I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 145 Adamu Spirit Stone: I suddenly felt the presence of the third stone (bushi)

Tiandao canceled the transformation and stared at the angels who had gone away at the horizon. He involuntarily raised his hand and looked at the strange pattern on the back of his hand.

Like the legendary snake that tricked Adam and Eve into eating the Apple of Eden.

But it seems like a world snake that is about to swallow the sun.

Regardless, it promises an extraordinary performance.

Through this, Tiandao can feel the vague connection between himself and the earth angel. Even if he wants to, he can activate the power in this mark at any time to communicate with the earth angel and achieve a real-time dialogue between the two. .

Not only that, inside this mark, some kind of flowing power is being integrated into his body, spreading throughout his body, seeming to be strengthening his body, slowly strengthening his bones and flesh.

Over time, under the nourishment of this power, Tiandao's body will be greatly strengthened, and his ability to fight monsters with his physical body will also increase.

"What a great gift." Tiandao thought that these changes were given by the Earth Angel, so his impression of the Earth Angel was quite good.

Although he didn't know that the Earth Angel didn't give him so many things, it was just because of his own reasons that the power of the earth formed a special effect after entering his body.

"The Venerables on the Earth... Although I don't know where they jumped out from, at least for now, their target is Gurungi." As long as it fights against the existence of Gurungi, Heavenly Dao can regard it as cooperation. The target is the same no matter who it is.

At this thought, Tiandao understood it in his heart. After picking up a branch from the surroundings, with the spread of his own will, strange supernatural energy attached to the stick, and then turned into a green dragon stick, which was the will constructed by Tiandao. arms.

With the Azure Dragon Stick in hand, Tiandao closed his eyes and felt the power in his body before nodding with satisfaction.

It seems that I have to think of a way to repay the respectable people on earth.

It was still before the suspension bridge, but this time, Yiyiyi and Tiandao could only look at each other from across the distance, but had no way to approach each other.

Because of the previous earthquakes and the huge changes in the celestial phenomena, this suspension bridge had long been broken due to the violent destruction, causing Tiandao and Ichijo to look at each other from a distance, with big eyes and small eyes.

But Tiandao is not an ordinary person. The embodied green dragon stick in his hand was extended and transformed into it, acting as a [bridge] to connect the two sides.

Tiandao ran over cautiously, and with a behavior that could be called tightrope walking, Ichijo once again discovered the difference between Tiandao.

But precisely because of this, Tiandao was forcibly taken to the Tokyo Medical University Hospital, where he was ordered to have a good physical examination to see if the venerable man on earth had done anything.

No matter what Heaven said, Ichijou didn't believe that such a good thing could happen.

A strong one, even if Tiandao tells the truth, there is no way to make him change his mind.

After meeting Godai who also turned around and came back on the road, Ichichi told Godai about the matter. As a result, the two guys actually reached a tacit understanding, holding Tiandao on the left and right, and twisted Tiandao all the way to the hospital.

It's like arresting a prisoner.

Tiandao was extremely dissatisfied with this.

I don't care if Ichijo treats me like this, he is a human being.

But why do you, the fifth generation, have the nerve to treat me like this?

Aren’t you yourself empty of me?

"It's strange." Facing the gazes of the three of them, Chun Xiuyi handed over Tiandao's inspection report to them, and held up the fluoroscopy photo: "You said that he just gave you part of his power to communicate with you, but that's not necessarily true. ?”

"Look here." As he spoke, Chun Xiuyi pointed at Tiandao's heart: "In your heart, the remaining power that you were struck by lightning is still accumulated here. It is not triggered and there is no movement."

"And here." Chun Xiuyi said, pointing to Tiandao's abdomen in the photo: "Well...you have signs of stones here."



Godai (touched his waist):?

"Literally, it means stones." Chun Xiuyi said very plainly: "You said that some kind of earthly sage gave you the power of the earth... I don't know what the power of the earth is, but you really have stones here. sign."

"So, the power of the earth is to make people have stones in their bodies?" Although the unconfirmed life form has already shattered people's outlook on life, what happened to Tiandao can still refresh Ichiichi's world view.

"Then, does this mean that Tiandao-san, like me, can also become a void?" Wudai touched his belly. Here, the belt of Adam's spiritual stone merged with him, and it was here that he brought changed him.

"...That was an accident of yours, it's different from the way of heaven." Chun Shuichi looked at Godai angrily.

Co-author, you really thought yours was a kidney stone!

"Generally speaking, the formation of stones is due to certain factors. The reasons for the formation of different stones are also different, but most of them are caused by incorrect work and rest patterns and the inability to absorb nutrients." Shuichi Tsubaki continued.

"You...that earthly venerable ability, could it be that you can make stones grow in other people's bodies?"

When Tiandao heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes.

"Is the situation serious?" Ichijo asked.

"At present, there are signs of formation, because a very small condensate has indeed appeared." Chun Xiuyi said: "I can't guarantee how fast this thing will grow. After all... it's not appropriate to use human medicine on you."

"Then it's okay?" Tiandao waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry, I feel it's definitely not a stone."

"Like you said, it's not appropriate to use human medicine to define non-humans."

... Chun Xiuyi looked up and down at Tiandao: "You are really as optimistic as the fifth generation."

"I'm a doctor. I won't say the most optimistic direction. I will only prepare for the worst." Chun Xiuyi took a deep breath: "Your heart can be destroyed at any time by the explosion of that power, causing your chest to explode . "

"That stone may be controlled by the other party. If it wants to kill you, it only needs to activate this, and you will be choked to death by the stone."

"Tiandao, can you still be so optimistic?" Chun Xiuyi patted Tiandao on the shoulder: "Your body already has a great hidden danger."

"You also said that it is if one day." Tiandao smiled and shook his head: "Now the world needs my power and the power of Yanlong. I can't just give up."

"So when that day comes, we'll talk about it later." Tiandao stood up from the chair: "Chun, when I come to you for surgery, don't ask me for money."

In fact, it is not impossible to perform surgery now, but Chun Xiuyi also said that the stone is too small and it is difficult to find it.

In addition, if Tiandao undergoes surgery and recuperates for ten days or half a month, once an unconfirmed life event occurs, then...


In the dark, in the top of the sacred mountain that Tiandao has not entered for a long time, the old man of the sacred mountain sits cross-legged, in the center of the altar square on the top of the sacred mountain, sensing everything in the outside world.

When Tiandao just entered in the past, the top of the sacred mountain was still desolate. After Tiandao became a flame dragon, the events on the top of the sacred mountain seemed to flow again.

After that, Tiandao, who was struck by lightning, never entered the top of the sacred mountain again, so he didn't know that the top of the sacred mountain today has changed compared to the previous desolation.

The grass swayed, the flowers exuded fragrance in the wind, and the desolate world added grass and flower fragrance.

Beside the ruins on the top of the sacred mountain, the flying birds stopped and whispered about the secrets between the birds.

At this moment, the sacred mountain trembled, and the entire mountain peak trembled and shook.

Then, the sacred mountain rose higher, broke through the clouds, and soared into the sky.

The clouds were thrown under the mountain top, reaching a new height.

Peak after peak.

Limit, beyond limit.

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