I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 123 Shocked Yingzi and Tiandao were in the same room, alone and alone, they actually

Chapter 123 Shock! Sakurako and Tendō were in the same room, alone and alone, but they actually…

"Kuuga lost control, could not distinguish friend from foe, and Yanlong killed Kuuga?"

Outside the window, the starry sky was shining brightly, but Sakurako felt cold all over and could not calm down.

Walking back and forth again and again, recalling everything in the past again and again, did those records in the super ancient texts need matching murals to be interpreted?

But the information he had collected so far was only super ancient texts, and there were no murals at all, whether it was the ruins of Jiulangyue or the one on Gram, there were only texts.

And, based on the interpretation of the super ancient texts, the fifth generation also successfully developed the control of other powers related to Kuuga, which was enough to prove that his interpretation was not wrong.


"Miss Sakurako, please contact the corresponding archaeological team." Tiandao looked at Sakurako: "Jiulangyue, we must go there."

".But! But it's hard to say whether there are any unconfirmed life forms in Jiulangyue now." Although he was quite attracted by the murals described by Tiandao, and was particularly concerned about the scattered gravel on the ground, the danger of Jiulangyue itself was far greater than other places.

After all, it was the place where unconfirmed life forms first appeared and where they revived, so the danger was naturally great.

"I know it's dangerous." Tiandao nodded: "So I will go with you, I will protect you."

"I can't bring so many things back by myself." Sakurako shook her head: "If you want to get rid of that kind of danger, you can only find more people."

"Tiandao, Five Generations, and Officer Ichijo." Sakurako was obviously talking about the three people fighting on the front line. Only with these three people together can they be able to deal with all possible unconfirmed life forms after entering Jiulangyue.

"Okay!" Tiandao nodded. It was obviously more important to find out the truth of the matter.

If you tell Godai about this kind of thing, Godai will definitely not refuse. "

"By the way, where is Godai? Why didn't I see him?" Tiandao remembered at this time that he didn't find any trace of Godai here.

Generally speaking, Godai would stay at Jonan University, but he didn't show up tonight. This is a bit of a coincidence.

"He is in the forensic department of the Metropolitan Police Department." Sakurako held her hands: "He said that he finally found the reason for the numbness and tingling feeling after the transformation."

"Why?" Tiandao also knew about this. Since Godai got off the bed, whether it was him or Ichi, many people knew that Godai would be accompanied by that strange feeling after the transformation again.

Not only did the current flash through his body, but even his body was hot, which felt very strange.

"He said that there was not enough power." Sakurako pouted, looking dissatisfied: "So he went to find a way to charge. ”

Tian Dao:?

What the hell is the charging method? When did Wu Dai change from Kuuga to Apple Man?

Or did he become Android Man?

Oh. In this era, it should be Xiaolingtong Man.

“I don’t know what he is talking about, but maybe he really found a way.” Sakurako sat back in front of the computer, looking at the densely packed super-ancient text in the computer, and sighed involuntarily: “I always feel that the more you analyze those super-ancient stories, the more doubts you will have.”

“After all, the time is too long, and no one knows what happened at that time.” Tian Dao shook his head and reached out to pick up a piece of printed paper next to Sakurako’s computer.

Looking at the translated super-ancient text on the paper, Tian Dao looked at it for a while, and then he spoke again: “This paragraph is what you analyzed today, right?”

“Yes, it scared me at the time, and Wu Dai said that his body was numb, so I contacted Dr. Tsubaki early in the morning, and then went to your house. "As she said that, Sakurako's mind suddenly emerged with the cold girl in a black dress sitting in Tiandao's house.

"By the way, Officer Tiandao, do you know the girl in your house?"

"The girl in my house?" Tiandao was stunned, but then he said nonchalantly: "Maybe it's some old lover brought back by my grandfather, don't worry about it."

"Huh?" Sakurako was shocked by Tiandao's words, and even the movement of pressing the keyboard in her hand trembled: "But. Grandpa Shenshan should be more than 70 years old, right? He..."

"Don't use age to measure the fighting power of our Shenshan family." Tiandao showed a thoughtful expression, and the look of lowering his head made him feel very gloomy: "Especially the people in the Shenshan family who are getting older and older."

"Uh" Sakurako was stunned for a long time, and she didn't know how to answer this question.

"Then Grandpa Shenshan is really strong and healthy. Hahaha! "Yingzi laughed awkwardly but politely, and immediately skipped the topic and stopped thinking about it.

What a joke! If we continue talking, the image of the Kamiyama family in her mind will change from the brave and incomparable Tiandao police officer to a wretched and obscene image!

The next day, before dawn, Tiandao was awakened by a hurried phone call.

He got up from the ground with blurry eyes. Tiandao slept on the floor of the research room of Chengnan University last night, and obviously stayed here all night.

Late at night, Tiandao fell asleep in a daze, while Sakurako was still drinking coffee and working overtime, as if she wanted to watch the dawn with her eyes open.

Tiandao was shocked by Sakurako's fighting posture and went to bed at close to one o'clock in the evening. But when he woke up now, he could see Sakurako lying down in front of the computer desk, sleeping with her head down.

Tiandao took out his mobile phone from his arms.


"Tiandao, where are you?" The voice was calm, and you knew who the caller was.

"Ichijou, I'm at Chengnan University." Tiandao yawned, opened the curtains and looked at the sky outside. He felt helpless for a moment: "It's not yet dawn, why are you calling me?"

"Last night, someone took a photo in the sky in Shinjuku City." Ichijo continued: "It may be a new unconfirmed life form, but the appearance in the photo is similar to that of the Sanju who was defeated by the Fifth Generation. The number is very similar."

"Photo?" Tiandao's consciousness gradually recovered: "What does it look like?"

"A flying mantis."

"Huh?" Tiandao was stunned: "Isn't it normal for a mantis to fly? Is there anything special about it?"

"Could it be that kind of flying mantis who would gather energy and hone himself, then use his shadow clone, and finally do a sword dance?"


God, you kid, I didn’t expect you to watch Pokémon!

"The main reason is that the image has changed too much. Even No. 36 can't look like that overnight." Ichijo's voice was actually full of doubts: "So, we feel that this guy is just like The new life form that appeared last time is of the same type.”

"That kind of thing?" Tiandao suddenly became excited: "That is much stronger than unconfirmed life forms."

"Ichijo, share the location with me! I'll be there right away!" When it came to business, Tiandao had no intention of continuing, but was preparing to go to the scene immediately.

"No! You must not come!" But Ichijo stopped Tiandao's thoughts, causing Tiandao who was about to go out to stop involuntarily.

"Let me tell you this, we are surrounded by countless media now. They are very polite to us, but Sugita and I both know that they are waiting for you." Facing these guys who are not afraid of death , Ichijo is obviously also having a headache.

"The head of the headquarters asked me to tell you that even if you want to investigate or go to war with an unidentified life form, you can only act alone."

"On our side, we just want to attract most of the attention to you."

"Besides." Ichijo lowered his voice: "Transform as much as you can."

"If you come here again, it will be really hard to explain!"

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