I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 486: Shura, the Heart of the Divine Mountain? A monster actually came to the door?

The broken memory fragments fell, turning into debris that did not need attention.

Even if it contains the technology of the new era and contains unpredictable energy, it has no meaning to Tiandao at this moment.

This memory should not exist in this world. Even though it is powerful, Tiandao is still wearing Xingtian's clothes at this moment, and he can fully feel the sin and corruption hidden inside this memory.

It was a quite dark power, which was added by Dr. Death when he was cultivating this memory. I don't know what method was used to create the aura.

Although Tiandao did not feel the wail and resentment of killing lives, this darkness was enough for him to pay attention to.

The broken pieces fell down with his loosened fingers. In the eyes of Dr. Death, this was the fact that his most proud invention had been destroyed.

Angrily, he wanted to say something, but he saw Tiandao on the ground raised his hand, spread his fingers, and pointed his palm full of energy veins at the location of the moving Overhaul Card.

"I will give you your power back."

In the Fire Punishment Palm, the energy absorbed and converted is already ready to move.

That was the terrifying energy that spread out from the memory after it was crushed. After being transformed by the Xingtian Armor, the dark and corrupt aura turned into a scorching beam cannon.

The word [天] engraved on the palm gradually glowed under the increasingly abundant energy, and was finally submerged by the endless light.

The huge energy beam roared away with radioactive power, and the red high temperature burned the air, submerging Overhaul Ka's station in an instant.

On the ground, the memory was changed from [Blast] [Ace] to [Blazing] [Metal] W. Holding a long stick, he was guiding the giant metal elephant.

Half body is fiery red and half body is silver white. The power he possesses at this moment is no longer comparable to that of his previous basic posture.

Not to mention anything else, just by looking at the name of the memory [Blazing], you can tell that it must have the power of flames, and [Metal] naturally has the same ability as its name.

He drove his own weapon, the Spinner, over. Although he was not equipped with any weapons, at least in terms of size, the Spinner was enough to compete with this giant metal elephant.

Equipped with a huge turbine at the rear of the car, and the overall shape of the car body is more like a metal locust, the spin sprinter hit the metal giant elephant with a flick while driving W, and took advantage of its own modern memory to drive [blazing 】The memory controller uses the power of flames to wrap himself and the spinner.

It gives the originally unarmed Spinner the power to burn, just like the Ghost Rider's motorcycle, full of fiery power.

The huge radioactive beam flooded the upper body of the metal centipede, and the high temperature burned the metal chelicerae, destroying all the metal claws.

The surging impact forced the huge piece of metal that originally wanted to lean down to retreat, and it was unable to even lower its body.

This energy obtained from the memory created by Dr. Death was completely returned to Dr. Death by Tiandao intact.

This is the inspiration that W brought to Tiandao by relying on his own power to completely suppress the metal giant elephant, and even seemed to be able to do so with ease.

What can defeat new technology is the new technology.

At least judging from the abilities that W is showing now, it has exceeded the basic postures of many Heisei Knights, plus it has the same skills as Dr. Death.

W was indeed the winner of this battle.

【That’s it for now】

The giant metal elephant was knocked upside down by the flame-infected whirling impactor, and even getting up was a luxury.

W seems to have already grasped the fruits of victory.

On Tiandao's side, after returning all the energy from the memory developed by Dr. Death to Dr. Death, the impact that spewed out from Tiandao's palm also dissipated.

The energy veins on the Fire Punishment Palm, which was operating at extremely high intensity, were also slightly dim.

The burning red centipede with broken legs was reflected in the blue goggles. Tiandao opened his fire palm and raised his hand to summon the Tian Lie Sword that fell on the ground not far away and was stained with dust.

The Tian Lie Sword, controlled by his mind, hovered over Tiandao's head, and then under the control of Tiandao's one-handed gestures, half of his mind was completely poured into the Tian Lie Sword.

