I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 285 Thunder Angel, rest assured, I will definitely revive the Heavenly Dao! (Earth Feng Shui

Early the next morning, the cold breath of winter has not completely dissipated, but the Beginning of Spring has arrived, and the first breath of spring gradually begins to shine.

The remaining coldness of winter has not yet dissipated, but the exuberant spring spirit is gradually recovering, spreading bit by bit, bringing a new round of solar terms changes to this world.

The beginning of spring has finally come, and in the temple on the Pamir Plateau, three angels gathered together today to discuss how to deal with Tiandao's body.

"You left him here all night last night. Do you think we let his body be exposed in the wilderness?" Looking at the charred corpse over there, Feng Angel made a rare complaint.

"If I had known better, I would have covered him with a white cloth."

"You're quite a nice person." Earth Angel was helpless, but he still guided the conversation to business matters.

"It's better to bury him in the ground. Although there is a risk of turning into coal, people in this land are very particular about burying him in peace. Throw him into the sea or the mountain. I always feel that if he is still alive, he will scold us. ”

Regarding the issue of how to dispose of Tiandao's body, a fierce quarrel broke out among the three angels. Each of the three parties held their own opinions and had their own ideas about Tiandao's body.

"Water burial? Human beings cannot explore the ocean. At least for a long time, he will not be disturbed by anyone while sleeping in the ocean." Water Angel also gave his own opinion.

Although it doesn't have a good impression of Tiandao, but based on the fact that people who die are good people, Water Angel may have the highest favorability towards Tiandao now.

"No, no, no, I think it's better to be buried in the sky!"

"His name is God Mountain Tiandao, and his destiny is to return to the mountains. And here, on this plateau, there are too many mountains with gods."

"He sleeps here, it's the fate he has to fall into."

Wind Angel also had reason to say that after all, Tiandao was the existence chosen by them to fight against the Wolf King, although the Wolf King did not die in his hands in the end, and even the death of the Wolf King was unsatisfactory.

But no matter what, the way of heaven is enough to make them admire.

"Tsk, it's really strange that we would be so red-faced fighting over a human being." Water Angel crossed his arms and said in a teasing tone: "After all these years, he is the only one who has received this kind of treatment."

"If the fire angel is still alive, he will definitely choose to burn the way of heaven now." The wind angel shrugged: "Cremize it and burn it into a pile of ashes. When the time comes, should you find a small box to put it in or put it away? It’s okay.”

"If Day and Night... would probably say some unpredictable things." Earth Angel also recalled the three friends from the past.

The seven archangels of the past, the four archangels of today...

Fire Angel...why on earth did you choose to launch a rebellious duel against our God, and ultimately brought such mutilation to our angels?

The Earth Angel who was thinking like this couldn't help but wonder what the situation would be like now if the Fire Angel was still there.

But this assumption does not hold true.

If the Fire Angel was still there, how could the Wolf King obtain the power of Yajituo?

If the Fire Angel is still there, the so-called power of Yajita is nonsense.

"I'm back." He limped in holding a trident. Thunder Angel's aura was disordered, and he was obviously in a very bad condition.

But compared to its own state, the numbness on its face and a certain kind of ecstasy buried deep in its eyes made its body full of contradictory feelings.

"Thunder Angel, you came just in time." As the angel who has always advanced and retreated with him, and the angel who has fought with him most times, Water Angel did his part and pulled Thunder Angel over.

"We are discussing how to dispose of Tiandao's body, but the three of us have different opinions."

"Tell me what you think." Water Angel introduced Thunder Angel.

"Whether it's burial, burial at sea, or burial in the sky."

The reason why Thunder Angel was brought into the discussion was because Thunder Angel was already qualified to discuss it, and also because Thunder Angel had no other choice.

The three of them have given their own corresponding disposal methods based on their own authority, which are based on methods that have existed in the world.

But Thunder Angel is different, it's completely different.

What can Thunder Angel do with Tiandao's body?

Judging from his authority, could it be that he summoned the thunder to smash the body of Heaven to pieces and directly annihilated it for him?

So Water Angel introduced everyone's respective handling methods and different shortcomings and advantages to Thunder Angel in detail. In the end, he kept silent and looked at Thunder Angel with expectation.

"I think..." After being silent for a long time, Thunder Angel's mind was filled with uncertain images. Scenes of thunderous strikes that failed to kill people, but instead struck people with vitality, appeared several times. In the end, he was determined. own inner thoughts.

"I don't think the way you handled it is good."

The first thing Thunder Angel said when he came up was that he completely denied the three angels' handling methods, which made the three angels who were originally eager to try were stunned.

What's going on? Does Thunder Angel really have his own ideas?

"And I think that instead of discussing how to dispose of his body here, it would be better..." As he spoke, Thunder Angel straightened his back and said in an inexplicable tone.

"It's better to let him stand up and arrange himself."

Earth Angel:?

Wind Angel:?

Water Angel:?

"No!" The Water Angel turned the Thunder Angel's body over and shook it continuously: "When did you have this ability?"

"He has become like this, can you still save him?"

"Of course!" The Thunder Angel answered firmly: "My power can revive him!"

Earth/Wind/Water: ???

"No, don't you hold the power of judgment and destruction? Where does the power to save people come from?"

"This is just your stereotype, thinking that thunder is the power of destruction." Thunder Angel looked around and said confidently: "But I have figured it out. Destruction is just an appearance. My real power is creation!"

Not to mention the silence of the three archangels, Thunder Angel seemed to have found his inner faith and said loudly: "Yes, this is the truth of the power given to me by my God!"

"It's just that I was blinded by the power of destruction before, blindly thinking that it was the power to destroy everything, and couldn't see the essence."

"Now I see it clearly, I have understood my God's painstaking efforts and my God's trust in me!"

This is because the Black God is not here now. If the Black God was here, Thunder Angel would kneel down to the Black God on the spot and offer his loyalty.

"What do you... understand about your power?" The Earth Angel asked cautiously.

"How are you going to save the Heavenly Dao?" The Wind Angel also spoke carefully, not daring to provoke the Thunder Angel.

"By inheriting my power, Gurongi's general has shown an evolutionary posture, and his life level has been further improved!"

"By inheriting my power, Kuuga has shown a sublimated posture, and the white newborn Kuuga can show a stronger breath of life because of this."

"By inheriting my power, Daguba has taken a big step forward on the road to the ultimate!"

The Thunder Angel said enthusiastically.

"Once may be an accident, but three times are like this, which is enough to show that my authority is not superficial destruction, but creation! It is the power of evolution!"


As he said this, the Thunder Angel turned around suddenly, looking at the charred corpse of Tiandao with fanatical eyes.

"As long as I summon thunder to strike him, Shenshan Tiandao will definitely be resurrected, he will definitely be able to!!!"

"Calm down!" The Earth Angel grabbed the Thunder Angel's shoulders and shook him continuously: "Thunder! Wake up! Your authority is really judgment and destruction! The power of creation, that is the power of my God and the Fire Angel!"

"It's over, it's over... The Thunder Angel is crazy!" The Wind Angel covered his face with his hands: "I can't bear the blow, already..."

"I'm not crazy!" Struggling to break free from the Earth Angel's hands, the Thunder Angel roared.

"This is my God's test of me, and now I have seen through the illusion and can see the truth!"


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