I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 533 Yes, if you ask why, I am also looking for the reason.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Tiandao's previous shooting did not hit the target in order to make the evil demon afraid to pursue, so he made the opponent stay in place and make defensive movements and dare not pursue.

But this is the idea of ​​others.

For Tiandao, it is actually a commonplace problem.

He has tried very hard to aim, but for some reason, Tiandao could not hit the opponent even though the opponent stood still.

The bullets caused countless damage around the opponent, but they could not hit the body of the evil demon.

Sure enough, guns are not suitable for him.

Therefore, in order to avoid the fact that he would miss every shot from now on, Tiandao chose to throw the Magnum at this time and hit the face of the evil demon.

Don't say that although the bullet did not hit, Tiandao threw the Magnum and hit the opponent's head directly, causing the evil demon to cover his face involuntarily and stop his forward steps.

Tiandao seized this opportunity and rubbed his left foot against the heel of his right foot. Just like the sparks from the collision of two flints ignited a flame, Tiandao's left foot also ignited orange fox fire, setting the entire left foot on fire.

Then, Tiandao took a run and jumped. When he was in the air, he posed as a knight kick. Taking advantage of the fact that the evil demon was completely defenseless, he kicked the opponent's chest with all his strength.

The fox fire seemed to have found a new ignition material, spreading from Tiandao's left foot to the body of the evil demon. The dark green body was infected in an instant, and the orange fox fire covered the whole body little by little, causing the evil demon to howl miserably.

Tiandao maintained the posture of flying kick, and was stunned when he saw that only the fox fire ignited the opponent's body, and that he only kicked out sparks but did not kick to death.

When did his knight kick become so weak?

"The Red Fox's attributes are all 4, not outstanding, and the power of the Magnum you used is all in that gun." Tsumuri gave the answer just right: "The opportunity you created by throwing the Magnum out is indeed rare, but you also threw out your ultimate move."

Tiandao: Huh?

There was no time to maintain any more surprise. Even though the evil demon was ignited by the fox fire, it seemed that this stimulated its ferocity, making it hold Tiandao's left foot with both hands, turning its body while roaring, grabbing Tiandao so that he couldn't get away, and after circling several times, throwing Tiandao out.

While the man was still in the air, Tiandao forcibly twisted his body, using his willpower to shake the air to create recoil, making him look like he was lying in the air.

Stabilizing his body, Tiandao slowly landed.

The moment his feet landed, the terrifying fox fire spread around with Tiandao as the center, igniting the entire land.

The orange flames burned the entire land, the trees were lit up and became a boost to the burning, and the green grass was covered and burned in an instant.

The fox fire turned into a burning field, creating a scene of fire.


Red Fox, is there such a use?

This scene not only surprised Tsumuli, but also surprised Kiroli, who was always paying attention to this side.

"Is there such a use for ID Red Fox?"

Listening to the exclamations from the audience outside the field, Kiroli had to admit that the ratings brought by Tiandao's move were quite high, making the audience call it exciting.

This guy seemed to be born to attract the attention of others.

Because no one had ever used Red Fox before, and because the basic data of Red Fox looked too bad, Kiroli had never put this ID core into use.

But now it seems that the weakness in the data seems to be just a disguise, and the real ability, they have never known.

And in the picture, Tiandao's operation is still going on.

The Magnum fell to the ground beside him. Tiandao didn't pick it up, but lowered his body and started walking with a low roar.

The moment he stepped forward and stepped on the ground, the Magnum suddenly jumped up, and the whole gun was ignited and burning with raging fire.

Tiandao strode forward, pulled back with one hand, aimed at the Magnum pistol that soared in front of him, and hit the back of the Magnum with a heavy punch.

The terrifying power was added to the Magnum, causing the barrel originally hidden above the gun body to fall, and it suddenly turned from a pistol into a submachine gun.

The extended barrel originally strengthened the power of the Magnum, but at this moment, it became Tiandao's "sword".

The red stream of light rushed out, leaving a straight burning flame in the air. Before Tsumuri could see the situation clearly, a huge collision sound had resounded in the dense forest.

The extended Magnum hit the demon's chest straightly, and the muzzle at the front turned into the sharpest sword, piercing through the demon's chest.

The entire spear was stuck in the demon's body, and the powerful force drove the demon all the way back, and finally landed on a thick tree trunk.

The Magnum tore through the demon's chest, passed through his chest, and nailed him to the tree.

The burning fox fire disappeared, and the surging flames returned to Tiandao's body, leaving a flame pattern on his body.

