
A kunai blocked the direction in which the dangerous katana fell.

Sonorous sparks flew everywhere, but the kunai, which seemed much shorter than the katana, never let it fall again.

The ninja of the Sarutobi clan stood in front of the ordinary person who had a look of despair on his face for that moment. The arm that blocked the katana was steady and strong.

"Who are you?"

"Ninja! Don't get in our way!"

Facing the threat from the wandering samurai, under Capone's instructions, the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan defeated them easily with three strikes, five divided by two.


"Just wait for me, we will be back soon!"

Seeing these lawless guys running away, the poor villagers who survived the disaster lowered their heads and quickly thanked Capone and the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan.

"Thank you, thank you, sir, thank you, Lord Ninja"

"You're welcome, I just can't stand their behavior.

Your life is already so difficult due to natural disasters, but I didn't expect that they are still exploiting you like this!"

Capone squeezed out a few tears easily from his eyes.

This guy had a look of compassion on his face.

The villagers who were a little afraid of him couldn't help but curse together in a low voice.

"Sir, you are kind-hearted"

"Hey, I know, but I have to leave soon, and I have to rush to the next place to do business.

Once I leave, I'm afraid they will come back and kill you!"

Capone wiped his tears. His performance ability stunned the Sarutobi ninja who had been silent.

This guy is really a talent. He actually cried when he said he was going to cry.

"I used to be a person who faced the loess and turned my back to the sky. I know how miserable we are.

But these guys still don’t treat us as human beings!"

"Yes, yes, what should I do? This master, this ninja master, you, can you stay?"

"No, I really can’t. I still have a family to support, and I also have my own business to run."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Capone's face.

It seemed that he couldn't stand it any longer. He sighed and whispered.

"Let me tell you a secret. Don’t tell others casually.

Do you know Konoha Village? I heard that people who go there can live in free mud houses, and every household has access to water.

Only half of the crops grown need to be paid to the village.

No ninja can bully you casually. If you are in danger, the ninjas of Konoha Village need to be responsible for protecting you!"

"What, that, that ominous place?"

Hearing Konoha Village, these villagers frowned one by one, with a look of fear on their faces.

"But there, wasn't there just a big earthquake there, and I heard that many, many people died.

And I heard that not long ago, there was an unprecedented heavy rain!

There is one..."

Capone listened to these words with a deep look in his eyes.

Konoha Village is able to collect taxes on its own, so it seems that the daimyo is not without objections.

However, he could not resist the powerful strength of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, so he could only admit it while pinching his nose.

And secretly, he is also adding fuel to the flames, spreading the news that Konoha is an ominous place everywhere?

But now, since he has realized the strength of Konoha, he knows how to choose

"How could it be possible, old man, look at the ninja here who just saved you. He is from the Sarutobi clan. Their entire family is living well in the village.

Let me tell you, other places have suffered disasters, but Konoha Village has the protection of the powerful ninja god, so there is no disaster at all.

And the food there is very cheap.

It's not like you here, where you sell your children and sell your daughters to borrow so much money, but the food you buy back is not enough to last for a few days."

However, preconceived notions are not easy to correct.

Moreover, in addition, they have lived here for generations, and the farthest place they have visited in their lives is the nearby market town.

No matter how nice Capone said, they It’s also hard to leave home

"In this case, there is nothing I can do.

However, if you change your mind, you can always go to Konoha.

The door over there is always open for you!"

In the reluctant eyes of some villagers, Capone left with the ninjas.

As soon as he walked out of the village, the kind eyes that had always been on his face disappeared in an instant.

Not long after, the ninja who had just been beaten by the Sarutobi clan The wandering warriors and the servants of the arrogant noble lord stood in front of him fawningly.

"Well done today, this one is for you!"

The money instantly made their eyes turn red.

"We are leaving today. You can continue to the village tomorrow. Remember, just don’t kill anyone!"

Sarutobi Sasuke waited until these guys left in a hurry, and then he also jumped down from the tree.

"You guy is really evil to the core."

Looking at Capone's dog-like behavior, Sarutobi Sasuke was not polite at all, even if he was cooperating with him now!

"Hehe, I am indeed quite bad!"

Capone was not ashamed, but proud, with a sinister smile on his face.

"Sasuke-sama, please continue to purchase food and various daily necessities in various places.

I, a small businessman, cannot compete with those noble and wealthy businessmen.

But Sarutobi-sama, you are different. With Konoha's reputation, no one dares to compete with you."

Capone glanced at the clan emblem on Sarutobi Sasuke's clothes with some envy.

If he could become a ninja, would he get more?

"I know, but Capone, is this going too far?"

While pretending to be a red face and a dark face, he wanted to drive people towards Konoha Village.

Moreover, he also went to the market to buy food in large quantities, so that the current extremely volatile prices in the Fire Country would rise to another level.

And there must be How many people can't afford to eat?

Capone lowered his head slightly, his voice seemed a little low.

"Sasuke-sama, if I don’t do it, there are people who do it.

Moreover, they will do it harder and more thoroughly than me, without even spitting out any bones.

And I at least gave them a way to start a new life in Konoha.

Believe me, Lord Sasuke, it would be better for them and their descendants to drive them away to Konoha as much as possible now."

After listening to Capone's words, Sarutobi Sasuke took a deep look at him and found that the man who raised his head had returned to his sinister and cunning look.

It seemed that he had felt a trace of kindness from the other person just now. It's just an illusion.

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