In an instant, the red light and shadow merged into one piece, as if copying and pasting, different Heavenly Fierce Swords were embodied. One became two, two became three, and three became densely packed, like a rain curtain of red. Jianwang.

Although it is not an exaggeration like ten thousand, there are at least more than a hundred Tian Lie Swords.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time." Feeling the fullness brought by the transformation of his mind into a sword, and the smooth feeling of every strand of mind being dispersed, Tiandao waited slightly. After a moment, the raised hand suddenly pointed forward.

Hundreds of swords joined hands and came out in unison, turning into a galloping rain of swords. The rolling sword light was like thunder, reflecting the cold light.

The sword light fell like rain, rustling down, completely tearing into pieces the centipede with broken legs that was still hot.

The surging sword light completely tore the brittle body into pieces, and the destruction of the entire upper body turned the monster, which was originally snarling with teeth and claws, into an undead soul without an upper body. All the pressure it had previously brought to people disappeared at this moment.

【You are special】

In the remaining half of the body, the floating green creature was suspended in the air, and the extraordinary mental power instantly disturbed the minds of everyone present.

The terrifying mental storm hit everyone present indiscriminately.

Including W who was driving. He subconsciously covered his head with a sharp pain in his head, but lost his concentration on the wrestling with the giant elephant, causing him to be suppressed by the giant elephant in turn. The wheels left traces on the ground and almost overturned.

[So come and play with me and be my friend! ]

The innocent and straightforward words were full of curiosity. This innocent words, combined with what it was doing at the moment, can be said to give people a feeling of innocent cruelty.

Perhaps, it could not understand what cruelty was, but just thought it was fun to do so, so it did it, that's all.

"Who wants to play with you!" Covering his head, Jian Liyi clenched his teeth tightly, trying his best to empty his brain, not to be disturbed by the noisy thoughts that suddenly came in, so as to make himself lose his mind.

"Is this... mind control?!" Kaito Daishu was in good condition, and it seemed that he had some resistance to mind control, so he didn't fall to the ground.

Of course, it might also be because Kaito Daishu was the one in the best condition among the many Kamen Riders present?

After all, he was not seriously injured, and he just ran away when he was indecisive, so of course he was in good condition.

Although the seriously injured Showa Knights lacked physical strength, they were particularly outstanding in terms of willpower. Although the mental control of the new life form was powerful, it was not possible to control the Showa Knights for a while.

On the other hand, the Heisei Knights also had something to protect, and they were determined and could hold on for a short time.

[Why? Why do you all reject me? ]

There was a crying tone in the childish voice.

[Dad doesn't play with me, so you don't play with me either? ]

The rising green light increased the effectiveness of mental control, bringing more pressure to the knights present.

Even some of those who were in poor condition had faint green light in their eyes.

If this continues, then...

"Who said no one is playing with you?" Tiandao shook his head and stepped forward: "I'm standing here, can't you see?"

[Eh? Big brother! ]

After Tiandao said this, the new life form seemed to really realize that Tiandao's spirit was defenseless against him, and it looked like it was wide open.

The new life form suddenly cheered and jumped for joy, and the originally sad tone became excited.

[Thank you, big brother! ]

[Then I'm coming in! ]

The green light swooped down and entered Tiandao's body in an instant, drilling into the heart.

The new life form settled down, and its mental shock disappeared. The green light filled Tiandao's blood vessels and swam towards the depths of Tiandao's sea of ​​consciousness.

The tip of the Tianlie Sword sank into the ground, and Tiandao supported the hilt with both hands. The azure goggles lost their brilliance, and the red and white armor also dimmed.

The figure standing with his head bowed, holding the Tianlie Sword in both hands, was gradually submerged in the sand and gravel blown up by the strong wind.

The sand and dust that arose from unknown reasons turned into an overwhelming yellow curtain, covering the entire world in the running yellow sand.

The battle in the material world has ended.

Next, it is the struggle between consciousness.

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