These patterns were not there when he transformed before.

"Huh?" Feeling the changes engraved on the armor, Tiandao was a little surprised, but he didn't care.

Ding Dong!

Taking out the task publisher, Tiandao looked at the words "Task Completed (1/2)" displayed on it and sneered disdainfully.

"Next, I will be unrestricted, Tsumurri."

"Ah?" Tsumurri, who was stunned by Tiandao's use of the Magnum, didn't even react to Tiandao's question for a while, and was a little confused.

Isn't it... Isn't the Magnum a gun? All the power is in that gun!

Wasn't it normal for you to shoot with the Magnum before? Why did it become so strange later!

"In that case, wait a moment." Tiandao snapped his fingers, letting Tsumurri's astonishment dissipate, and then smiled and spoke.

"I will end this battle in an instant."

As soon as the words fell, Tiandao immediately activated the shape-shifting shadow, and a red fox pulled out a long tail and shuttled through the dense forest.

The fox's tail swung so briskly that Tsumurri, who was chasing after the other's figure, could not even see the tail of Tiandao.

"Tsumurri." Kirori's voice came to Tsumurri's ears.

"Yes, Mr. Game Administrator."

"It seems that the favorite of this Desire Grand Prix has undoubtedly appeared." Kiroli, who was sitting behind the scenes and managing the overall situation, spoke: "This mission should not fail again."

"But." Tsumeli bit her lip, with a trace of discomfort on her face: "But that wish. In this way, wouldn't I..."

"Don't worry." Kiroli comforted: "Even if you become his girlfriend, you are still the administrator of the Desire Grand Prix, and there will be no change in this."

"Thank you for your care." Tsumeli bowed slightly: "But I still..."

"You should know that if he becomes the God of Desire, his wish will come true no matter what." Kiroli interrupted Tsumeli's follow-up: "This is inevitable."


The red fox running in the forest arrived at the battlefield here at the fastest speed, and then what came into his eyes was a bat holding a meteor hammer, a bear holding a chainsaw, and a goose holding a crossbow.

"Except for me, there should be five people who continue to participate in the game." After arriving at the scene, Tiandao looked at the remaining three people, and after looking around, he found the drivers scattered in different places and the corresponding deductions.

So what happened to the two people who disappeared, naturally needless to say.

"What?!" After being repelled from the battle circle, the bat looked at the suddenly appeared red fox and was immediately shocked: "Did you already!"

"Of course." Tiandao crossed his arms and looked down at the bat: "Don't confuse me with you."

"Damn it!" Being repelled by this evil demon with a flower on his head, Da'e also saw where Tiandao was.

Although he was surprised to see the appearance of this red fox, he was more astonished at the opponent's strength.

But then, Da'e saw the deduction that Tiandao wore on his waist, which was a circle larger than theirs, and immediately knew why.

After figuring this out, Da'e aimed the crossbow in his hand at Tiandao without saying a word.

"Hand over your deductions!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't you know that contestants in the game, Kamen Riders and Kamen Riders, cannot attack each other?" Tiandao had no pressure at all: "Besides, if I see it right, you can't be sure that you can win now, right?"

As he said, Tiandao pointed to the back of the goose: "If you don't work together, you will lose."

"You guy!" The goose looked at the red fox angrily, looking at this red fox, with a face full of indignation: "Why can you get such a good thing?!"

"Yeah." Tiandao squatted down and had plenty of time to say sarcastic words here: "If you want to ask why, I'm also looking for the reason."

"You!" Before the goose could roar angrily, a figure flew out from his side and landed beside him.

Bat's chest was hit by his own weapon, the meteor hammer, and the whole person lay on the ground groaning.

The goose's heart skipped a beat. He had just turned around and before he could do anything more, the evil demon had already approached him. The red claws raised fell heavily without saying a word, scratching countless sparks on the penguin's chest.

This powerful and powerful attack instantly cleared the goose's life value, leaving only the green crossbow flying high, which fell into Tiandao's hands after drawing a curve in the air.

Catching the green crossbow, Tiandao put it in front of his eyes and played with it carefully, without paying any attention to the guy lying on the ground.

The goose's transformation was lifted, and the green hair was scattered among the water stains. The hand he stretched out had countless words to say.

But the resentful eyes stared at Tiandao.

Throwing the crossbow aside, Tiandao reached out and brushed the buckle on his waist.


At the moment of flipping the driver, Tiandao's figure floated into the air, his figure turned into a large character, and turned upside down in a similar way to Kabuda activating the super transformation form.

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