I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 265 What are you thinking about? How can you escape the fate of being fleeced by me, Yu-Gi-O

Human beings cannot be an opponent of unidentified life forms, and naturally they cannot be an opponent of new life forms.

Ichijo is no exception.

Perhaps Ichijou can be considered a strong person among humans, but in the inhuman world, Ichijou cannot escape the word "just human" after all.

So the previous accident was really just an accident to the shark.

When it became a little more serious, the one that was already in poor condition naturally had no chance of survival.

With a spear pierced through the abdomen, a man hung his head on the wall. At least at this moment, he felt his death so clearly.

I also felt what it was like to die in battle.

Everyone says that when a person is about to die, that person's life will be condensed into several fragments in a very short period of time, and they will be remembered and remembered by others as if they were just walking through the mind. .

After that, whether you die with regrets or close your eyes with satisfaction, you will get the answer in that short scene.

Only at that moment can a person make a correct judgment about his life, and judge himself fairly.

The same goes for Ichijo.

Many, many images flashed through his mind, from childhood to later.

The people he met along the way, the people he had to separate from along the way; the partners who fought alongside him, the enemies who fought against him...

Although it can't be called that dull, it is indeed quite exciting.

What kind of point of view does Ichijo use to judge his own life?

The flickering of the revolving lantern has a time limit. As life goes by, the flickering picture of the revolving lantern will become darker and darker, and become more and more fragmented, until it completely disappears into nothingness.

The picture fixed at the last moment of life will determine the end of a person's life.

So Ichijo's picture stopped here, stopped at...a picture that clearly did not belong to him, but appeared in his mind at this moment.

"You made the same choice as me."

The figure with his back to Ichijo never turned around, but he seemed to know Ichijo's current situation.

He was also talking to Ichijo when he said this.

"The so-called battle is a reincarnation that you can never stop once you start. Everyone is looking forward to you. You can never be perfect. Everything you experience is just a struggle in the end."

"You should understand that if you don't have the ability to end everything, then what you experience when you go into battle is the regret caused by insufficient strength."

"Have you ever had any regrets in your life?"


Although he didn't know who this person was and why he appeared in his memory, Ichijou still answered his question.

"I have no regrets, and it was my choice."

"Then, why do you appear here?" This non-existent person said: "If you are a person who cherishes life, you should not come here."

"If you had chosen to continue fighting, you wouldn't have made this choice."

"I knew I couldn't survive, so I gave up on myself and chose death. I pretended to decide how I would die, but in fact I just wanted to die."

His words were sharp and he didn't mean to leave any underwear behind.

"That's why you see me at this time."

"What do you mean?" Ichijo asked.

"Because you and I have made the same choice." He said.

"We are the same person."


Before the subsequent words were finished, Ichijo's eyes suddenly lit up, and what appeared with it was a brand new revolving lantern, which were pictures belonging to the super ancient period and sleeping in the blood. At this moment, the potential in his blood was stimulated and revealed in front of Ichijo.

It can be said that Ichijou is not really having a conversation with Kamiyama Kazuma now, but is having a conversation with his own bloodline.

This ability usually appears in anyone with the blood of the Five Elements Village, and is more or less stimulated.

"Fight with the idea of ​​liberating yourself."

"You and I have always been the same."

The memories passed down in the bloodline are enough for Ichigo to see what his bloodline did in the past.

But he never imagined that his past could go back so far.

"no the same."

However, after looking at the broken scenes of Kazuma Kamiyama seeking self-liberation, although incoherent, Ichijou still gained a new understanding.

"I'm different from you!"

"You did choose to do that to get relief, as you said, but I didn't." Ichijo shook his head: "I didn't do it to free myself, I did..."

"But the fact that you appear here is enough to explain your inner feelings." Kamiyama Kazuma turned around. His face was indeed exactly the same as Ichijo's face as many people said.

"You can't deceive yourself at the last moment, and you can't ignore your own heart."


"It's not the end." Ichijo clenched his fists, a little angry: "I haven't said that I am the end now."

"I didn't really intend to die like this. Even if I die, I will never be killed like this."

"What does it mean to be nailed to the wall like a rag? Didn't I just die like this without bringing any help to Tiandao and the others?"

"This was never the way I chose to die."

As he said that, Ichijo raised his head and glanced at the guy in front of him: "And I never want to see you again."

"Many people have said that you are very similar to me." Kamiyama Kazuma smiled gently: "Because I am you, and you are..."

"Shut up!" Ichijo yelled: "You are you and I am me! Although we have the same blood, we are definitely not the same person!"

"Even if you say so, you will come to my side now." Kamiyama Kazuma opened his hands: "The boundary between life and death has been blurred, your life is about to dissipate, and we will eventually be one."

"The inheritance of our bloodline ends here."

"Shut up!" Ichijo raised his hand and pointed at Kazuma Kamiyama angrily: "Who wants to be with you!"

"If I die, I will merge with you, or even go to your side!!"

"Watch it, Kamiyama Isshin, I will prove to you that I will never cross this line of life and death!"

Ichijo jumped on his feet and shouted his soul to Kamiyama Kazuma.

"This is my struggle to survive!"

As soon as the words fell, the cold body seemed to be injected with some new power at this moment. The passing vitality was replenished in an instant, and the body that had gradually become cold gradually returned to normal temperature.

This new healing vitality allowed Ichijo's consciousness to return to the real world, no longer sinking in his blood.


Holding the back of his head with both hands, Shark looked relaxed: "He's just an ordinary Linduo, nothing worth paying attention to."

The bison couldn't deny this, and the two of them didn't even bother to look at Ichijo. Instead, they walked away and left directly outside the factory.


After breaking through several walls in a row, the blue-white mechanical beetle rushed towards us. The strong wind brought by the vibrating wings was like a sharp blade, so the sharks and bison had to avoid it on both sides.

There was no enemy in the eyes of the Steel Fighting Insect, but it flew directly to Ichito's "corpse". A pair of horns quickly cut off the shark's black spear at the waist.

But a certain corpse that was supposed to fall softly to the ground fell steadily to the ground after a belt around its waist released a strange blue light, stepping on the floor with its legs.

He stretched out his hand and pulled out the front half of the spear from his back, bringing out a handful of warm blood.

"Kamiyama Isshin, I will never go to your place!"

A self-taught man, Ichigo raised his hand and caught the steel fighting bug hovering above his head.

This time, the Steel Fighting Insect did not attack Ichijo, nor did it start a fight with him when they met before. Instead, it was honestly caught in Ichijo's hand.

And the belt seems to be playing a strange role, allowing the one that was on the verge of death to recover completely in an instant.

Not only that, but his brain, which was still a bit dizzy, and his temples, which were slightly tingling, no longer hurt at this time, allowing Ichijo to feel the body of a healthy person for the first time in a long time.

"Watch it."

He placed the steel bug in front of him and looked at it for a moment, then inserted it directly into the buckle of his belt.

"This is my struggle to stay alive!"

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