to ask him again?

Will he get an answer full of lies again, or is it his true intention?

What do you most want to do now?

Zimli asked herself.

"I want to see him..." Zimli held her hands in front of her chest and murmured in a low voice, saying word by word: "I want to see him..."

Muttering words in a low voice that only she could hear, Zimli was not talking to anyone, she was just repeating these words over and over again.

She was talking to herself, praying to herself.

With her eyes closed tightly, she didn't see the light that she wished to herself, and she... fulfilled her wish.

"I want to see the Chief of Tiandao!"

[Kaito: Huh? Why did I hear someone calling me. 】

[Koraga:? Didn't you watch the live broadcast? 】

[Chuangqi: Big scene! It’s really a big scene! 】

[Kaiwu: Being able to see such a scene is worth the price of admission even if you die! 】

[Kaito:? 】

[Kaiwu: There is a goddess who has countless wishes gathered in her body. She prays to herself, hoping that she can see the Chief of Tiandao. 】

[Kaito: Although it’s a bit abstract, I know what you said. 】

[Yajituo: Indeed, as I am still watching the live broadcast, I can only say that Senior Tiandao is really a scumbag. 】

[Emperor Qi: Hey, the Shenshan family...I told you earlier, I should be the head of the Shenshan family. 】

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