I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 124 Okay, it’s Chapter 123, I finally ran out of words to say, I’m at a loss for words

Sometimes we can't just consider the present, we also have to consider the future. This is something Ichijo knew after he killed a squid with his physical body in Tiandao.

Now it's okay. With the presence of unconfirmed life forms, Tiandao's strength will only make people feel at ease, making this society more stable, and everything is good.

But. What if the unconfirmed life forms disappear?

According to the current situation, although it seems that there are still many unconfirmed life forms, and it is still a long way from their extinction, the unconfirmed life forms will disappear one day.

And when that day comes, it means that humans will put everything inside.

At that time, Tiandao, who has the physical body to fight against unconfirmed life forms, will inevitably bear the brunt, and even Kuga and Yanlong will not be targeted like Tiandao.

And at that time, Tiandao's fate is almost foreseeable.

So Ichijo is unwilling to let Tiandao perform such a thing again. Even if it really happens again under helplessness, it must be in a place where no one is around, and it must not be seen by more people.

The knife of human beings will eventually be broken by human beings themselves.

At that time, if Yitiao wanted to see Tiandao, he would have to look at Tiandao through the glass door in the laboratory.

Putting down the phone, Yitiao exhaled, looking out the door with empty eyes. The hazy thoughts in his eyes made him imagine uncertainly in his surging mind.

Those futures, those infinitely possible futures, all the things that could happen.

"Yitiao." Knocking on the car window, Sugita signaled Yitiao to lower the window: "According to eyewitnesses, the other party's flight route is very targeted."

Said Sugita, spread out the map in his hand: "If the guess is correct, this is the route."

Looking at the red straight line drawn by Sugita on the map, Yitiao looked directly at the end.

"Where is her final destination?"

"I don't know." Sugita continued: "Just now, we have received a report of the death of the same beheaded person, and it is on this route."

"From this point of view, it seems to be number 36." After dealing with unconfirmed life forms for so long, everyone also knows that when these people kill people, they usually choose a method of killing.

The separation of the body is the mantis's method.

"But what happened to it that made it change so much in one night?" This is the most puzzling part. In just one night, the appearance of No. 36 changed into this.

"Are you going to chase it?" Sugita spoke again: "Tian Dao." Sugita glanced at the reporters squatting outside and said: "It's better not to let Tian Dao take action."

"Once he is made into a so-called savior by the media, or praised as a god, it will be a disaster for Tian Dao's future life."

Sugita Ke didn't want his colleagues to be coerced, which would be too cruel for Tian Dao.

The media only boasted to the public how powerful Tian Dao was, but they had no idea how dangerous Tian Dao was when facing unconfirmed life forms.

"Go." Ichijo nodded: "Where is the weapon sent by the headquarters for the mantis?"

"Sakurai is coming soon." Sugita looked at his watch: "It is said that it is equipped by biological experts, with large doses of insecticides and blinding bullets specially developed for the mantis."

"Large doses of insecticides." Ichijo was helpless: "It's really thanks to these experts for coming up with it."

"It sounds strange, right?" Sugita smiled and said: "But biologists should leave their work to biologists."

When Tiandao drove to the scene mentioned by Ichijo, he recalled the new life form that he and Wudai destroyed that day.

If the mantis has changed its appearance, it is very likely that it has become the so-called new life form, but there has been a drastic change overnight, which can only mean one thing, that is, the new life form is also Gurongi, and it is a Gurongi with a brand new power.

But. What kind of power can make Gurongi look like this?

If you want to know more specific information, you can only meet up with Ichijo first to get more information.

Time always passes quickly. After Tiandao left Chengnan University, new visitors also visited here.

The girl in a black dress still held a stack of papers and stood in front of Chengnan University, staring at the college.

"Huh?" Just then, Sakurako, who had just bought breakfast outside, was about to go back to the laboratory to continue working overtime. When she arrived at the gate of Joonan University, she saw this familiar figure: "Are you Miss Kuroda Hikaru?"

"Yes." Kuroda Hikaru turned around and looked at Sakurako standing behind him, with some strange colors flashing in his eyes: "Sorry for disturbing you."

"No, you are too polite." Sakurako said embarrassedly: "How come you are here?"

"Miss Sakurako is a graduate student at Joonan University, and she is also a worker who analyzes super ancient characters." After saying that, Kuroda Hikaru paused and added: "I am very curious about super ancient things."

"Maybe this can give me some inspiration for creation, so I came to visit."

Looking at Kuroda Hikaru holding the paper in his hand, this statement is indeed very attractive, and Sakurako has no doubt about it.

After all, Kuroda Hikaru's setting as a famous genius music girl has been proven on TV.

"It took me a long time to decipher those words." Sakurako and Kuroda Hikaru walked side by side. The two walked together on the way to the laboratory and talked happily: "But I always feel that the more these words are deciphered, the more ancient words will emerge."

"I always feel that there is no end to the work."

"If the super ancient words are really passed down by a race, it is normal to have more." Kuroda Hikaru continued: "This job will make Miss Sakurako get unimaginable generous rewards, right?"

"No reward is too exaggerated. In fact, I didn't think so much about doing this." Sakurako smiled embarrassedly: "It's just because a close friend of mine wanted me to do this, so I did it."

"And, deciphering these text messages can also help everyone understand more about the story of unconfirmed life forms, isn't it great?" In front of Sakurako, it seemed that Dr. Natsume's screams before his death and the appearance of those who were killed by unconfirmed life forms appeared.

"Doing this can also help everyone to get rid of unconfirmed life forms faster."

Before the subsequent words were finished, the strong wind pressure from the sky fell instantly, stopping the two people's steps.

The only difference is that Sakurako was forced to take several steps back by the strong wind pressure, while Kuroda Hikaru stood firmly in place, with the wind still blowing the ends of his hair and the corners of his clothes, but his body did not move at all.


The three-meter-tall figure suddenly fell from the sky, smashing a pit on the ground of Joonan University, and the wings vibrated with a strange resonance sound. The golden compound eyes reflected the figures of Sakurako and Kuroda Hikaru.

In the eyes of Mantis Girl, these two people were both marked by her.

That is, the people who took the No. 3 train in Chiba Prefecture yesterday.

Yes, Mantis Girl was also among them at that time, and she marked the entire train with scent marks.

And the targets she wanted to kill were these marked objects.

"Two at a time, just right!" Without intending to say anything more, Mantis suddenly stepped forward, pulled out the green long knife from under the wings behind her and prepared to chop down to take the lives of the two men.

But. At the moment when Mantis just drew out the knife, Kuroda Hikaru in front of her, from the original human breath, added a little breath belonging to Gurongi, that is, the smell of the same race.

And this also made Mantis's hand that was swinging the knife suddenly stop.

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