I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 377: Tendo Souji I should be watching the TV version instead of the theatrical version, righ

"Hey, now I understand what you mean by 'not suitable for children'."

Even though he was dressed now, even though he had power beyond that of ordinary people, in front of this person, in front of a flesh-and-blood body, Kazama Daisuke actually felt fear.

This fear came from the bottom of his heart. It was the natural fear of death that emerged from the bottom of his heart after he realized that the armor on his body could not protect him.

Kazama Daisuke could not imagine that there were such terrible humans in this world.

"I told you." Kabuto glanced at the Kamishiro Ken behind him: "Go back first."

Even though Kamishiro Ken was still unwilling and wanted to stand up and continue fighting, failure was already a fact in sight. Even if he spent his energy to stand up again, it would only add another failure.

"Tendo Souji, are you standing in front of him this time?"

As if he could not get an answer, Tendou asked again, and the object of the question was still Tendou Souji.


Turning around, Kabuto admitted it directly.

After all, he stood here, which showed his attitude.

If he couldn't let this guy go on, he could only fight him.

"Really?" The blood in Tiandao's eyes became more intense: "So humans are really interesting creatures. The boundaries of humans are a concept, a race, or a saying."

"You can say such things. Do you no longer regard yourself as a human being?" Tiandao Zongsi looked at Tiandao: "I can no longer see the Tiandao I am familiar with in you."

"The me who appears in front of you now is the ultimate defense weapon of the earth, that's all." He raised the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword in his hand and injected the will of the sky into the sword body.

This is a method that only practitioners of mind power can communicate with [Heaven] and guide the will of the sky down.

"The ultimate defense weapon of the earth." After repeating it, Tendou Soushi savored the power contained in these words, and then spoke again: "But I know a person called Shenshan Tendou."

"The Baozu insect did not show up."

"It's enough to be an insect."

The two Tendou had a conversation that only they could understand, which made Fengjian Daisuke on the side completely confused and had no idea what they were talking about.

"Such an answer is not the answer of the person I know." Tendou Soushi took a deep breath: "Have you forgotten? The agreement between you and me."

"Agreement?" The blood in his eyes faded slightly, but then came an increasingly strong emotional fluctuation.

The bloody light made the emerald pupils more vivid, like gemstones: "Just like you stood in front of the Kamiyo Ken, one day, you will stand in front of her and attack me."

"The scene at that time is exactly the same as the scene now."

"Now it is just a pre-staged performance."

When Tiandao said this, he almost told Tiandao Souji about the identity of Kamiyo Ken.

And Tiandao Souji also showed an expression of "as expected", and his guess about Kamiyo Ken finally had a definite fact.

"If it is a bug, kill it." Tiandao Souji raised the kunai sword in his hand. Although the gap between them was a bit big, Tiandao in this state was not the Tiandao he was happy to see.

In this state, he would not care about Xiao Xu's specialness. He would definitely give Xiao Xu to

"You standing in front of Shen Dai Jian are just like you standing in front of her." The sword tip on Huo Xing Tian Lie Sword flashed a cold light: "You may say that she might be a protozoan."

"But whether it is a protozoan or an alien insect, they all deserve to die!!!"

As soon as the words fell, the sword tip turned upside down and inserted into the earth. Tian Dao, who turned the sword body, split the earth apart. A spreading crack spread forward along the position of his sword tip, including Tian Dao Souji and Feng Jian Daisuke.

Kabuto jumped up, and Feng Jian Daisuke also jumped up. The two of them avoided to the left and right to avoid falling into the crack in the ground.

But the next moment, a brilliant and blazing sword energy flew out from the cracked ground and rushed straight into the sky.

Kabuto had no leverage point in the air and was submerged by the blazing sword energy. The whole person fell from mid-air into a house next to him, smashing a big hole in the wall.

Lei Ting used the pistol in his hand as the power to receive the sword, avoiding the sword energy by a hair's breadth, almost brushing his chest past the danger level, allowing Lei Ting to land on the balcony safely.

"Although I don't know who you are, it's better for you to lie down!" Pulling the bolt of Lei Ting's gun, Lei Ting, who was standing on the balcony, aimed the muzzle at Tian Dao below, and the accumulated power condensed at the front of the muzzle, gradually forming a sphere with leaping energy arcs.

"Knight Cannon!"

With an angry shout, Lei Ting, who also used a special move, released a special blow from a high position, aiming directly at Tian Dao, a human.

As the only gunner in the knight system, Lei Ting in the knight form has the greatest power in terms of the ultimate move, but it is also the most difficult to hit.

Looking at the cannonball that was fast in the eyes of ordinary people, but extremely slow in his eyes, Tian Dao loosened his hand holding the Huo Xing Tian Lie Sword, and straightened his waist. He faced the arrival of the opponent's ultimate move without dodging or avoiding.

The whites of his blood-colored eyes began to rotate, and the willpower infected by the murderous thoughts gradually condensed. A set of very abrupt arm armor condensed on Tiandao's hands, wrapping his hands in them, turning them into clothing.

The moment the unknown gauntlets were installed on both arms, Tiandao raised his left hand, spread his fingers, and grabbed the cannonball in his hand.

In Lei Ting's disbelieving eyes, the energy conversion veins all over the palm of the gauntlet gradually absorbed the energy of the energy ball and flowed to the other hand along these channels.

Putting down his left hand and raising his right hand, the crimson light cannon accumulated in the palm was ready to go out. Tiandao opened his palm and aimed it at Lei Ting's location.


With a cold snort, a huge light cannon suddenly blasted out. The radioactive light cannon covered the entire balcony, completely obliterating the upper half of the tall building and completely destroying it.

The next second, the arm armor covering Tiandao's hands emitted a spark, and then gradually faded and dissipated.

"Chief Tiandao, how long are you going to hide?"

Tiandao didn't know Thunder and just regarded it as a passerby who didn't know where it came from. After defeating it, he didn't bother to pay attention to it. Instead, he focused all the rest of his attention on Tiandao General Secretary.

But the only answer he received was silence.

"Are you leaving?" He put down his palm and covered it with the Fire Punishing Heavenly Lie Sword. Tiandao closed his eyes. Because of being infected by the desire to kill, his mind had lost the ability to search for others. Instead, he used all his power to Transformed into conditions related to combat and killing.

The mental energy changes with the thoughts of the owner of the mental energy. When Heavenly Dao only wants to kill and kill, the power that the mental energy can show is naturally powerful in frontal combat.

The strongest ability possessed by the normal Heavenly Dao, which is the Meditation Seal, cannot be used at all because the heart boiling with murderous thoughts cannot be calmed down at all.

Tiandao did not force him, because he knew that sooner or later, the General Secretary of Tiandao would see him again one day.

And now, there is only one place he wants to go to.

The "protozoans" felt the location of the energy seeds they had left on Negishi's body. Tiandao snorted coldly, pulled out the Fire Punishment Heavenly Fierce Sword, and chased after the flashing red dot in his mind.

"You can't run away!"

"Okay. Open your eyes."

I thought that I would end up with the same ending as Scorpion, but after waiting for a long time, I didn't feel the severe pain caused by the attack. Daisuke Kazama opened his eyes and saw the brand-new man in front of him who was also wearing the same clothes. Kamen Rider.

"Who are you."

"Knight of Zect, Queen Bee." Yasha introduced himself by glancing behind him from time to time, fearing that someone would catch up.

"Just call me Yache."

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