I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 345 Chapter 344 Heavenly Kabuda is not just for show! It's just a bunch of alien insect

Nogi Reiji exited the warehouse door and prepared to go to a city under Tokyo, where he would meet with many molting insects and discuss the Knight System created by the protozoa and humans.

For him, the Knight System and even Kamen Rider were dispensable. He was so confident with the ability to stop time.

What Kamen Rider? I think they are just a bunch of people who are just selling their heads, chickens and dogs!

"The notice has been sent."

It was still the cockroach-like insect. Although it was slightly lacking in frontal combat ability, it was still very useful in other aspects.


Thinking of this, Nogi Reiji jumped out from the edge of the window. The hem of his windbreaker pulled up an arc while walking, looming in the wind and sand.

Following behind him were his men. He was just a temporary base, and now he had to return to the real base of the insects in Tokyo.


Standing in front of the warehouse door, Nogi Reiji's steps suddenly stopped. Looking at the red figure standing in front of the door, Nogi Reiji curled his lips and looked behind him.

"It seems that you can come back because he spared your life."

Seeing the horror on the cockroach's face, Nogi Reiji turned his head and looked at the Kamen Rider who was blocking the door again.

"Kabuto?" The worms were most impressed by the first Kabuto, because this was indeed revealed in front of the worms, and it showed them the powerful Kamen Rider of the Knight System very directly.

So many worms are very clear about the image of Kabuto, and they will never make a mistake.

Although the Kabuto in front of him is a little different from the descriptions of others, there are always some wrong places in the description, which adds to the imagination of the describer.

This one in front of him is undoubtedly Kabuto!

"It's really disappointing." Holding the side of the belt with one hand, Tiandao used a disappointed tone to try to get more information in the conversation.

I don't want to talk much before the transformation, but after the transformation, I can talk more.

This is just like the ADC who changed from being timid at the beginning to being cautious after getting the resurrection armor.

If there is a support like Brontam around, then you will dare to challenge the top laner.

This is the confidence!

"That's not necessarily true, Kabuto." Nogi Reiji turned around: "Maybe you're luckier meeting me than finding a group of alien insects?"

"Are you trying to say that you are very noble among the alien insects?" Tiandao sneered and said: "Then what is it? The king of alien insects?"

"The last king I faced had the ability to change the celestial phenomena with a flip of his hand."

"Change the celestial phenomena..." Nogi Reiji said in admiration: "That's really amazing."

"But, still not as good as me."

Nogi Reiji rolled up his cloak and exposed his hem: "Cherish your life, Kabuto! You can do more."

Yes, Kabuto can't be defeated by him now, at least before all the Kamen Riders created by the Knight System appear, the Kamen Riders can't be killed or injured.

Although Nogi Reiji is very confident in his ability, the collision between the original insect technology and the human mind, who knows what strange abilities the Kamen Riders born under the Knight System will have.

When all the Kamen Riders appear, that will be the time to completely cut off the hope of humans and protozoa.

"Want to leave?" Tiandao snorted coldly. He did not choose to use the acceleration ability, but chose to use one of his skills, the Zen Seal.

He put his hands together in front of his chest, and the Zen Seal gesture had just been made, but the next second, Tiandao's thinking was stagnant for a moment.

Although it is difficult for ordinary people to detect this stagnation, Tiandao, who is extremely sensitive to time changes, feels this change.

And in this moment of stagnation, Nogi Reiji has disappeared in front of Tiandao, and only the cockroach is still there.

Tiandao was silent in his heart.

"It's not acceleration..." Thinking slightly in his heart, Tiandao said again.

"That is... the same power as mine."

The activation of the Zen Seal requires a hand seal, and the ripples also need to spread to the surroundings to take effect.

In other words, there is a pre-swing.

And that guy, although he has the same ability, seems to be faster than him.

... Isn't this another battle to get the first move? !

"Die here! Kabuto!" Nogi Reiji disappeared, but the cockroach Zerg obviously did not retreat.

Recovering from human form to Zerg form, the two tentacles on the forehead swayed to feel the residual smell in the air.

The biological spike-like weapon ejected from the arm showed a metallic luster at the sharp front end.

Compared with ordinary Zerg, this Zerg is much larger, and its life level is much higher than that of ordinary Zerg.

Even among the molting Zerg, it is an elite.

Recovering from the form of an adult, the cockroach spread its wings behind it, and with the wings flapping at high speed, it immediately flew into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Tiandao: ...

It's broken, without the light and shadow horse, my shooting skills...

The Light and Shadow Horse has a radar lock function, which means that even if he is a poor gunman, he can still use the Light and Shadow Horse to accurately hit the enemy.

But without the Light and Shadow Horse, Tiandao's biggest weakness was exposed.

This is also the same as why Tiandao can actually materialize the Pegasus Crossbow, but has basically never materialized that thing.

People should know themselves.

However, Tiandao is not without a way to deal with flying guys.

After removing the memory from the Lost Drive, Tiandao turned the memory over and reinserted it into the Lost Drive.

[Armor Explosion Reorganization]

"Come on! Flying Robot!"

The red armor that was shattered by the armor explosion flew one by one, and pieced together behind Tiandao, gradually forming something like a jet backpack.

That is one of the external accessories of Kabutack, the flying robot.

Like the electric baton, it is a weapon composed of the armor that was previously exploded.

The tail wing ejected a white airflow, carrying Tiandao's body, fighting against gravity, and flew into the sky.

At the same time, on the ground, a real Kabuto battle broke out.

"Are you targeting the people in white clothes? Your hobbies are really weird."

Grabbing the flying insect instrument in his hand, Tendou Souji immediately inserted it into his belt and completed the transformation immediately.

Kabuto-armored posture, showing up in style.

The whole body is sea blue, only the protruding biological spikes on the body are orange. The lobster-like alien insect bent its arms and swung its claws slightly in front of it.

The alien insect is not without wisdom and consciousness, which is why they can recognize Kabuto at the first time.

With a flick of his arm, Kabuto took out his pistol, aimed at the alien insect rushing over and pulled the trigger, shooting a series of sparks on its body.

But this kind of damage is nothing to the molting alien insect. It withstood the continuous attacks and approached Kabuto, aiming at his chest.

Guns were useless, so Kabuto turned his pistol upside down, using the edge of the gun handle and the barrel as the axe. He grasped the barrel as the axe handle and skillfully engaged in close combat.

If the molting Zerg did not use its acceleration ability, Kabuto in armored posture would actually be enough to kill the molting Zerg.

But... Kabuto in armored posture has no acceleration ability.

To fight against acceleration, you must change to knight posture.

"What a pity, I thought that guy would be a little restrained when he arrived in Tokyo." He chopped down with a short axe, slashing countless sparks on the Zerg's body.

It looked full of special effects, but the damage was not high.

However, the answer to him was not the human's answer, but the Zerg's figure that disappeared instantly after landing when it flew out.

The next moment, countless sparks burst out from Kabuto's body. He was attacked dozens of times in an instant and was forced to roll down the stairs.

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