I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 171 Onodera: How strong is Yueying? (Tiandao: Too strong, I even feel)

Chapter 171 Onodera: How is Yueying’s strength? (Tiandao: It’s too strong, I even feel...)

"Why are you like that..."

Although he knew that it was too much to laugh in front of the person involved, Guang Xiahai couldn't help but think of the way Tiandao was hung on the cross.

"Then you have to ask our dear Mr. Diqi." Tiandao's face looked foul, and he was obviously in a bad mood.

Especially when three old men secretly plotted to cut off his son in Daxiuka's camp, Tiandao couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

What the hell! !

"Tiandao, you are right, Shi has been deceiving us all along." Onodera sighed helplessly: "His real goal is to become the strongest knight and help Daxiuka..."

"No!" Tiandao interrupted Onodera: "On the contrary, I confirmed that this matter had nothing to do with that guy. It is very possible that he was also kept in the dark."

Guang Xiahai: "Eh?!"

Onodera had the same reaction: "But! We knew it before!!"

"What is the correct reaction for someone who is kept in the dark?" Tiandao curled his lips: "That guy thinks that what he is doing is saving the world, but in fact he is being used as a weapon by Overhaul Ka."

"Did Overhaul Card lie to him?" Guang Xiahai nodded: "Yes, it is indeed the case. In any case, it is too outrageous to say that to save the world, you must first become the strongest knight."

"Isn't that warrior in danger now?" Onodera reacted: "Daxiuka...what else do they want from the warrior?"

"After the Imperial Cavalry defeats all the knights, the power of existence of those defeated knights will be concentrated on the Imperial Cavalry, and the fusion of the world will also gather here with the Imperial Cavalry's world as the center." Tiandao rubbed. Chin, the smart brain started working at high speed.

"The Imperial Cavalry at this time is invincible."

"Do you think it's true that all the knights were defeated by the Imperial Cavalry?" Tiandao shifted his gaze from the ceiling: "As far as I know, he still has one knight that he has not defeated."

"Who?" Onodera asked.

"Yueying, that is, Shadow Moon." Tiandao said Shadow Moon's name: "That guy is also a Kamen Rider, and he was not defeated by a warrior."

"In other words, the Knight War is not over, but is still going on?" Guang Xiahai also responded: "If the knight is defeated by Yueying, then the name of the strongest knight..."

"He will become Shadow Moon's!" Onodera said immediately: "In that case, Moon Shadow will become the truly strongest knight, and no one in this world can stop him!"

"I'm so sorry." Tiandao shrugged and told even worse news: "Yueying is also the person who overhauled the card."

"Do you still remember that we were in the black world before? After you guys left, I came back with Haidong Dashu. When I wanted to tell you the truth, I was stopped by Yueying."

"How is Yueying's strength?" Onodera asked quickly: "How does it compare to Kazushi?"

Tiandao recalled the battle at that time. With the huge difference in basic data, he had no chance to resist and faced an unquestionable desperate situation.

Whenever I think back now, I can feel the pressure I faced at that time.

Tiandao recalled for a moment and then said: "It's really too strong, and I feel like he didn't even use all his strength."

Onodera was a little surprised by Tiandao's reaction: "How can you actually talk to this extent?"

Tiandao waved his hand and said sadly: "The battle consciousness that has been tempered for thousands of years, the strange ability to condense weapons at will, and the life-and-death battle experience honed in life and death. I want to show all these, which should be enough to compete with it."

Then, Tiandao spread his hands.

"It's useless. I didn't even last two minutes."

It has to be said that with Shadow Moon's strength, Tiandao's ability to hold on for two minutes is already something worth bragging about.

You must know that Leo can only last 40 seconds longer than Tiandao (lucky).

"Then what else can we do now?" Guang Natsumi said dejectedly: "It's impossible for Shi Shi to come back, and Onodera can't transform. Can we just watch this happen?"

"Damn it!" Onodera slammed the table: "I'm going to find Xiaoye! If it's Xiaoye, she should be able to change her mind..."

"What if Xiao Yeben is the person involved?" Tiandao suddenly said: "Don't forget, Yueying is her butler."

Onodera murmured and was speechless, falling into silence.

"Everything is over, our trip...our future...and the world..." Guang Xiahai sighed: "I can only watch all this here..."

"The knights in other worlds have also been defeated, and there is no hope for them all."

Although Guang Xiahai seemed decadent, what was before everyone was this helpless and despairing reality.

She was at her wits end.

"Who said that all the knights have been defeated?" Tiandao snorted: "There is still one knight who is still standing from the beginning to the end!"

"You're not talking about Mr. Dashu, are you?" Onodera waved his hands in front of his face: "It's impossible, Mr. Dashu will not get involved in this kind of thing."

"And Mr. Dashu has always been looking for us, but we have never been able to find Mr. Dashu."

Among the people Onodera still knows, the only one who can still transform is Kaito Daiki.

But Onodera didn't count on it.

"Who said that?" Tiandao patted his chest: "The remaining knight is right in front of you!"


Onodera: ...

Guang Xia Hai: ...

The two looked at each other and saw that Tiandao had gone crazy in each other's eyes.

"If you can't transform, you are not a knight?" Tiandao applied what he learned and immediately repeated what Kamiyama Heart said to him: "Is Kamen Rider such an inconvenient thing?"

"Even if I can't transform, the heart that wants to help others and protect something is still beating."

"Without that armor, I can still annihilate the enemy!"

Tiandao said righteously, and the whole person looked very confident.

But in fact, before that, he was still complaining that he couldn't transform, and then he was beaten up by Yueying.

"… Let's go find out if there are other knights." Guang Xia Hai looked at Tian Dao for a moment, then ignored him and said to Onodera: "Although the knights defeated by the warriors have disappeared, there must be knights who have not disappeared!"

"Find these knights and let them help us!"


Onodera nodded heavily: "This is the only way. There must be other knights in this world. If we convince them, we still have hope!"

As they said this, the two ignored the person standing over there, and they regained their fighting spirit and walked away, opened the door and rushed out.

"Hey! Why don't you believe me! I'm really a Kamen Rider!" Tian Dao stretched out his hand to keep the two people, and ran out with them.

The moment the three stepped out of the door, they stopped in front of the door one after another, and saw someone standing in front of the door at the same time.

The girl in a blue knitted sweater stood in front of the three people. The light in her eyes had lost its brilliance. She had a broken smile on her face, and her hands tightly grasped the pentagonal stone pendant on her chest.

After seeing the three people walk out of the door, Xiaoye's lifeless eyes locked on Onodera.

"Xiaoye?" Guang Xia Hai spoke subconsciously.

"You have the ultimate darkness hidden in your body." Xiaoye pointed the pendant at Onodera with a hint of madness in her broken smile, and instantly projected a black and purple beam that enveloped Onodera's whole body and wrapped him up.


Onodera felt great pain, as if something was about to drill out of his body, and Kuga's belt emerged and flashed uncontrollably.

"Onodera!" Guang Xia Hai was surprised for a moment, and Tiandao had already passed by her side, aiming directly at Kadokaya Xiaoye.

He raised his fist and hit her in the face.

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