I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2069: Try Lord’s ‘dung removal treasure’!

In this way, Jiang Siming held the toilet handle in his left hand, which is the water handle.

Holding the Desert Eagle in his right hand, he walked out of the toilet and went to the large classroom.

The buddies in the big classroom are not easy to mess with. He is lucky and got an AKM.

He was squatting at the door, ready to wait and see.

Watching Jiang Siming's footsteps are getting closer, he is almost at the door.

The man couldn't wait, decided to shoot, and rushed out with the gun.

But as soon as he left the house, he ran into a water puller.

Boo! With a bang, the water puller covered the buddy's face, sucking all his eyes, nose, and mouth.

The eyes were covered, and the darkness in front of this buddy was so smelly.


Jiang Siming laughed out loud, he wanted to try if he could play like this, but he didn't expect it to work.

The water used to wash the toilet covered his face. This buddy was called an aggrieved man. He raised his rifle and planned to have a blind scan. Jiang Siming must be swept to death.

However, as soon as he raised the gun, Jiang Siming raised a jio and kicked it on this man's hand.

The man's gun was kicked by Jiang Siming, and the bullet shot elsewhere.

Tens of millions of water friends looked stunned, I am grass, can I still play like this? ? ?

Jiang Siming was not polite, raising the desert eagle to shoot at the water.

The bullet passed through the water puller and headshot the man.

One shot ended his frustrated gaming career.

Fortunately, he was dead and couldn't speak, otherwise I guess this buddy would have to come to Pozuan's greetings.

Jiang Siming just wanted to check this person's box, when he suddenly thought of gunshots behind him!

Da da da...

Jiang Siming was startled by the sound of automatic rifles.

I realized that his [Danger Perception] was useless inside, and it seemed that the Holographic Jedi was not the end game Jedi at all.

So it seems that the skills in the terminal game can no longer be moved to the holographic.

Fortunately, because the shooting methods are different, this buddy's bullets are all missed.

It's like someone who just started playing the terminal game Jedi can't master the shooting method.

Here comes the body stroke.

But although Jiang Siming doesn't have [Danger Perception], his marksmanship is solid.

He is someone who has real [firearms proficiency], not just the gun proficiency in the Jedi.

This game can be said to be the most comfortable starting point for people with real ability.

When a special soldier enters, it's like abusing food.

But it is not always possible to abuse food, as everyone can play and the level becomes higher, the gap will become smaller and smaller.

Seeing this man stroked like this, Jiang Siming couldn't help but feel sorry for him, and turned his head back with a shot.

But he didn't expect that this buddy also wore a third-level head. Jiang Siming didn't die with a single shot and only lost 40 points of blood.

Jiang Siming fired two more shots, and they succeeded in the other side.

But the man finally shot Jiang Siming before he died, and only 30 points of blood were lost on the arm, which was harmless.

There is no pain when being shot, and it will not affect the movement, so you can play with confidence.

This is still not too real, otherwise players who are afraid of pain will not dare to play.

Jiang Siming went to pick up the opponent's box when he got the sneak attack.

This buddy is obviously fatter than the previous two.

[AKM x 1 piece], [7.62 bullets x 51 rounds], [first-level body armor x 1], [pain killer x 1 bottle], [red dot sight x 1] [stick x 1], [1000 banknotes]

Hmm, pretty good.

Jiang Siming was all in his pocket, and the pistol changed into a rifle.

But he didn't throw the pistol and put it directly on his leg.

He found that the holographic Jedi melee pistol was really easy to use, unlike the end game pistol, which is a tasteless thing.

This is in line with the setting of guns. In reality, the price of pistols far exceeds that of rifles.

In the United States, you can buy a rifle for dozens of dollars, but a pistol is at least a thousand.

Look at another backpack.

[Secondary package x1], [Secondary body armor x1], [**Helmet x1], [First aid kit x2], [UMP9 submachine gun x1], [.45 bullets x 45 rounds]

This bag is fatter.

Jiang Siming also accepted all orders.

Two guns in hand, plus the Desert Eagle, a total of three.

In the holographic game, there is no limit to the number of guns.

You can use one, three, or even five. As long as you can carry it, the backpack can fit.

If you are willing, you can even drive around to collect guns and ammunition and be a mobile arms dealer.

After Jiang Siming installed these equipment, it was basically in a fully equipped state.

"Less than a sniper rifle, if you can find it, you'll be completely alive."

Jiang Siming walked to the second floor, there were two players on the second floor.

As soon as they went upstairs, they heard the sound of their own fighting, shotguns against Uzi submachine guns.

Because there was no kill prompt, Jiang Siming didn't know if they were finished.

Can only touch upstairs.

As soon as I went up, I saw that the shotgun buddy solved the submachine gun player.

The player of this submachine gun was still a girl, and the corpse fell there pitifully.

You cannot change your personality in this game. You can only create a male character if you are a male.

So this is really a female player.

This buddy killed someone triumphantly, knowing that the other party is a girl, and walking up the corpse, seems to have a special hobby? ?

Unfortunately, the protection settings still exist, and this person can't get close to each other at all.

I can only give up angrily and turn around to search the box.

While this person was happily searching for equipment, Jiang Siming quietly touched it, still holding the previous water puller in his left hand...

Walking quietly, the footsteps will be quiet, but at the same time the speed will be very slow.

Jiang Siming didn't worry, and slowly approached the person step by step.

When this person noticed something and looked back, the same story as the buddy just below was staged.

Jiang Siming lifted the water puller and stabbed him in the face.

"Worrier than, try the Lord's ‘dung removal treasure’!" Jiang Siming shouted.


This person's face was instantly covered by Dung Pulling Bao, and he was so angry that he would shoot when he lifted the spray.

Jiang Siming took a picture of the gourd and kicked his shotgun.

After kicking, Jiang Siming kicked again.

Unexpectedly, the magic is that he actually kicked the opponent's gun!

Jiang Siming didn't hesitate now, and threw the gun in his hand, then raised his fist and hit this man violently.

-10, -12, -15...

The damage value keeps floating out.

This person hurriedly wanted to resist, he could cover his face with the dung-pumping treasure, and he couldn't see anything except the remaining feces on the dung-pumping treasure.

It can only be random punches and air punches.

In fact, even if he could see Jiang Siming, he couldn't hit with his fists, and Jiang Siming's [Fighting Proficiency] can also use drops.

It just cannot be as powerful as reality.

It can only hit people with basic damage, but the moves can be varied.

In the end, this man was even more frustrated, but Jiang Siming punched him to death...

After Jiang Siming hit the man's corpse, he gave his **** to him. If he couldn't whip the corpse, he would have to beat him again to discourage him.

Jiang Siming didn't even want to open his box, it was dirty.

Going to take a look at the girl's box, what surprised him was that a fragment was lying quietly in it!


[Author's digression]: Today's update is complete~ Yesterday's is also filled~

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