I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 286 The Thunder Angel destroys without reason and creates endlessly. Grandpa Niu, I have fin

"You come to me!! Wake up!! Wake up!!!"

He slapped the Thunder Angel's face with both hands. Now that the seven angels have become the four angels, they have always believed in loving each other and being affectionate with each other.

They are brothers who even form a group and name it a loving family!

How could the Earth Angel watch the Thunder Angel become crazy?

It didn't want the four angels to become three angels.

Seven brothers became four brothers, and the remaining four brothers couldn't be missing.

He slapped the Thunder Angel's face with both hands, and the Earth Angel slapped him left and right, determined to knock out the messy thoughts in the Thunder Angel's mind.

"Well, this time one of them went crazy." The Water Angel watched the show from the side. Seeing the Wind Angel controlling the Thunder Angel and the Earth Angel attacking with all his strength, he could only roll his eyes helplessly: "From now on, the Four Archangels will be renamed the Three Archangels."

"Shut up!" The Earth Angel turned around and glared at the Water Angel fiercely: "None of us four can be missing! No one can be!"

"Thunder, you are obsessed. Your authority is the power of judgment and destruction given by my God. Where does the creation come from!" The Wind Angel controlled the Thunder Angel and spoke earnestly in the Thunder Angel's ear.

"Really, you think too much. They can evolve because of their own problems. It has nothing to do with you!"

"Nonsense! It's just that I have glimpsed the truth of power, but you have never seen it clearly! You are still obsessed with appearances! You are not as good as me at all!" The Thunder Angel struggled to get rid of the control of the Wind Angel.

"Anyway, if you have the guts to let me go! I will prove to you that what I said is true!"

"My real power!"

"Stop it." The Earth Angel raised his hand and slapped the Thunder Angel's bull face again, saying unhappily: "The body of Tiandao has become like this, all burnt! If you hit him again, won't he be completely destroyed?"

"After all, he is a partner who has cooperated with us. How can I let you do such a thing as whipping an ally and crushing the body of a partner to ashes!"

"Nonsense!" The Thunder Angel categorically refused to admit that he wanted to scatter the body of Tiandao: "Why don't you want to believe me?! Earth! What I said is true!"

"Let me hit him! Tiandao can still be saved! You are really sorry for him if you bury him like this now!"

Well, originally the three angels had different opinions on how to deal with Tiandao's body. As a result, after the Thunder Angel came back, it directly stopped everyone from burying Tiandao and wanted to crush Tiandao to ashes.

"Don't even think about it! That's impossible!" The Earth Angel glared at the Thunder Angel fiercely: "If you smash Tendao's body into ashes, how can I explain to Kuga?"

"If he asks me for Tendao's body, what should I give him?"

"Go find a pile of black charcoal outside and twist it into ashes, and then give it to him?"

"I'm afraid he will turn into the Ultimate and kick me to death on the spot!"

Hearing what the Earth Angel said, the Thunder Angel struggled even more violently.

"But, if you think about it this way, if we save Tendao, when we clean up those humans who have awakened the power of Agito afterwards, can't we use this as a condition to get Kuga not to intervene?!"

If the Thunder Angel said something else, the Earth Angel would disagree ten thousand times, but if it linked this matter with the power of Agito, the Earth Angel had to admit that it was tempted.

"Don't tell me, I think it's okay." The Water Angel was the one who responded to the Thunder Angel immediately.

Tiandao is dead, and letting him rest in peace without involving anything is the mercy of the Water Angel.

But when his life and death issue involves the wiping out of those who awakened the power of Agito, the Water Angel is also the one who changes sides the fastest.

In the final analysis, if there is no conflict of interest with itself, the Water Angel does not mind letting Tiandao live in peace.

But once there is, it doesn’t matter whether Tiandao’s body exists or not.

"I think... it's not impossible." The Wind Angel was also a little tempted: "Even if we fail, we can tell the truth to Kuuga."

"After all, we don't really want to grind Tendō to ashes, we want to save him."

"From this point of view, even Kuuga can't lose his temper with us, right?"

"But..." The Earth Angel was still a little hesitant: "For Tendō, isn't this..."

"We are also trying to save Tendō!" The Water Angel was the first to speak: "I believe that if Tendō knew about this, he would cry bitterly for how much we care about him."

"Yeah!" The Wind Angel rarely agreed with the Water Angel: "Of course Tendō will be very touched!"

The Earth Angel:...

Looking at the stubborn look on the Thunder Angel's face, and the approving looks of the Water Angel and the Wind Angel, the Earth Angel thought for a long time and finally chose to compromise.

"That's fine... anyway, a living Tiandao is more worth looking forward to than a dead Tiandao."

"If it succeeds, everyone will be happy. If it fails... it won't be worse than the current situation."

With this thought, the Earth Angel also stood up and used the power of the earth to build a sarcophagus for Tiandao's body. He moved Tiandao's body from the temple to the outside bit by bit and placed it on the plateau.

"Is this enough?" The Earth Angel turned around and asked the Thunder Angel.

"Farther away." The Thunder Angel stroked his cheek, feeling angry, but he didn't dare to vent it on the Earth Angel. Instead, he silently swore in his heart that he must prove to everyone that what he said was true and slap everyone in the face.

"Then you choose a location." The Earth Angel said, "So that I can transfer the Heavenly Dao there."

"The terrain here is too high, go to a lower place." The Thunder Angel looked around, and his superb vision allowed him to see far away.

"Follow me." The Thunder Angel's eyes lit up, and he immediately soared into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

It found a good place.

The Wind Angel: ...

"Isn't this higher than where I am!" Looking at the peaks and snowy scenery of the surrounding mountains and ridges, the Wind Angel complained, "Why did you want to come here?"

"Here... I remember it's... Kunlun Mountain?" As an existence with authority on earth, the location and name of the mountain range naturally could not be hidden from the Earth Angel.

"The people living on this land have passed down many legends for this mountain." As a regional god, the Wind Angel certainly knows how many magical legends are passed down in this mountain named Kunlun.

"You are really good at choosing places." The Earth Angel said admiringly: "If the Heavenly Dao knew that his burial place would be here, even if he was turned into dust here, he would be willing."

The Thunder Angel's cow face showed an angry expression in a very human way.

What do you mean? Has it been assumed that the Heavenly Dao will be smashed into ashes by me?

"I chose this place because the magnetic field in this area is strong and it is also close to the sky." Feeling the strong magnetic field around him and the changing clouds accumulated in the sky, the Thunder Angel was very satisfied.

"I am not strong enough now. A lot of it has been absorbed by Daguba and Rick. Without the help of external forces, I may not be able to attract enough thunder."

"Enough thunder?" The Earth Angel asked back: "How much?"

"Very much!" The Thunder Angel spoke with a serious tone: "I want to hit a big, big wave! I will kill Shenshan Tiandao in one go!"

"Watch me, don't even blink!" The Thunder Angel said in a muffled voice.

"I will prove to you my ability!"


Since the decision has been made, the Earth Angel did not refuse, but placed Tiandao's body not far away.

"The rest is up to you."

The Earth Angel stepped back a few steps, and the three archangels left here together, waiting for the Thunder Angel's follow-up.

"Huh..." The Thunder Angel took a deep breath.

"Watch it, you guys."

"I will prove to you that I am right!"

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