I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 175 Yueying: Win, small win, big win, win to the point of numbness

Chapter 175 Yueying: Win, small win, big win, win like crazy!

The ending is...


After the Decade driver was knocked down, Yueying would not give Kadoshi any chance to get the driver again.

The definite victory is just around the corner. He only needs to defeat Kadoshi here, take away the knight's power deposited in him, and plunder the power of Decade. In this way...the strongest knight will change from Decade to him.

He will also become a knight and gain the power of all knights.

In addition to the power of the King of Creation absorbed before, and the Emperor Stone in Tiandao's body...

When Yueying thought of this, he couldn't help laughing.

It's true that after the plan succeeds, everything will be done.

As long as luck is good, the road to becoming stronger will climb to an unimaginable level in a short time.

The power of the King of Creation will soon be digested by himself, and then he will take away the "full" knight power of Decade, and finally absorb the Emperor Stone to become the true and complete King of Creation.

After this wave, Yueying felt that he would be invincible and would never find an opponent again.

Those annoying knights would disappear, and Dashocker would conquer all the worlds under his rule, and he would be the king of all the worlds, crowned as the king, ascend the throne, and become the supreme king!

At that time, it would be time for him to transcend the world and reach a new realm.

When thinking of the bright future, Yueying's ruthlessness became even more fierce. The scarlet long sword kept creating wounds on Kadoya Shi's body while swinging, and while drinking blood, the long sword became more and more charming.

"What a pity, former ~ Great Commander." Victory was in sight, Yueying raised a sword and cut Kadoya Shi's chest, pulling out a huge scar, and also cut off the pendant on Kadoya Shi's neck and took it in his hand.

"There is only one person in this world who has seen through my plan." Slowly putting down his hand, Yueying continued: "In my plan, there has never been such a person."

"From the beginning to the end, he never believed in me and was extremely hostile to me."

"Are you talking about the way of heaven?" The scar on his cheek did not bleed, and all the blood stains were absorbed by the sword, but compared to the wounds on his body, what hurt Kadoya Shi more was Xiaoye's hateful eyes.

"That's right." Yueying nodded slightly: "I can't tolerate variables that I can't control in my plan, so I used some tricks."

"So when I went back and saw Tiandao..." Kamen Shi suddenly realized: "No, Xiaoye was also cooperating with you at that time?"

"That's right!" Xiaoye nodded: "That man is too annoying, even more annoying than my brother!"

"As long as you lose trust in him, no matter what he says, it will be in vain, and you won't believe it." Yueying raised the long sword slightly: "You are also extremely disappointed in him as I imagined."

"Really... you have calculated everything." Kamen Shi sneered a few times, and he could only lie on the ground with difficulty standing up, his cold eyes full of murderous intent.

"Just that? You won't let him go, will you?"

"Don't worry." Yueying smiled slightly: "He will soon become our Great Shocker's vanguard in conquering the world, and become our sharpest long sword, clearing the way for our Great Shocker."

"But that kind of future..." Yueying raised his hand and fell suddenly: "You won't see it!"

As soon as the words fell, the floor under Kadoya Shi suddenly cracked, swallowing Kadoya Shi, and fell into the water dungeon below along with the position where Guang Xiahai and the others fell before.

And here, in the dark and thick darkness, a man in a plaid shirt walked out and stood in front of Kadoya Shi.

Someone who was still opening and closing his eyes turned around and saw Onodera standing here. In addition to being surprised, he also felt very guilty.

But soon this guilt turned into surprise.

"henshni (transformation)."

Under the voice that was so flat that there was no emotional fluctuation at all, was a heart infected by darkness.

Onodera, who had lost himself, was no longer the same person he used to be. He had become a biological weapon, and was drawn by the darkness of the Earth Stone, becoming a puppet manipulated by others.

The sublimated Ultimate Kuuga was displayed in front of Kadoya Shi, which also brought the greatest shock to Kadoya Shi.

"I remember that the former Great Leader was beaten to his knees by the Ultimate Kuuga and lost his memory, right?" Yueying's voice echoed around: "Then why don't you ask the former Great Commander to feel the opponent you faced at that time again."

"Even stronger."

"Yueying!!" Kadoya Shi roared: "What did you do to them!"

"Sigh, it seems that this has nothing to do with you, former Great Leader."


The joyful laughter gradually faded away and completely disappeared from Kadoya Shi's ears.

"Brother." The figure of Kadokami Saya appeared above the black eyes of the sublimated Ultimate Sora: "You left me alone, and you only wanted to travel alone and enjoy that kind of happiness. Can you feel my mood now?"

"I was left in the bird's nest by you, looking at you with envy."

"Flying freely, you forgot something, you always had it, but I can't have it!"

"Saya!" Kadoya stood up with difficulty: "It's not like that, brother is not leaving you, I..."

"Mr. Yueying will never leave me." The sublimated Ultimate Kuuga stepped forward and grabbed Kadoya's neck: "So, brother is no longer needed."

"Compared to brother, Yueying will always be with me!"

"Saya! Yueying he!!"

"So, the brother who abandoned his sister is no longer needed!"

The twisted mind brought the amplification of darkness, and the paranoid side occupied all the thoughts in the mind. Manipulating the sublimated Ultimate Kuuga, Xiaoye raised her hand towards her brother.


The big bidou with a force of up to 100T hit Kadoya's face fiercely, whipping him like a gyroscope and flying up, and also made Kadoya's head fall into a dizzy state.

... Fortunately, Kadoya is not an ordinary person, otherwise this 100T force would probably turn Kamen Rider into a magnetic field maniac in seconds.

The head exploded like a watermelon: JPG

Outside the photo studio, late at night, after Guang Xia Hai fell asleep with a lot on her mind, Tiandao and Ming Long appeared at the same time under the mountain wall in the backyard of the photo studio.

After seeing each other, both of them smiled knowingly.

Tiandao: He really meant that.

Ming Long: He really understood what I meant.

"Is there anything that Guang Xia Hai can't know?" Tiandao crossed his arms: "You have to wink at me desperately, and then... ask me to come here?"

"As a person in the game, it's better for Miss Guang Xia Hai not to know the truth." Ming Long shook his head: "Mr. Tiandao, it's really great to see you."

"Really really... so great!"

As he said, Ming Long stretched out his hand to cover his chest, took a deep breath, and said again with a refreshing expression: "This infinitely repeated story belonging to Kadoya Shi, is it finally going to be broken this day?!"


Tiandao, who didn't understand what Ming Long meant, expressed his confused mood.

"You may not know that this world is in a wrong cycle." Minglong spoke again: "The source of all these accidents is Kadoya."

"Damn Decade!"

Tiandao did not speak, but pretended to listen attentively.

"It's not the end yet, it's just a knight war that must be experienced in reincarnation."

"If other knights win, then at the moment of world fusion, everything will return to the beginning and start again."

"If Decade wins, then the story can continue until the end of the Knight War."

"What is the end of the Knight War?" Tiandao asked.

"All knights, hunt down Decade." Minglong said softly

"Drive Decade out."

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