I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 174 Group members don’t believe I can figure out the storyline of Decade, but I proved mysel

During the time Narutaki was talking to Tiandao, things were not peaceful in the Overhaulka's station.

Putting aside the restlessness caused by General Jack, the Ambassador of Hell and others, Kadoyaji, who stayed alone in the station and observed the fusion and approach of multiple worlds, suddenly noticed that the fusion of worlds was still gradually happening. And several worlds have begun to overlap.

"That's it, with me as the center, all the worlds merge together instead of colliding and destroying each other." Kado Yashi clenched his fists. The future he expected will be realized. Starting from him, the world will be perfectly accommodated bit by bit. .

Under Kado Yashi's observation, the power of the knights he defeated from other worlds turned into scattered light particles, escaping little by little from the void and gradually converging on him.

The opponents who lose in the Knight War will have their worlds as sub-worlds and become the material for world fusion.

Although some existences will disappear, although some things will be changed, the world will be preserved in the end, instead of colliding with each other, destroying both, and eventually turning into nothingness.

Paying that price in exchange for the survival of the world is acceptable no matter how you look at it.

Kado Yashi also believed that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

"Natsu Mikan... just wait, you will understand me." Kado Yashi stroked his chest, obviously the heartless look he put on before was not what he really thought.

"The efforts of the knights are definitely not meaningless, and I will always remember them."

"Their sacrifices are also to protect the world."

The softly murmured words were mixed with Kadoya Shi's affirmative tone.

He will not forget those sacrifices. If he wants to save the world, he must bear some kind of sin.

Sacrifice is meaningful.

"It seems that the big leader is really concerned about the degree of integration of the world."

The door where Kado Yashi's back was turned was, and Yueying walked in with unstoppable joy in his rich voice, still looking like a housekeeper.

Only this time, there was no respect for Kado Yashi in his tone.

"Tsukiyage?" Kado Yashi turned his head. Although he was a little surprised to see Yueying's appearance, he did not feel confused: "Are you finally here? Don't you want to hide your identity?"

"My identity is Miss Xiaoye's housekeeper, that's all." Yueying stood in front of the steps: "Other than that, maybe the identity that Master Shi is more familiar with has long since ceased to exist?"

"Dashuka's Moon Shadow, do you think I will forget it?" Kado Yashi turned around and clasped his hands on his chest: "Are you so impatient to appear in front of me now?"

"The cooperative relationship has been made very clear. I need the power of the Overhaul Card to complete my plan, and you, the Overhaul Card, will gain the domination of this world."

All of this goes back to the very first moment, that is, at the beginning of the fusion of the worlds, when Kadoya Shi left Kadoya Saya and went to the outside world.

Kadoya Shi, who left Kadoya Saya, had already reached a cooperation with Overhaul Card before that.

With the power to open dimensional walls, Kadoya Shi can travel to other worlds.

But Kadayaji, who possesses this ability, does not have great power.

So Kadoyaji found the Overhaul Card, obtained the Imperial Cavalry Driver from the Overhaul Card, and reached a cooperation with the Overhaul Card.

Kadoya Shi will become the leader of Overka, start the knight war, complete his plan, and save the world.

As the object of cooperation, after the world is saved, the Overhaul Card will gain the right to rule the world, that is, it will hold all the worlds in its hands, and they will conquer all the worlds.

At that time, the strongest knight was Kado Yashi, and the Overhaulka led by Kado Yashi would conquer the world.

After the world was saved, Kado Yashi felt that he had his own suppression, and the Overhaul Card could not make any waves.

Besides, being conquered by Overhaul Card is just a small price to pay for saving the world.

Better than destroyed.

After the cooperation was reached, Kado Yashi shared the power of the dimensional wall with Overka.

The Overhaul Card relies on this power to travel through various worlds and connects all the worlds.

Whether it was their old rivals, the Showa Knights, or the newly emerged Heisei Knights, they were all found by Overhaul Card.

After that, Kadoya Shi transformed into an imperial knight and went out to challenge all the knights. After starting a knight war, he was ready to implement the first step of his plan.

He succeeded, but also failed.

He succeeded because he defeated all the knights except Kuuga.

He failed because he failed to defeat the empty self in the end, and instead perished with the ultimate empty self.

It is not known what happened to Kuuga after that, but when Kado Yashi appeared again, he was already in a state where he was encountered by Mitsumi Natsumi and lost all memories of the past.

After that, they met the enemy again, and Mitsumi found the Imperial Cavalry Driver and gave it to Kado Yaji for use, which marked the beginning of Imperial Cavalry TV.

Kado Yashi embarked on the journey again with amnesia, and his fate turned again at this moment.

It wasn't until he returned to this world, met Saya again, and learned about this plan again, that Kado Yaji's lost memory was recovered.

The plan naturally started again.

"Big boss, the knight war is not over." Yueying stood up straight: "This war is still going on."

"Still going on?" Kadoya frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It means you are no longer the leader." The distorted voice was filled with a hint of joy. The girl in a white dress covered her hair with pearls and a silver veil covered her forehead.

With pure white lace pattern gloves on both hands, Xiaoye looked like she was wearing a white wedding dress at this moment.


"Xiaoye?!" Compared to Xiaoye's appearance here, what Kadoya was more concerned about was Xiaoye's current clothes.

What does this wedding-like dress mean? !

"Brother, that's enough. What happens next has nothing to do with you." Standing on the steps, Xiaoye looked down at Kadoya.

"You abandoned me and traveled alone. I no longer need you."

"Brother, Xiaoye can fly now without relying on you."

As she said that, Xiaoye held her hands on her chest and turned her eyes that had always been attached to Kadoya to Yueying.

"Relying on Mr. Yueying's power."

"Xiaoye?!" As soon as this statement came out, Kamen Rider couldn't hold it back on the spot.

He wanted to go over and question Xiaoye immediately, but before he took a few steps, he was stopped by a rapidly falling red sword.

"Don't you understand yet? Great leader." With the scarlet sword in hand, Yueying no longer needed to hide anything: "Compared to you, I am the most qualified person to sit in that position!"

"Yueying!" Kamen Rider roared: "What did you do to Xiaoye?!"

"Nothing." Without transforming, Yueying still maintained a human posture: "It's just to let the bird that has lost its support regain the wings that can shelter her from the wind and rain."

"You bastard!" Kamen Rider could never calm down when it came to Kamen Rider Xiaoye. He glared at Yueying without hesitation and immediately wanted to take out the Decade Driver to transform.

But the one who was faster than him was Yueying.

The scarlet sword slashed Kadoya's arm, blood splattered, and the Decade Driver drew an arc in the air, falling to the side with blood.

Kadoya covered the wound on his arm and took a few steps back in cold sweat.

"Great leader, you have defeated so many knights and accumulated their power and existence." Yueying raised his head slightly: "But I said that the Knight War is not over yet."

"You!" Kadoya was not stupid, and he reacted immediately: "Are you planning to do this?"

Yueying did not answer, and the sword he chopped down again had already shown his attitude.

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