"Madara, look, look in that direction! one two three four...It seemed like several groups of people appeared from that side again and rushed towards the village!

Recently, more and more people have joined the village every day!"

In Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama stood on the top of the Hokage Building, excitedly greeting Uchiha Madara beside him.

The two of them looked into the distance together, looking at the countless small things on the ground in the distance. People, with their families in tow, and their simple luggage, approached Konoha.

They slowly became clearly visible as small black spots in the distance.

"Yes, there are really many."

Uchiha Madara stood next to Senju Hashirama, looking in the direction of the entrance of Konoha Village ahead, with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

Except for Senju Hashirama, this idiot, Uchiha Madara, Hashirama's younger brother Tobirama , and his brother Izuna, already knew a lot about how the businessman named Capone cooperated with Sarutobi Sasuke and persuaded so many people to leave their homeland and come to Konoha all the way. The method was clearly known to them.

After they sent out ninjas and secretly investigated other places that Capone and Sarutobi Sasuke had not reached, the ninjas saw those from the Fire Country. The wealthy businessmen of the country were very uncomfortable with the situation of being exploited by the powerful, and sent a report to the village. Seeing that the people were in dire straits in many places in the country of fire, in the end, the three of them acquiesced to Capone's actions.

After driving these ordinary people to Konoha Village, he could obtain a large amount of land resources at extreme prices.

Even in the chaos after this disaster, he still made money by reselling a large amount of food.

But at least, with Sarutobi Sasuke watching over him and the name of Konoha Village, he was able to make many powerful people reluctantly pay a very outrageous price. , before they are willing to sell the food, just like what Capone said when Sasuke Sarutobi reported that being driven to Konoha like this, it is true that for these ordinary people, their future life will be theirs. The future of the descendants will be better.

It is much better than staying there and being squeezed by the powerful until the last trace of flesh and blood is left!

At this time, Uchiha Madara is a little confused about what this Capone is.

You say he is bad, he is indeed bad, but he doesn't seem to be very bad.

You say he is not bad?

He has one bad trick after another, and he doesn't seem to have much conscience..Forget it, I don’t want that guy anymore.

"The wasteland over there can be divided and used for the new villagers who have moved here.

And didn’t the ninja people gather in the village before?

Some ninja clans can also move there due to their own needs, such as Nara, the Aburame clan, etc."

"When the farmland outside our village has a good harvest this year, coupled with the food Sasuke Sarutobi and the others have purchased outside during this period, the food pressure in our village will be relieved a lot."

Uchiha Madara also raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. After all, this is the village he created with all his hard work. Watching the village become more and more beautiful, Hashirama, a close friend, has always been by his side. He is also very fond of it. Happy.

Then, he turned his head strangely and looked at Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama, why are you staring at me and giggling?

"Madara, you are so handsome when you carefully describe the future of our village!

You are so awesome, I couldn’t imagine so many complicated things!"

Seeing Senju Hashirama desperately praising himself and admitting that he is not as good as him, Uchiha Madara

's face became more and more happy. Hashirama, after all, this is our common dream village. I, Uchiha Madara, of course want to Try your best to plan its bright future!

"How about we go take a look inside the village together now?"

I clearly know that Senju Hashirama wants to be lazy and doesn't want to be drowned in the complicated work.

However, who can refuse a small request from a close friend who just praised him so much?

So I'm sorry, Izumi Nay!


At the suggestion of his eldest brother Hashirama, Uchiha Madara followed him down the Hokage building.

In the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the Hokage's office, Uchiha Izuna was dizzily correcting more and more papers in front of him. File.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw his elder brother walking out of the building with Senju Hashirama, preparing to walk into the village.

Izuna wanted to reach out and call them to hurry up. Come back to help.

However, the sound insulation of the floor-to-ceiling windows seems to be quite good. His voice, Uchiha Izuna, can't make Senju Hashirama or his eldest brother Uchiha Madara move at all.

