I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 264 Where there is light, there is shadow. (The shortest title achieved)

"Compared to that woman, I care more about this."

The dark figure is not as muscular as the bison next to it, but has a streamlined beauty. On land, such a body structure is not obvious, but underwater, such a body structure will make people feel its strength.

In the flowing water, such a body structure will make her as fast as lightning underwater.

The raised shoulder guards on both shoulders are particularly conspicuous, and the bulk on the chest is a removable decoration. With the help of the shark's own molecular control ability, this small decoration can be transformed into the weapon she uses, that is, a spear.

Once this spear is thrown under the streamlined body structure of the shark, the penetration force it can cause is extremely terrible.

In the original work, it is shown that the javelin is thrown at the tail of the aircraft cabin, penetrating all the strangers in a straight line along the way, completing the kill.

Even Kuuga can't stop such damage.

"Don't you think he looks familiar?" Shark took a step forward, holding a spear and staring at Yitiao's face, sighing slightly.

"The guy who came with Rose Girl... It seems that there was such a person before."

"Kamiyama Kazuma, right?" The buffalo smashed the hammer to the ground, making a hole in the factory floor, and said what Yitiao looked like in the eyes of their Gurongi.

"How could I forget this face?"

"That was the first Flame Dragon who betrayed the Fire Village. No matter what, it was enough to make a deep impression."

"Kamiyama Kazuma was already dead at that time." Shark raised his spear and pointed at Yitiao: "And the Flame Dragon of this generation is not him."

"You two..." Although he didn't know why Rose Girl brought him here, Yitiao at this moment was only grateful to Rose Girl.

It allowed him to choose his own way of death at the last moment of his life, instead of lying on the hospital bed waiting to die.

Although it seemed exaggerated to deal with two at a time, Yitiao didn't think he could win, and he came to choose his own way of death.

"Who cares! Whether it is or not, we will know as long as we give him a blow." Shark snorted coldly, and threw the spear in his hand suddenly, stabbing towards Yizhi.

The speed of the flying spear was so fast that it was within milliseconds. The human eye could not recognize the trajectory of such a moving speed.

Facing such a speed, I am afraid that until the moment when his body was pierced, he would not know how he died.

But that is for ordinary people.

And Yizhi is definitely not an ordinary person.

Not to mention that Yizhi is proficient in shooting ability, his own dynamic vision is excellent. Especially later, he awakened the power of blood, which was greatly strengthened on the original basis, making Yizhi even stronger.

Therefore, even if the speed of this spear was very fast, Yizhi still captured the moving trajectory.

With Yizhi's best efforts, he successfully squatted down and avoided the attack by a millimeter.

The flying spear was like thunder, piercing through the steel wall of the factory behind Yizhi, and the whole spear was immersed in it.

Shark: Oh?

A question of doubt and uncertainty made Shark question his soul.

Countless people from the awakened Fire Village died under her javelin.

The attack just now was enough to penetrate most of them.

But he dodged the one in front of him.

"Even if it's not Kamiyama Yizhen, it can't be separated from the Fire Village!" Bison picked up the big hammer and walked towards Yitiao.

"Such a guy is worth hunting!"

"That's right." Shark nodded in understanding: "Although there is a terrifying existence in this city, it has nothing to do with Linduo."

"It has nothing to do with the Linduo in front of him."

No matter who the terrifying life pressure came from before, Bison believed that it could not be related to the Linduo in front of him.

After all, the possibility of the two being involved is almost one in a billion, and it is impossible for such a coincidence to happen.

Bison has killed countless Linduos, and it doesn't matter if he kills the one in front of him.

"The main thing is this face, it's really irresistible." Bison stared at Yitiao's face.

"All the fire dragons, they deserve to die!"

"Especially those related to Rose." Shark added.

"Come on!" Ichijo lowered his body, blood trickled down his nose, and his eye sockets were also dyed red by the blood that suddenly invaded.

The white eyeballs turned red, looking extremely hideous.

"This is the ending I chose for myself!"

"Unconfirmed life forms... No! New life forms!"

"Come on!"



Suddenly waking up from his sleep, Tiandao roared, shouting Ichijo's name and looking around, looking at everything around him, this strange house, but familiar people.

"What's wrong?" Wudai woke up hazily from his sleep, and he didn't know what was happening now after being awakened by Tiandao's howl.

"I had a dream... I dreamed that Ichijo was being besieged by two new life forms." Tiandao seemed a little uneasy, and it was obvious that he cared about the dream: "No... it's better to say that it was really a dream? Ichijo and I are brothers with the same blood."

"Is that really a dream?"

Ichijo has the qualifications to summon the Flame Dragon Armor, which means he also has the blood of the Fire Village. Logically speaking, he can certainly be considered Tiandao's brother.

With this bloodline that is intertwined with each other as a guide, Tiandao is skeptical about whether the dream is a dream or not.


Godai was stunned, but he did not dare to make a decision lightly regarding the safety of Ichijo's life: "Besieged by two new life forms?"

"No, I want to try to contact him!" Tiandao struggled to stand up: "I have the same bloodline with him. Although I don't usually say it, this same bloodline is enough to help me find him."

He did what he said. Tiandao stood in the wooden house with his hands crossed in front of his chest. He was obviously urging his will to resonate with his bloodline to try to find Ichijo's location, but he just made a move with his hands crossed in front of his chest and used Ultraman's telekinesis.

That's because he didn't use a cane, otherwise it would be a bit like someone making a cameo appearance in the Knight's Shed.

(Seven: You really think I don't have a vest in the Knight's Shed, right?)

Fortunately, the power given by the four angels was exhausted in the previous battle, and Tiandao's own willpower recovery speed is still quite fast, so this can support his use.

It's just that he had never used this method before. Now that he used this method to search, Tiandao unexpectedly sensed the existence of many bloods belonging to the Fire Village.

These blood powers are either thin or hidden, and some are not activated...

But no matter which one it is, it brings a lot of difficulty to Tiandao's search at this time.

He had never used this before, so naturally he didn't know there was such a grand scene.

But fortunately, Tiandao also knew it very well. He directly omitted other places, locked Tokyo, and directly found the one with the thickest blood concentration, and then established a connection with the other party.

Yitiao can summon the Flame Dragon Armor, how could he be the kind with thin blood?

Therefore, when Tiandao's will can pass through the blood power and directly come to this abandoned factory, what he saw was a scene where a dark brown javelin pierced his body, was carried up by the terrifying power, and his body was hung on the wall.

Blood flowed down the wound, and soon dyed the ground scarlet.


Suddenly subjected to such stimulation, the energy of Heavenly Dao collapsed suddenly. Not only that, the remaining Ultimate Darkness suddenly rose and fell, rolling in from the cracked energy, stretching out countless tiny spikes, firmly rooted in the energy of Heavenly Dao, and attached to it.

The Ultimate Darkness would immediately attach itself as soon as it had a chance, and it was as difficult to get rid of as a ulcer attached to the bone.

Before, when Heavenly Dao was stable, it was still lurking safely, but when Heavenly Dao's mood was agitated and his state of mind was unstable, the Ultimate Darkness would immediately seize the opportunity and enter through the gap.

Since he had endured the Ultimate Darkness with his body, how could it be without any cost?

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