I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 344 Protozoa It doesn't make sense. Why doesn't my role exist in the world of armo

Do you want to meet him? This legendary killer.

Why are all the "people" he killed insects without a single mistake?

Why can he accurately recognize the mimicry of insects?

Where did such a guy come from?

Like a mystery, this so-called killer is shrouded in fog.

Humans can't see through it, and the alien insects can't see through it either.

Nogi Reiji actually wanted to go over and test the composition of this killer, but before he saw all the cards of this guy clearly, he didn't dare to do it for the time being.

The fundamental reason is that Nogi Reiji didn't understand how this guy could kill a molting alien insect in seconds without even having a chance to react.

You know, even with the acceleration ability of the knight, it is impossible to kill a molting alien insect in an instant.

The upper limit of the molting alien insect's tolerance is not that fragile.

Unless... when the molting alien insect is completely defenseless, such a fatal blow can be achieved.

And the ability to make the molting alien insects defenseless happened to be possessed by Nogi Reiji.

I just don't know if this killer is also a substitute with the same ability as him... I mean ability.

"Let's see how many surprises this unexpected existence has." Nogi Reiji put down his worries and chose to observe for the time being.

"Also, our old friends should be very anxious now."


The existence that is the same as the alien insects but somewhat different, that is, the protozoa, is an existence that came to the earth earlier than the alien insects.

It's just that it is because of their arrival that the alien insects are attracted.

Because in essence, the protozoa are escaping, and the alien insects are chasing, and this is the relationship between them.

In order to escape the pursuit of the alien insects and reach the earth, the protozoa know that the alien insects will definitely come one day, so the protozoa do not hide their private interests, but directly find humans, contribute their own technology, and choose to cooperate with humans to face these threats from the alien insects together.

This is the plan of the protozoa.

But in fact, as the bearer, humans basically suffered an unprovoked disaster.

After all, people sit at home, and disasters come from the sky. The earthlings did nothing, just living their own lives as usual, and then suddenly they were found by a group of green monsters.

They said that they were fleeing and now live on this planet.

They said that there is a brutal race chasing behind them, and if everyone does not unite to fight against each other, then everyone will be finished together.

Even if you humans kill all our protozoa and drive them out, it is useless. The alien insects will come here following the smell, and they will not let the earth go, and you still have to face them.

This kind of behavior, which is comparable to "you can do whatever you want now that they have come", is disgusting to the earthlings.

But the earthlings really have no way to deal with it.

After all, even the technology controlled by the protozoa is much more advanced than that of humans, let alone those alien insects?

Think about it, you are at home, eating hot pot and singing songs, and suddenly a group of bandits come, saying they want to take charge of the people in Goose City, and then attract another wave of bandits.

These two even fought in your home.

So disgusting as it is, humans can only hold their noses and choose to cooperate with the protozoa, and with the help of the power of the protozoa, they have developed a lot of new equipment, and even developed something like the Knight System.

As long as there is a Knight System, the alien insects will not be a threat. This is the power brought by the combination of protozoa technology and humans.

The protozoa really feel this way.


"You really came to Tokyo."

Looking at the bikers in the picture, who are trembling with their legs and changing pants but still look frightened, listening to his stuttering narration, the "people" gathered around a long conference table in the dark without turning on the lights basically have different expressions.

"To some extent, isn't this a good thing?" The young man with a crew cut knocked on the table and spoke first: "Even the Knight System can't eliminate so many alien insects in more than five months."

"As long as the alien insects can be eliminated, aren't they allies to us?"

It can be seen that this protozoan still has a good impression of this killer who appeared out of nowhere.

"How do you know that he only kills Zerg, not Protozoa?" The middle-aged man with both hands on his chin frowned and said, "There is no record of this guy being adapted in the Knight System we developed."

"The adaptor of Royal Bee is Yakami of the Shadow Squad."

"The adaptor of Thunder Ting is the freelance makeup artist, Kazama Daisuke."

"The adaptor of Kabuto is still unknown."

"The adaptor of Sword Scorpion is Kamishiro Ken of the Diskabiel family."

After a pause, the middle-aged man with a stern face stood up, revealing his plump belly: "Or do you want to say that he is the owner of Gundou who has not been able to find an adaptor so far?"

"Even Gundou can't do such a thing, killing tens of thousands of Zerg in five months."

A man wearing a home suit and even an apron retorted loudly: "As one of the developers of the Knight System, I know the upper limit of the Knight System better than anyone else."

"Although it is a weapon that can be used to deal with Zerg, it is not without an upper limit after all."

The Knight System is a system jointly developed by protozoa and humans. It is an existence created with protozoa's technology and human ideas. It is a combination of human imagination and the crystallization left by protozoa.

Both sides left something belonging to each other in this knight system.

"Then how do you explain this guy? Tachikawa Daigo." Walking up to one of the developers of the knight system in the dark conference room, he said: "Aren't you going to tell me that this is a human being?" Is it something you can do yourself?”

"If there are such existences among humans, why would they study the knight system with us?" Tachikawa Daigo turned his head and looked at the guy behind him.

"Negishi, have you forgotten that we can come to Earth, and so can zerg bugs? Why do you think there are no other creatures in the universe, not on Earth?"


Then don't tell me, this possibility is indeed possible, and it is really not low.

After all, humans on earth have no ability to protect themselves from the invasion of space aliens. The earth is just like a public garden. Shouldn’t we just come in if we want?

Otherwise, how did they appear on earth?

"Okay." At this moment, the old man sitting at the head knocked on the table, interrupting the quarrel between the two.

"Anyway, at least all he has killed so far are Zerg. For this reason, we don't need to worry about him." Although he is very old and even his eyebrows are white, his tone of voice is not so weak.

"In any case, the ones who are anxious and troubled are the Zerg."


And what does the question of whether the murderer is a human being have to do with the protozoa?

What do you think if you are a human?

He knew very well that the fight between Tachikawa Daigo and Negishi just now was not so much a fight between the two, but a fight between two different factions within the protozoa.

On the one hand, there are the coexistence faction who want to achieve close cooperation with humans and live together on this planet after the zerg are eliminated.

On the other hand, there is the main war faction that advocates eliminating humans and using the knight system to kill the bugs and then wipe out humans.

Tachikawa Daigo and Negishi are one of the respective figures of the two forces among the protozoa.


It can be seen that everyone is still convinced of this old man among the protozoa.

But it was precisely because of this that the old man was very worried.

The contemporary insects that came to the earth with it are gone, and he is the last one left, and his days are numbered.

The current battle within the protozoa is so fierce that it can still suppress it while it is alive, but once it dies, the future of the protozoa...

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