I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 172 Tai Er: The men in our Shenshan family have always been good at beating women.

The running figure was intercepted halfway, and the dark surge of the Earth Stone not only covered Onodera's whole body, but also wrapped Xiaoye's body.

Even though Tiandao reacted quickly and punched Xiaoye's face without mercy, he was still blown away the moment his fist touched Xiaoye's body.

Obviously, that power has now become Xiaoye's amulet, protecting Xiaoye, and no one can hurt her.

"Tian Dao!" He turned into a rolling gourd and rolled on the ground for several circles. Guang Xia Hai hurriedly helped him up: "Are you okay?!"

"Are you aiming at Kuuga's power?" Tian Dao hammered the ground and quickly got up: "But Onodera has already lost in the Knight War, he should not be able to transform!"

"Although Kuuga's existence has been taken away, the power in his body has not." Xiaoye still had a weird smile on her face: "He is the most vicious and evil dark knight!"

"Is he completely controlled by that stone?" Tian Dao took a deep breath and stood up in front of Onodera.

Like a wooden board inserted into a torrent, Tian Dao blocked this force with his body, protecting Onodera behind him, and accepting the wash completely.

"You have to... ask me first!"

Tian Dao resisted the impact of darkness, but Onodera's condition did not improve because of this.

The power aroused by the surge of darkness has spread through Kuuga's belt to his limbs and bones. The power of the Earth Stone is like a trigger, fully showing the final posture of the Adam Spirit Stone.

"Ah!" The looming appearance of Kuuga appeared around Onodera, and the next moment, Onodera, lying on the ground, was completely covered by Kuuga's posture.

Tiandao couldn't look back now, otherwise he would find that the Kuuga of Onodera at this moment showed a completely different posture from the Kuuga he knew.

There was nothing else except black. No human emotions could be seen in the dark eyes. The hideous barbs extended from the elbows of both hands, and even on the calves.

The golden stream of light spread to the whole body little by little along the gaps in the biological armor, completing additional bone hyperplasia in a very short time, allowing Kuuga, who had already shown the ultimate posture, to go one step further on this basis.

At this time, the sharp horns on the top of the head also turned into golden double horns, which looked even bigger.

The change in Onodera fell into the eyes of Mitsumasa, but Tendō, who had his back to Onodera, did not know what had happened.

And when Mitsumasa reminded Tendō, it was too late.

He stood up from the ground and grabbed Tendō's shoulders, turning him over forcefully, revealing the sublimated posture of Kuuga above the Ultimate. In his black eyes, Tendō's current appearance was reflected.


The dark fluctuations of the Earth Stone had stopped, but the completely unfamiliar Kuuga in front of Tendō at this moment shocked him even more.

It's not that he had never seen Kuuga before, but it was because he had seen him that he was surprised.

The Five Generations... had never shown this appearance.

"It's time to despair, right? Everything you have done is in vain, and it's all meaningless." The figure of Saya was reflected in the black eyes of the Ultimate Sublimated Kuuga, and Saya's voice was also emitted from Kuuga's body.

It represents who is controlling the Ultimate Sublimated Kuuga today.

"As outsiders, you don't understand anything at all." Xiaoye didn't control the sublimated Ultimate Kuuga to punch Tendō, but threw him away.

After drawing an arc in the air and breaking a tree, Tendō fell into the flowers, holding his waist and twitching.

"Xiaoye, why? Why did you do this!" Guang Xia Hai stepped forward, and she stood in front of Xiaoye's original body with her hands open, not in front of Kuuga.

"...When I was very young, I depended on my brother for life." Xiaoye held the Stone of Earth in her hand.

"But unlike me who has always been at home and can't go anywhere, my brother can freely enter and exit anywhere, even... the world opened by me."

Xiaoye closed her eyes: "The power of the dimensional wall that can connect the world was obviously activated by me!"

"But even this power rejected my entry and accepted my brother!"

"I can only watch my brother playing in the outside world through the barrier, watching his happiness, but he never shared it with me, and never thought about me."

"Isn't it him who left me in the nest without caring? Has he ever thought about my feelings when he laughed happily in the outside world?!"

"The bird he left in the nest is just a burden to him!"

The lifeless eyes shed tears unconsciously. Even though the darkness in her heart was magnified by the Stone of the Earth, Xiaoye still felt uneasy about some things.

"So that day, he left me like that and never came back." Wiping the tears from her cheeks, Xiaoye regained her expression and returned to her cold appearance at the beginning.

"But it doesn't matter anymore. I've found someone who will always be by my side. He will never leave me and will always be by my side!"

"So, you who came back with my brother, just like my brother, disappear!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiaoye controlled the sublimated Ultimate Kuuga to approach Guang Xiahai step by step. The sound of the biological armor while walking was like the death god coming from hell, taking the lives of others bit by bit.

"Shi, is this the kind of person?" As if all the strength in her body had been drained, Guang Xiahai's eyes that never gave up also dimmed. She unconsciously became a little afraid. She could no longer believe the image of someone she had constructed in her mind.

Even when the moment of life was right in front of her, Guang Xiahai had no reaction at all.


But Guang Xiahai's lack of reaction did not mean that the other person present did not react.

The roar resounded through the world, and the roar that was unconsciously mixed with the energy of the mind made Guang Xiahai, who was in a daze, recover, and also made the controlled Kuuga's steps slightly stagnate.

Even Xiaoye, after a moment of trance, returned to the moment of no spirit again.

"What are you talking about? Are you only thinking about yourself?"

Tian Dao walked out with the help of the Qinglong stick, and said as he approached: "You are only thinking about yourself. Your mind is full of grievances you have suffered, and you are only thinking about yourself!"

"Then have you ever thought about how he, as your brother, can protect this family that has lost both parents? How can he protect his only remaining relatives?"

"Xiao Ye, you are right. The outside world is like wolves and tigers. If you are not careful, they will eat you up." Tian Dao stood beside Guang Xia Hai, and the scarlet blood in his eyes covered his vision.

"You can stay in your own little world, without having to think about the outside world, and without having to endure the evil of the outside world."

"But do you know who has taken on all this for you? Do you know who has opened his arms to protect you?"

The disgust in Tiandao's eyes was barely concealed: "He raised you up, struggled in the world you think is evil, and honed his way forward in the world you fear. Is it for himself?"

"Kadiya Saya, what position does he occupy in your heart?"

Tiandao sneered and spoke again: "Only thinking about yourself, wanting to tie your brother to your side."

"What do you want him to pay for?"

"How long do you want him to support you?"

In Tiandao's eyes, the golden flame burned slowly, reappearing with excitement.

"Putting all this aside, even now, you did not step out of the nest by your own strength, but still found someone to rely on."

"Do you have to feed your food to your mouth by hand before you can show that happy smile?"

"Kadiya Saya, your sister..."

"It's so ugly."

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