I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 487: The Heart of the Divine Mountain, you are a Shura Armor born with evil (Shura is talkin

Chapter 487: The Heart of the Divine Mountain, you are a Shura Armor born with evil... (Shura's nonsense [guilty])

Although the physical disputes in the material world are fierce, they are a struggle that is open to everyone, and everyone can have a clear recognition of the victory or defeat.

But the confrontation at the level of consciousness is a battle between the invader and the defender, which is not paid attention to by anyone, and cannot be intervened by anyone.

The new life form swimming in the sea of ​​consciousness of the Heavenly Dao is already heading towards the spiritual depths of the Heavenly Dao.

Just like falling into several layers of dreams in Inception, the snake demon used a moth to bore through the treasure gourd of Qiwa, the new life form that is moving steadily forward finally entered the vast sea of ​​consciousness of the Heavenly Dao after crossing a layer of sticky film.

The new life form has no feet, and it still maintains a ball. The first thing it feels after entering this world is that it is big.

It could not measure the limit of the sky above, nor could it see the ups and downs of the ground below. It was just floating between heaven and earth, looking blankly at the ups and downs of the white clouds around it.

It could feel that it was shuttling through the clouds at a very fast speed, as if it was heading somewhere.

That should be the center of the sea of ​​consciousness called Shenshan Tiandao, the core of Shenshan Tiandao.

As long as it reached there, it could see the true inner appearance of this person.

It had no intention of occupying Tiandao's body. Its goal was to find "Tiandao" and play with it, nothing more.

In the fast-moving clouds, the eyes of the new life form suddenly lit up, and it keenly perceived the place that could be called the earth from the empty sky and earth.

It was a continuous peak, a mountain range rising from the earth, jointly guarding a mountain that went straight into the clouds, as if it was going to pierce the sky, and worshipped it as the king.

The eyes of the new life form suddenly became clear, and the closer perspective allowed it to clearly see the appearance of the top of the mountain.

In human terms. This place is in ruins, with towering stone pillars falling to the side at random, and cracked bricks and stones telling the power of time in silence.

Perhaps this place was once glorious, and perhaps it was once crowded with people, but now, under the power of time, there is only silence.

Why is the sea of ​​consciousness of Shenshan Tiandao like this? Why is his heart so broken?

No one can tell it the answer, until its faint green light ball lands on the top of this mountain, it can see it more clearly.

At the same time, it also saw two beings standing here.

"Is it born young, but evil by nature?" Shura took a step forward. He was communicating with Shenshan Xinzhe before returning to Mingjie. He didn't know that a drifting consciousness would come in.

Such an interesting thing should not be taken a good look? There is no such fun thing in that broken place in Mingjie.

But the moment he saw the new life form, Shura had already recognized its identity and felt quite bored.

"When a person is born, his nature is good or evil. It is just a matter of one thought. Life is chaotic at the beginning. Whether it is good or evil requires nurturing and teaching."

"But some lives are indeed born evil."

Shura raised his hand and showed his claws: "Little devil who is born evil, dare to break in here, I will let you see the power of Shura's armor!"

[There are so many people in the body of the big brother! So interesting! ]

However, in the face of Shura's murderous words, the new life form clapped its hands instead, looking extremely happy.

[Take me with you? Okay? I want to join in too! ]

The hand of the Shenshanxinzhe stroking his beard suddenly stopped.

"The soul of a life form created by humans is full of traces of adjustments made by others..." Shenshan Xinzhe shook his head: "All the values ​​are adjusted to perfection."

"Are you trying to create a perfect life?" Shenshan Xinzhe saw it at a glance: "Unfortunately, perfection does not exist in this world."

"Perfection can only be infinitely approached, but it is impossible to achieve it."

[Let's play together! ]

The innocent and straightforward words were full of fun, and the new life form swooped down and came towards Shura and Shenshan Xinzhe.

"End its life, Shura." Shenshan Xinzhe turned his back: "Such a life that was adjusted by others, its soul is full of traces of stitching, and it is broken."

"Let it be free."

"Understood!" A ray of light flashed across Shura's scarlet goggles, and the eagerness to fight suddenly turned into a lofty fighting spirit.

"I will personally end it now!"


The yellow sand came and went quickly, and Tiandao's body was lost for only a moment, and soon recovered.

He didn't say much, and didn't even think about sinking his consciousness into his body.

Are you kidding? Do you really think that I'm completely defenseless against you by opening the door wide?

That's because it's meaningless for me to defend myself. If you want to enter my sea of ​​consciousness, I'll let you in.

Do you really think that my sea of ​​consciousness is empty and defenseless?

Shura and Shenshan Xinzhe, you'll have enough trouble.

"What's wrong?"

Minglong looked at Tiandao with concern, ready to run away at any time, stretching out his hand and resting it on Tiandao's shoulder.

If this guy really goes crazy, then...

"It's okay, I'm fine." Tiandao waved his hand and lifted the transformation in front of Minglong, turning from Xingtian into Tiandao again.

"Are you okay?" Narutaki was stunned: "But that new life form just now, it's not..."

"If you want to compete with me in terms of fighting power of will, I have never lost to anyone." Tiandao knocked on his head and said loudly: "That guy is just asking for death."

"You guy..." Narutaki shook his head and smiled silently: "It has to be you."

"Hey! Heavenly Way!"

Over there, the knights finally recovered some strength and walked towards Tiandao.

There was not only Onodera who was waving his hands and jumping up, but also Saya who was walking over with Mitsumi Natsumi.

Of course, there was also the stinking-faced Kadoyaji, walking side by side with Kaito Daiki.

W was the last one to come over. He had already dealt with the giant metal elephant and still had some energy left. Obviously, he had not wasted much effort.

After all, the technology used by Overhaul Card comes from his world. Now that W is here, it is naturally not a problem to solve Overhaul Card.

"Everyone, are you okay?" Tiandao looked around, and the seniors from Showa all had expressions of approval on their faces, feeling very pleased.

The Heisei warriors, on the other hand, were teasing each other and looking relaxed.

After the battle, everyone gathered again. Everyone who saw W appeared had seen the future of Kamen Rider, and no longer had any worries about Kamen Rider.

"This time, it's finally over."

Onodera stretched himself, with happiness written all over his face: "Everyone's battle, this infinite knight war, has finally come to an end."

"You have shown the courage and determination to move into a new era." Hongo looked at these juniors fiercely. To him, everyone present was a junior.

"The stories of the next generation will be carried by the knights of the next generation." Hongo stretched out his hand, facing W, and said seriously: "And those old antiques from our era will naturally be with us. , buried in the old days.”

"So take your stride, Kamen Rider-W."

"Face the challenges that belong to you, and the past will not have any constraints on you."

After this battle, the future of the Kamen Riders has been determined, and what Hongo Taken knows more clearly is that warriors belonging to the old era should end with the old era.

The world is always moving forward, new knights will be born, and new darkness will breed.

And that kind of battle is not their stage.

It's not their time either.

"Seeing W is really better than anything else." Daiki Kaito's eyes flashed: "If the future of Kamen Rider ends here, wouldn't it be too boring?"

Staring at W's drive and memory, Haidong Dashu was really ready to make a move.

"Want to have a party together?" Kadashi suggested, "All of us, together."

"I think there is no time more appropriate than today."

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