I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2359: Dad, do you have any explosives?

"Okay, don't be beaten and cry by your dad at that time, just tell your mothers."

Jiang Siming said jokingly, by the way, he spooned a large scoop of ice cream into his mouth, hissing, comfortable~

Little Luoyu, who was playing with puppets in Xinyi's arms, saw his father eat so fragrant, and immediately crawled over to ask his father for something delicious.

Jiang Siming gave her a small spoon, but he didn't expect the little guy to hold the ice cream bucket after eating.

Zhao Xiaoxiao also did her part, helping her sister to grab ice cream, but Jiang Siming refused to give it, and hurriedly stuffed spoon after spoon into her mouth.

The three fathers and daughters are all foodies...

Seeing Jiang Siming, the father grabbing snacks from the two daughters, the mothers were funny and angry.

Their husband is still a naive boy.

In the end, the three people reached an agreement that no one could eat more with one bite. Then they calmed down and watched TV while eating.

The wives also sat around, and the family sat happily and watched TV together.

This is the kind of atmosphere that only started from the Spring Festival.

Because since the Spring Festival, Jiang Siming has been on the way to his natal home for half a month.

So there is no such atmosphere at home for half a month.

Because Jiang Siming finished watching the game, Shengxue changed the channel with the remote control. She wanted to tune a cartoon for Xiao Luoyu, but everyone accidentally saw a piece of news.

In the news, it was the BBC who wronged China and twisted the facts, and when reporting China, it deliberately used the ‘underworld filter’.

Seeing this news, Shengxue frowned and changed channels. She was also full of contempt for this kind of junk TV station.

But her strength alone is of no avail, and as a member of the Sky Team, she will not be foolish.

She will act unless ordered by the Tian Group.

Including other sisters, they are also disgusted with the BBC's practice. Fortunately, there is no British wife here, otherwise she would be so ashamed that she can't wait to get into the ground.

After the channel was changed, everyone continued to watch TV.

However, Zhao Xiaoxiao secretly used voice transmission for Jiang Siming and whispered: "Dad, there is still no explosives, let's go blow up this spicy chicken TV station now!"

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and replied, "How did you girl know about bombing? You bombed two schools and haven't bombed enough? I think your **** is itchy."

Zhao Xiaoxiao responded arguably: "I am not purely wanting to blow up schools. I just can't get used to those spicy chicken schools. They discriminate against China Huaxia. Now this TV station is also discriminating against and mocking China Huaxia. A patriotic and aspiring student must do something within his power!"

What Zhao Xiaoxiao said was so high-sounding, but Jiang Siming was not fooled at all.

He knew Zhao Xiaoxiao too well, she was a little witch in the world, and those words were not what she really thought in her heart.

She just wanted to be fun and exciting.

As for those polite remarks, they are all excuses.

"You don't need to retaliate against them in this way, and as soon as the front foot was targeted at you, the back foot was blown up. The whole world knows that it was our Huaxia side that did it." Jiang Siming calmed her, for fear that her thoughts still exist. In her little head.

"If you know, do they have evidence? The two schools in the United States were bombed. They didn't doubt us, but they could only admit it without evidence." Zhao Xiaoxiao replied unconvinced.

Jiang Siming sighed and said with a light smile: "It can indeed make them speechless and undocumented, but bombing is not the best way to retaliate. I have better tactics."

"What's the trick? Tell me quickly, I must have the money and make a strong contribution!" Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up and asked hurriedly.

Jiang Siming smiled mysteriously, and said, "This is a secret, and I will know it tomorrow."

"Dad, just tell me, don't you know that such an appetite behavior is shameless?"

"I don't know, I think it's good."

"Hmph~ If you don't say it, don't say it, I will wait to see if you have any good ideas tomorrow.

Zhao Xiaoxiao held this curiosity in her heart temporarily, waiting for a good show tomorrow.

She said that if tomorrow's good show disappoints her, she will definitely continue to persuade her dad to blow up the BBC!

Jiang Siming made the arrangements for the bath time and went back to the living room to watch TV with his wife and children.

The family was a little sleepy when they saw that it was past nine o'clock. Xiao Luoyu was already sleeping soundly in the arms of Bingmei.

When Xiao Luoyu was sleeping, she was still holding a baby bottle in her arms, and she closed her eyes while sleeping and subconsciously closed her eyes.

The meticulously crafted facial features cooperate with this cute movement.

That's so cute.

"Today I hugged Luo Yu to sleep~"

The ice beauty picked up Xiao Luoyu, said to everyone with a smile, and took the child back to the house.

"I'm going to go to bed with my little angel too." Huo Wu immediately followed, not wanting the ice beauty to enjoy Xiao Luoyu exclusively.

Both are mothers, so why let her.

The other sisters also got up and went back to the room.

Zhao Xiaoxiao yawned, jumped up, flew up to the second floor, and calmly returned to the room to sleep.

The mothers in the family have already taken offense, Zhao Xuan would scold her a few words before, but it was useless to scold her.

The left ear goes in and the right ear goes out, still flying around at home.

It's commonplace now, as long as she doesn't fly around.

Only Xinheng Yui, who has just joined the big family for a long time, is very envious. She heard that the sisters can fly, but she can't...

She hasn't gotten started with the mental training Jiang Siming gave her.

It was not that she was stupid, but that the other wives had their husbands ‘instructed’ the cultivation practice at night, but Yui Xinheng did not.

During the half month of the Spring Festival, Jiang Siming was at the house of his father-in-law and his mother-in-law outside, and he didn't have time to guide her at all.

So the progress of this cultivation is naturally very slow.

Finally, Zhao Xuan, who did not leave, walked to Jiang Siming and joked:

"The new year is over, now it's time to ‘teach’ Yui well, leave it to you."

After speaking, she left.

Xinheng Yui didn't realize it at all, but still looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao who flew up on the second floor with a look of envy.

I thought that Huaxia was really amazing. It turned out that someone could fly.

This kind of thing only exists in comics and movies in Japan, Sri Lanka~

When she recovered, she found that all the sisters were gone.

She also got up subconsciously and walked into the house.

Unexpectedly, a big bad wolf followed her all the time and entered her bedroom with her.

After reacting, Xinheng Yui just couldn't run even if he wanted to. The door was locked by Jiang Siming long ago.

"A... Alada... I have to go to work tomorrow..." After all, Xinheng Yui had only been ‘trained’ by Jiang Siming once, and was still the inexperienced naive white.

When I talked, my face turned red into a cloud of fire on the horizon.

"Is it important to go to work or to practice?" Jiang Siming asked her seriously.

"This..." Xinheng Yui didn't know how to answer.

Which one should she say is important? I don't know, I'm waiting online, it's anxious.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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