I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2070: Only you can't think of

"Pick up [Holographic·Dangerous Perception] White Fragments*1 (1/3). The number of fragments is full and can be used directly."

[Hologram·Danger Perception]: In any holographic game, as long as an enemy attacks you, there will be an automatic warning.

Seeing this fragment, Jiang Siming didn't care about what the fragment was. What he was most curious about was why this girl was not killed by him, but the fragment burst out.

When Jiang Siming looked down, he realized that the feelings were that this wretched box overlapped with the sister's box. He made a mistake...

Well, although this person is wretched, the box still smells good.

He had picked up the danger perception in the end game, and now he has it again.

And it's an evolutionary version.

Because the danger perception of the original version is limited to 200 meters.

Now, there is no scope limit.

And the most important thing is that in any future holographic games, danger perception is useful, and there is no need to pick it up again.

Picking up the fragments, there is not much in their boxes, but there is still a cake in the girl's box?

【Cake】: Food, stamina +10, supplement the stamina consumed.

Jiang Siming opened his personal panel, and sure enough, he saw a physical strength bar, which could also be called a hunger bar.

[Physical Strength]: 98 points, stamina will be consumed in varying degrees with various actions. When stamina is lower than 70 points, all action commands will be reduced by 30%, if stamina is below 50 points, action commands will be reduced by 50%, and so on , When the physical strength returns to zero, you will starve to death.

[Food]: There are foods you can't think of anywhere on the map, please explore them with confidence.

Still have this setting?

This was something Jiang Siming hadn't expected, but it was more real and rich.

In the future, players will not only need to pick up medicines, but also food.

Jiang Siming took a look, and he only lost two points of stamina, which seemed not to be a big consumption.

After all, he didn't consume much physical energy only in the classroom.

After the cake was collected, Jiang Siming did not forget to say thank you to the sister box.

As for the wretched man who gave the scraps to the side...drink tui!

Jiang Siming began to search the school again, but unfortunately he didn't find a sniper rifle, nor anyone.

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, after all, the first game, first carefully look for the difference between this game and the end game.

He found that the Holographic Jedi is really different from the terminal tour, except for this map, other changes are too big.

Here, all props can be used.

Jiang Siming was even idle and bored. He picked up a chalk and wrote a high math problem on the blackboard in the classroom, hoping that someone who was destined could answer it.

More than that, chalk can also leave a message wherever you can draw.

In addition to chalk, all the other props you see have uses.

You can even go to the fitness room to pick up basketballs and play on the playground. You can pick up a grip bar as a weapon and a desk as a body armor.

Get a rope to tie up the two grenades and double the power of throwing them.

Only you can't think of it, you can't do it without a holographic Jedi.

This is an unbelievable gun battle game, of course guns are still the strongest weapon.

But when there are no guns, you can use all your imagination as your weapon!

Jiang Siming walked around the school for a long time, and finally did not find a sniper, but he found a crossbow arrow.

And he started to wonder, he found a gasoline can and a lighter, and turned the arrow into a rocket!

I don’t know if the lighter belongs to the student or the teacher. I found it in the classroom anyway.

This invention directly stunned all the water friends. Am I stubborn? Is this a holographic Jedi or my world?

How can I do anything...

When Jiang Siming walked out of the school carrying AKM with a crossbow and arrow on his back, he felt that he was a combination of Hanzo and Soldier 76.

There is a sand eagle on the waist on the left, and a dung removal treasure hanging on the waist on the right.

This shape is absolutely amazing.

Just out of school, someone happened to pass by and walked to the safe area.

This person still has a vehicle, but when Jiang Siming saw this vehicle, he almost didn't laugh. This meow actually rode a horse!


There are many kinds of vehicles here, and even the pigs in the pigpen can be used to ride, of course, the premise is that you must be able to ride pigs and don't encounter enemies.

Otherwise, this kind of mount can kill them with a single shot.

The water friends laughed at the table, this game is too interesting, can you play anything?

Obviously, this buddy is not good at equestrianism. He is going to and fro on horseback. Had he not been holding the rein, he would have flown out early.

Jiang Siming was not polite, picked up the crossbow and pointed it at the player on horseback.

Flames burned above the arrows.

Jiang Siming pulled the trigger.


It's just that the accuracy is a little bit worse, the arrow missed the player and shot on the horse.

The horse fell to the ground, and a big fire ignited on the horse, which also burned the players above.

"His, it's cruel."

Jiang Siming said so, but his hands did not stop.

Players who were on fire got off their horses, jumping and jumping, finally extinguishing the fire.

When I looked at the blood bar, it was half lost.

"Damn, is there a rocket thing?" The player was stupid, and he was about to shoot Jiang Siming with the M416 in his hand.

But at this time, Jiang Siming installed another arrow and shot him in the thigh.

Burning ass.

"I am a star, you are a star! Don't you speak martial ethics?"

The player was furious and quickly put out the fire on his body. The blood bar had dropped to only a few points.

At this time, Jiang Siming picked up the stone on the ground and threw it at him.

Just heard a thump, this stone actually killed him...

Jiang Siming has developed a new killing method, and the water friends call the inventor directly.

"Sure enough, everything you can think of is possible." Jiang Siming said with emotion.

In the future, this game will be wonderful. He has no doubt about the imagination of players all over the world. By then, it is estimated that the game will be played by ordinary players.

Real artists never use guns to kill.

This also proves the power of holographic games, which game can be played like this.

It is a pity that the horse was burned to death, otherwise Jiang Siming would still be able to **** his horse and become a man with a pole.

However, there was an AE86 vehicle on the highway. Jiang Siming got in the car and found out after getting in the car that driving also requires real operations!

It's still manual gear, with throttle, clutch, brake, gear, steering wheel, a lot.

Without the keyboard and mouse, the driving simulation is fully restored.

Jiang Siming saw this schadenfreude and thought that the major driving schools in the world would suffer.

In the future, you can learn to drive directly in the game and you will be done, and you can practice casually, and it will be fine if you hit it.

This is much more reliable than doing a step-by-step study in a driving school. I practiced the car for half a year, and I can rent it out (laughing and crying).

Jiang Siming understood that holographic games and emotions are almost another simulation world.

It's not comparable to the end game Jedi, no wonder it takes two years for light integration.

Now think about it, these two years, wait for the truth!


[Author's digression]: First more~

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