I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 534 Why don’t you say thank you to Brother Di (Tian) Qi (Dao) (Brother Wuying’s face)

No matter how powerful Kamen Rider is, it is impossible for him to do actions that violate the human body. Tiandao had no doubt about this before.

This belief was not broken by Tiandao at this moment, but was seen in the distant past when Tiandao participated in the Great Knight War.

He saw Kuuga become Gram with his own eyes!

To be honest, if such a thing can be achieved, then it seems that it is not difficult to understand that Tiandao is now like Kabuda, with his hands turning into feet, feet turning into hands, head turning into buttocks, and buttocks turning into head.

If you want to say that the transformer is still a human being, how can he do such a thing, Tiandao also thought so before.

But it is also a fact that Kuuga turned into Gram, and it is also a fact that he can now flip like Kabuda.

But this is nothing. Thinking about the name of his previous transformation in the Kabuto World was really Kabuda, and thinking about the current transformation shape, Tiandao is somewhat surprised.

It is authentic, right? If you are called Kabuda, you must have the fate of Kabuda.

However, after the flip, Tiandao also made up for the weakness of the Magnum deduction that he was using now in close combat.

Because after turning upside down, the armor covering the upper body became the lower body, which made up for the weakness of the Knight Kick's insufficient power, allowing Tiandao to exert stronger power in close combat than before.

Although it is still not as good as the deduction that specializes in close combat, the Magnum is definitely much stronger than meteor hammers, crossbows, etc. even in close combat.

This is the gap between deductions, and the attribute gap between small deductions and large deductions cannot be made up.

Looking at the figure of a certain green-haired person who turned into black data and disappeared, Tiandao looked down from a high place, and the whole person leaped out in the air, and attacked again in the shape of a Knight Kick.

But this time, he not only ignited the fox fire on his left foot, but also ignited the fox fire on both feet, and the Knight Kick also changed from a single-foot kick to a double-foot kick, with twice the power of the normal one.


After kicking over a bear that had been entangled with him, the demon had time to stand up, but what followed was Tiandao's double knight kick.

Before he could react, the demon's chest bore the force of the two feet, and the surging fox fire was kicked into the demon's body by Tiandao. While kicking him up, his body was also ignited by the fox fire and fell into the pond below the cliff.

Before falling into the water, the body of the demon exploded in mid-air, and the strong shock caused ripples in the water of the pond.

The fox fire that exploded and collapsed in mid-air turned into a drizzle of flames, which scattered around the pond bit by bit.

After the leaping flames swayed on the water for a while, they slowly dissipated and sank to the bottom of the lake.

Kneeling on one knee, Tiandao maintained a heroic posture of landing. When he slowly stood up, he also heard the sound of the task receiver ringing in his ears.

[Complete the hidden task: Defeat the leader of the evil demons first when there are other evil demons]

"Hidden?" Tiandao was a little stunned. It was unexpected to have a hidden boss, and now this hidden task was somewhat unexpected.

Along with the sound of the task completion, a red box suddenly appeared in front of Tiandao.

Bending down, Tiandao opened the box, and then a large green deduction appeared in front of him.

On this deduction, there was even a green, rotatable shuriken.

"Ninja?" Anyone who sees this shuriken will definitely think of the existence of ninjas.

After all, the only hidden weapon of this shape in the world is the neon ninja.

Taking out the ninja deduction, Tiandao looked at it carefully, as if he wanted to see clearly what effect this thing had.

But before he could continue to play with it, a chain suddenly flew from the side and entangled the ninja deduction, pulling it back and taking the ninja deduction back with it.

Bat raised his hand and caught the ninja buckle. He looked at the thing in his hand with great satisfaction, full of excitement.

"This! It's mine!"

Tian Dao turned around and looked at Bat's trembling appearance.

He removed the meteor hammer buckle and threw it aside. Bat raised the ninja buckle and inserted it into the drive.


The words broadcast by the voice confirmed Tian Dao's thoughts on this buckle, and then the armor on Bat was updated.

The green breast armor mixed with white strips covered the entire chest, which was a much richer armor rate than the basic buckle.

A green machete was held in one hand, flashing a cold light.

The red eyes of Bat were also covered with silver-white patterns, and the entire lower half of his face seemed to be covered with a steel mask.

Just like a real ninja.

The huge shuriken mark on the raised shoulder guards really attracted people's attention.

"What a powerful force!"

Clenching his fists, feeling a completely different force filling his body, the bat roared: "With this power, I am truly omnipotent!"

"Tsk." Tiandao pouted: "Can you give me my reward back? I'll only say this once."

"You bastard!" Raising the green machete in his hand, the bat rushed towards Tiandao: "I've been annoyed with you for a long time!"

You are holding equipment stronger than ours and making sarcastic remarks, right? Now I have the same deduction as you, and we are now on the same starting line.

There is no reason for me to lose to you!

Looking at the green bat rushing over, Tiandao stood still, not dodging or evading, and even without any intention of defense.

"Hah!" The green machete chopped down and landed heavily on Tiandao's chest. Countless sparks burst out from the red fox armor. The extraordinary damage made Tiandao involuntarily step back several steps before he stabilized his body again.

"See! This is my current strength!" Tiandao was chopped back with a knife, and the bat's momentum became even stronger. He roared and attacked again: "You and I are standing on the same starting line, you can't be my opponent!"

The bat was so crazy that he didn't even notice the reminder of deduction.

That was the rule that contestants in the Desire Grand Prix could not attack each other. Once they took the initiative to attack, they would definitely be deducted points.

Tiandao didn't dodge or evade, because he wanted the bat to attack him.

Looking at the bat running again with his hands holding up his sword, Tiandao's mouth corners hidden under the fox mask slightly raised.

Magnum deduction is proficient in long-range combat, and it is impossible to fight ninja in close combat.

But what deduction can't do, Tiandao can do.

Suddenly raising his head, Tiandao drives the energy and infuses it into his left foot.

The fox fire that suddenly ignited changed from the original orange to dark blue. At the moment when the bat rushed over, Tiandao raised his leg and kicked sideways, hitting the bat's belt with a swift kick, kicking it out.

The combination of the ninja deduction and the driver was broken, causing the bat to be kicked back to its original form while it was still in the air.


Falling heavily to the ground, the damage caused by the blue flame far exceeded the data of the red fox itself, making it impossible for the bat to maintain the transformed posture, and was forced to cancel it, revealing the appearance of a human.

Bald Wu Ke, with a painful expression, lay on the ground, looking at the Ninja dunk not far from him. He stretched out his hand with difficulty, moved his body like a caterpillar, approached the Ninja dunk little by little, and grabbed it.

Before he could show a happy expression on his face, a foot stepped on his wrist, and the pressure exerted made him unable to help but make a painful sound.


Take the Ninja dunk from the bald man's hand, Tiandao looked at someone who was stepped on by him.

"Give this back to me as a price." Taking off the Magnum dunk from his waist, Tiandao casually threw it on the bat: "This is for you."

"Keep going with your hatred for me."

"This game still needs you."

After kicking the bald Wu Ke and turning him over several times, Tiandao, who returned to the basic posture, put away the Ninja dunk and turned away.

Magnum dunk is not suitable for him after all. It can't exert its full power in his hands, and Tiandao gave it to this villain. Of course, it was intentional.

If I don't give him the Magnum, how can he bring up his hatred for me again and attack me again?

If he is eliminated, there will be only two people left in this game, so how can we proceed?

Before entering the final stage, his role is irreplaceable.

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