I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 144 Someone is creating a father, I won’t tell you who it is.

"Okay, what needs to be said has been said, we have to continue to do what we should do." After saying that, the Earth Angel slightly raised his hand to greet the Wind Angel beside him.

"Besides, it's a long way to send water back. I'm afraid it will encounter some bad guys on the way and be in danger."

"You give it a ride."

Feng Angel didn't speak, but nodded silently to express his understanding.

"Wait a minute!" But the moment the angel on earth turned around, Yanlong spoke instead: "If your enemy is Gurungi, then we may have a chance to cooperate."

"I have an idea, that is to find the grunge's lair, and then gather powerful power to kill all the grungy at once!"

In the past half year or so, the number of murders caused by Gurungi has risen to a terrifying figure. Yanlong knows that as long as the unconfirmed life forms do not disappear for a day, the number of deaths will never stop growing.

"Really?" Earth Angel stopped. If Yanlong had made such a request for cooperation before, it would never have reacted in any way.

Because Gurungi has nothing to do with them, the two sides have no relationship at all.

But now, Gurungi has awakened the power of light, and these guys who possess extraterrestrial power will become even more powerful after gaining the power of the spirit stone.

Even though they have mobilized their lower-level lords to search for the location of Gurungi all over the world, all they can find are ordinary Gurungi.

The keen sense of the power of light produced by the venerables in the past seemed to have lost its effect. When it was used to sense Gurungi who had awakened the power of light, there was no reaction at all.

The angels cannot remain indifferent to this, especially as the Black God awakens soon.

If the Black God wakes up and finds that the world is filled with the power of light, then the consequences of their angels' neglect of duty will definitely not be good.

"It's okay, you and I both have a common enemy." Earth Angel turned around and stared at Heaven.

Behind it, the water angel's eyes widened when he heard the earth angel's intention. He didn't care about the wind angel beside him and ran straight to the rear.

"Are you kidding?! Since when do we angels need the help of humans when we do things?!" Water Angel roared, his attitude still so bad.

But it's a pity that this time, the Earth Angel didn't coddle it anymore.

With a move of his hand, the four rocks that suddenly rose from the ground turned into a sarcophagus, sealing the water angel within it, so that no matter how many words it said, it could only be suppressed, and no more words could be said.

With his palms facing down, the sealed coffin lay flat. The Earth Angel turned his head slightly and looked behind him.

"Let it go back to sleep."

Listening to the coldness in Earth Angel's words, Wind Angel hurriedly carried the coffin, spread its wings and flew out.

"But I must tell you, unless it is a new life form that has a different attitude from the ordinary Gurungi, otherwise, we will not take action against the normal Gurungi." Earth Angel said directly: "Moreover, our cooperative relationship needs to add three cooperation conditions."

"First, it is limited to new life forms that you cannot defeat. We will assist you or send our subordinates to fight with you."

Obviously, this is a war between earthly angels that they do not want to get involved in. Even if it is Gurungi and humans, it is a battle between mutated humans and humans. They angels have no right to intervene.

"Secondly, no matter who of the two sides is the first to find the nest of the new life form, the other side must share intelligence and receive support from each other during the decisive battle."

This is obviously also beneficial to the angels. If they find the nest of the new life form, the earth angels think that they do not need to share information to be able to deal with the new life form.

And if Yanlong and the others were found, the angels would have to eliminate the new life forms, so they would definitely pass.

No matter what, the angel will not suffer any loss.

"The third point." When it came to the third point, Earth Angel paused and did not speak in time. Instead, he stared at Yanlong's blue goggles and met their eyes.

"What's the third point?" Yanlong asked.

"The third point is that our cooperative relationship is limited to after the new life forms are eliminated."

Hearing this third condition, Yan Long waved his hand indifferently: "How big a deal is this? I thought it was some very special condition."

The earth angel did not answer, because it actually only said half of what it said, and the remaining half is naturally. If someone among humans awakens the power of light, their cooperative relationship will instantly turn into a hostile relationship. .

"I hope our cooperative relationship will continue forever and not come to an end." In the end, Earth Angel finally said this.

"Since the creation of heaven and earth, in the years of written records, this is the first time that two major life forms created by the Creator have joined forces."

"Hopefully it's not the last time."

Earth Angel had already spoken very tactfully, but these tactful words did successfully attract Yanlong's attention, making him wonder what Earth Angel's words meant.

"So, how do I find you?" Yanlong asked his own question: "Even if you want to share information, you need channels, right?"

The Earth Angel didn't say much, but directly raised his hand and pointed it at the Yanlong. The power of the earth escaping from its body gradually gathered on the Yanlong's body under the influence of the Earth Angel's authority. .

As if sensing the power that can be mutually generated, the Flame Dragon Armor did not reject this pure power of the earth, but instead released the restraint of the armor, allowing this power of the earth to enter the body of Tiandao.

This power gathered on the back of Tiandao's left hand, forming a pattern of a black snake opening its mouth and wanting to swallow a full moon.

"I give you my power, this gift from my God, is our common source." The Earth Angel was referring to the fact that angels and humans were created by the Black God.

And this power bestowed by the Black God is naturally the common origin of angels and humans.

However, the Earth Angel originally only wanted to provide a little power of the earth as a bridge of communication, but for some reason, the body of the Flame Dragon seemed like a bottomless pit. No matter how he infused it, the power of the earth could not form a connection between the two.

This bizarre scene made the Earth Angel doubtful.

But just when it was about to stop questioning, it suddenly felt that there was a clear connection between it and Tiandao.

The bridge representing the communication between the two sides was built.

Since it succeeded, the Earth Angel also abandoned the doubts and stopped thinking about it.

On the other side, the vulture flew back to the cave from the edge of the battle as a normal Gurongi.

As a native Gurongi, it has not been transformed and has become the eyes of the Wolf King to observe the outside world. Even if the angels noticed the vulture, they would not have any interest in the identity of the vulture.

The outcome of the battle between Daguba and the four angels was told to the Wolf King. As expected, the Wolf King immediately exclaimed in shock.

"The four angels are actually able to suppress Daguba?" This is indeed something that the Wolf King can't imagine. You know, before obtaining this power, Daguba has always been the strongest existence in the world in the eyes of the Wolf King.

Of course, that's because Rick is gone.

"Yes, their leader, the Earthly Venerable, has the ability to fight Daguba head-on, and his strength is extremely strong." The vulture was also shocked by the fighting power of the Earthly Angel: "The other three are also able to change the celestial phenomena with a wave of their hands, they are very powerful."

"Of course they are very powerful!" The Wolf King's tone slightly raised: "If they were not powerful, how could they be so afraid of this power in me?!"

"They are afraid, afraid that this power in me will grow up!!" The Wolf King's voice was full of joy.

"That's why they want to strangle me when I am weak!"

"They! They are afraid of me!"

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