Uchiha Izuna can only sigh. He took a breath and continued to struggle alone in this office.

Brother, Brother Hashirama, you two are so abominable!

It was obvious that you two were too tired from work and went to the rooftop to have a chat. Feng, just take a break!

As a result, I skipped work right now!

"What a nice view."

Walking on the streets with my friends, every villager I met greeted the two of them warmly.

There was no need to continue dealing with various matters in the office.

Senju Hashirama felt like he was walking Every minute and every second on the street is warm and comfortable.

Oh, it feels so good to be lazy!

But at this point, he is still not as mellow and comfortable as his brother Tobirama!

Tobirama has been absent from the Hokage's office for a long time, and no one has said anything.

The two of them, wearing casual clothes with their hands in their sleeves, accidentally bumped into a hurried person at the corner of the street.

, the child who was running with the ice cream in his hand did not move at all, but the little girl with the ice cream in her hand fell to the ground under the force of the rebound.

When she saw her ice cream, it was all stuck to it.

When he touched the clothes of the adult standing in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Oops, he was going to be scolded by his mother again!

Madara didn't care about anything, but because he was very happy today, he squatted down uncharacteristically and faced her.

The little girl slowly stretched out her hand.

Seeing that the other party looked a little scared, he even tried hard to control his facial muscles and make his face appear softer.

But even so, he did.

That domineering face, and the gaze that seemed to be looking down at the little girl even when he was squatting, still scared the other person to tears.

If the other person was an adult, Uchiha Madara would not tolerate him.

But what can he do to an innocent and pitiful little girl who is crying now? Seeing Madara becoming a little at a loss, Senju Hashirama laughed.

Then he knelt down to comfort the little girl and let her resume.

With a smile.

Seeing the little girl happily running to buy ice cream again with the money given by Hashirama, Uchiha Madara was a little depressed.

"Madara, stop thinking about it.

There are so many things that you are more powerful than me and are better at.

Then there are always some places where you are not as good as me, isn’t it normal?

In this way, the two of us are always on par!"

Hearing Hashirama's words, Madara's face was blank for a moment.

Then, he slowly laughed.

"Senju Hashirama, when did you become so good at talking? Who did you learn these sweet words from?"

"Hey, I'm not just rhetorical, I'm telling the truth."

While the two were joking, walking, and chatting, they gradually entered the village, a more prosperous and lively area.

At this time, the lively voice of Hashirama-sama made Uchiha Madara even more profound and clear. He realized how big the gap between his popularity in the village and Hashirama's was.

There was no way, Hashirama was right, he and he were both good at things, so he wanted to make him, Uchiha Madara, smile stupidly at others. , It's hard, it's hard!

It's hard, it's hard to make him, Uchiha Madara, exude that kind of family temperament! However, even so, Madara doesn't feel that way.


Hashirama is his best friend, and these people respect his best friend. How could he feel uncomfortable?

But in such a good mood, until a sudden milky sound sounded in the crowd, come to an abrupt end

"Hashirama-sama is so powerful, is he the Hokage-sama of our village?"

For a moment, the whole street became silent.

Everyone looked in the direction of the child who called out the voice.

"Sorry, sorry, children can't talk."

On this eerily silent street, a couple hurriedly picked up their child and hurriedly looked around, bending in the direction of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

"But mother, isn’t this what you and father said last night? Don't you all wish more..."

"You unlucky kid, what do you do all day long?"

They quickly covered their child's innocent little mouth, but the clothes behind their backs were completely wet.

Sweat burst out from the couple's faces, and everyone around them swallowed unconsciously. Swallowing, he looked at where Uchiha Madara was with some fear. Uchiha

Madara seemed unmoved, as if he was not angry at the child's words, but even so, these people still seemed unmoved. Feeling a suffocating pressure emanating from Master Uchiha, just when the whole street fell into a state of silence and embarrassment, Senju Hashirama walked towards the couple step by step. mua: shaorin1, 12/04/2023 16:45

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