I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 378 Tiandao Zongsi My grandmother said that my evolution speed is faster than light (Shensha

Compared with the original work, Yakari should have lost his qualifications as a summoner of the Queen Bee at this time, but now he is obviously still in a relatively contented stage.

Of course, it would be better if he really didn't meet Kato.

"Can't Zect sit still?" Standing on the edge of the pier, feeling the sea breeze, the man with his hair and clothes flying around looked extremely handsome, but in addition to this handsomeness, he also added a different kind of sexiness. grid.

Kabuto Souji is a man who can seize every opportunity anytime, anywhere to highlight his presence.

"Why aren't you the one who would become like this?" Huang Bee said angrily: "In this case, I can get rid of you without any burden."

"Even if I become like that, the person who can solve me will not be you." With his back to the Queen Bee, General Tiandao raised his hand, pointing to the sky with one hand, and spoke calmly amidst the sound of the waves.

"There is nothing that can block the sun's rays, but the only thing that can accommodate the sun is the sky."

King Bee:…

As expected, this guy's blood pressure couldn't stop rising as soon as he chatted with him. I just wanted to give him a hammer.

"Zect's order to Kato has changed." The queen bee released its transformation, Yakari released the queen bee insect instrument, and stared at the back of the Chief of Tiandao: "Seeking cooperation with Kato, and jointly fight against the attack from the insects ”

"Oh?" Chief Tiandao turned around, and this was the first time he really looked at this guy: "Such words, does it seem that Zect is also afraid?"

"However, I still have some questions that I haven't figured out yet, such as why he became like that, and for example..." Walking towards the direction of Yacar, Soji Tiandao looked at him carefully.

"The truth hidden behind the knight system."


"What truth can there be about the knight system?" Yache didn't quite understand what Tiandao General said: "Since it was created, it should become a means for humans to defeat the zerg. Isn't this a natural right?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Tendou Souji probably understood that Yakari, like Kagami, was a confused person who didn't know much about the organization he worked for.

From this, we know that it is impossible to expect to know anything from this guy's mouth.

"It seems that you are also a tool." After confirming this, General Tiandao also lost his intention to attack Yacar: "Isn't the important thing is the knight system, not the adapter?"

"Hey!" Yache shouted, "You've been babbling about something since just now. What do you want to say?"

"I want to know too." Daisuke Kazama, who had also released his transformation, touched his head and appeared behind Yasha: "It's time to tell us what happened."


One is a confused person who doesn't know the truth about the organization he works for.

One is a passerby passing by...

It is better to count on Kagami than to count on these two guys.

"You are not needed for the next thing." General Tiandao turned around and had no interest in talking: "You can't keep up with me."

Yasha/Daisuke Kazama:?

"Grandma said that my evolution speed is faster than light, and there is no one who can keep up with me." Souji Tiandao kept walking, but the mouth that could make people angry to death continued to speak.

"The so-called boring guy does not mean that he is special."

"You are not qualified to look directly at the sun."

"Huh?" Veins popped out on Yasha's forehead. These few words from Chief Tiandao made him increasingly angry for no reason, and even his whole face turned red.

"You guys... are quite good at making sarcastic remarks." Daisuke Kazama was also furious: "Since you have so much confidence in yourself, then go and solve this matter yourself!"

"I'm not interested in continuing to participate."

With that said, Daisuke Kazama turned around and left, with no intention of staying where he was.

"Kato!" But Yakari was not so easy to talk. He was so angry that his entire face turned red, and he simply forgot the order issued by the headquarters. After summoning the Queen Bee again, he chose to transform again.

"I'll make you regret becoming a Kamen Rider!"

"Hmph." Glancing at the Queen Bee behind him, General Tiandao showed no intention of transforming: "If you have time to argue with me here, you might as well go and protect the home you think of first."

"Do you think that guy would let Zect go so easily?"

Chief Tiandao tilted his head slightly: "The truth behind the knight system is that zect's thieves are called thieves."

"From the moment it was born, the knight system has been given only one mission, and that is to kill all zerg."

"Isn't this right!" King Bee said fiercely: "Eradicate all anomalies, protect mankind, and protect the earth. Isn't this the reason for our existence?"

"zect, that's why we kept fighting until..."

"Then just go drown yourself with this thought." Tiandao General Si had no intention of explaining.

"In the end, you are just a boring person."

"The birth of the Knight System has only one purpose, and that is to eliminate all zerg." Negishi stood in the underground laboratory. Next to him, standing was Phoenix: "And when all the zerg are eliminated, , the knight system became an obstacle.”

"From the very beginning, the mission given to the knight system has only been to destroy the zerg, protect humans, or protect the earth. It has always been the wishful thinking of the wearer!"

Negishi's face was filled with pride: "How could an innocent guy like Tachikawa Daigo not notice it even after being on earth for such a long time?"

"Human beings are actually the same as us."

"Both protozoa and zerg can't coexist, they have to fight each other for superiority; humans and humans also have to be divided into different races and different skin colors, and then fight to the death to determine the superiority and inferiority."

"Humans and insects are the same existence."

"The history of human development is the history of people stepping on others to rise to power. Isn't that scene right in front of us?"

"But Tachikawa Daigo, you actually believe that humans will truly accept us!"

"What a ridiculous concept, what a foolish thinking."

"Humanity cannot reconcile with itself, and the protozoa and zerg must fight to the death."

"We've always been the same."

Operating and adjusting the instrument in his hand, Negishi was conducting one of the experiments that happened to Mimic Tendo.

Ever since Kusakabe Souji and his wife, who were responsible for the development of the knight system, were killed by a meteorite falling from the sky, Mimicry Heaven fell into Negishi's hands.

Therefore, Negishi also participated in the research and development of the knight system by virtue of the successful body of Mimic Tendo, and also had his own achievements.

But he never expected that the experimental results would not be used on humans, but on his own compatriots.

But even so, Negishi didn't hesitate at all.

"The Earth's final defense weapon has been activated. It will kill all bugs, whether they are protozoa or zerg." Phoenix also spoke at this time: "Therefore, humans have become the party that enjoys the benefits."

"And the protozoa have become the ones whose lives will be threatened."

"If you want to survive from the hands of the earth's final defense weapon, you protozoa must gain your own power."

Phoenix looked at Tachikawa Daigo lying flat on the experimental table and said calmly: "The Knight System is your only reliance."

"If you want not to be killed by the earth's ultimate defense weapon, you must struggle to survive."

"He will deal with the zerg, but he won't let go of the protozoa either."

"But don't worry." After saying that, Phoenix patted Negishi's shoulder: "You have me."

"Does it mean that the earth weapon is not your opponent?" Negishi said.

"I will only take action at the last moment, but you must also show your ability to fight." Phoenix smiled: "Anyway, after the Zerg are eliminated by Earth's weapons, humans will no longer need the Knight System."

"In other words, you don't want humans to continue to have it."

Negishi's body trembled and he did not answer Phoenix's rhetorical question.

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