I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2002: The number of votes is higher than that of Chinese songs!

This kind of melody and prelude, even the mold is very amazing.

The most important thing in Western songs is the melody. It doesn’t matter how yellow your lyrics are, as long as the melody is correct.

So many English songs that everyone loves to listen to, if you look at their translation, they are all cars leading to the adult world.

The prelude played for a while before Jiang Siming appeared.

Unlike the past, Jiang Siming descended from the sky, and the elevator descended slowly from the ten-meter-high sky.

Jiang Siming is holding a guitar, the surrounding lights are still flashing, projecting on him, mysterious and psychedelic.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, his aura opened up to make people see Jiang Siming as if they were watching a world-class superstar!

In fact, Jiang Siming is far from reaching the standards of a superstar singer.

It's just that his [controllable temperament] makes him a fish in water on any occasion.

Mildew and Corvo saw Jiang Siming on the live stage as if they saw Elvis and Michael back then.

Is it an illusion? It must be, but why is this feeling so strong and lingering.

"If he held a concert abroad, it would definitely be bursting." Moldy said with confidence.

She knows best that a top singer sometimes needs more than just work and singing skills, but the appeal of the stage is as important.

She has watched many concert videos of Chinese singers. Only Leslie Cheung, who regrets his death, has the temperament of a world-class superstar.

Now, she saw the second one, she couldn't believe it herself.

"Seaofflames, takinghold"

(Sea of ​​Flames, controlled by them)


(Pour fuel on the hot water)


(They dominate the ebb and flow)


(And we can only take care of the current boat)


(No, our ability is more than that)


Jiang Siming's voice is very penetrating, and his English is so fluent that Momo suspects that he is an authentic Londoner.

Corvo and they almost thought they were listening to a concert by a singer in their own country.

Accompanied by electronic music, this song "Children of Miracles", paragraph after paragraph, the Chinese audience did not read the lyrics behind, and was completely brainwashed by this rhythm.

There is no need to know what the lyrics of this song mean, the melody alone is enough for them to enjoy this song.

Music knows no borders. Although this is the case, it does not mean that all music has no borders.

English songs are often more popular than Chinese songs, because English songs are mainly about melody and rhythm, which are also the most important in songs.

However, Chinese songs pay more attention to lyrics, and foreigners do not understand the lyrics, so naturally they don't like many.

Some time ago, the oil pipe transmitted a song "A Plum Cut" by Fei Driver, and countless foreigners were brainwashed by the rhythm of this song.

It was because of the sentence ‘Snowflakes Fluttering in the North Wind Xiaoxiao’ that gave them a high C.

At that time, the entire oil pipe was singing, and countless internet celebrities followed suit and imitated the snow fluttering challenge.

After the incident was spread to China, the netizens of China were dumbfounded. They didn't know how this sentence of lyrics reached their G spot.

But some songs are like this, and often a sentence in the lyrics can make you fall in love with it.

At this time, Jiang Siming undoubtedly achieved the best demonstration of music without borders, Corvo and the others have already moved their bodies with the music.

When the chorus struck, Moyu couldn't help but start shaking her head, she could even memorize the lyrics and melody, and hum along with Jiang Siming.

After the whole song, the audience's most intuitive feeling is that the neck hurts...

But the experience of this song is unprecedented!

Electronic music paired with pop music is amazing.

"This song is really well written! It's really hard to believe that he created it on the spot." Mildew said with emotion.

Celebrity Yao explained with a smile: "If you watch two more issues, you will find that this is his normal operation."

"Yeah, that's amazing. All the singers and composers I know are not as good as him."

Moldy said admiringly, while looking at Jiang Siming on the stage, there was an urge to make friends with him.

She really admires a colleague in the music industry from the bottom of her heart. She used to be looked down upon by everyone. After all, her musical talent is there, otherwise she would not get 10 Grammys before the age of 30. Jackpot.

Mild's musical talent is destined to be very arrogant in her heart, and she really looks down on ordinary singers.

But now, Jiang Siming made her feel what it means to be there.

If you can be friends with him, talk about music, or sing a few songs occasionally, it must be very beautiful, and I look forward to it.

"Next, start the three-minute voting session!"

When Wang Han shouted, the audience grabbed their mobile phones, scanned the QR code, and must vote!

"I want to vote, I want to vote too! Mr. Yao, teach me how to vote?"

Before seeing other singers, I understood the mold of the voting process, and immediately took out his mobile phone and asked the celebrity Yao.

Corvo and O'Neal are the same, taking out their mobile phones is like a kindergarten kid taking out homework and waiting to be handed over to the teacher.

Celebrity Yao smiled and taught them to scan the code to vote.

At the end of three minutes, Jiang Siming's votes were as high as 620w+!

Higher than he sings Chinese songs...

Even all the audience did not expect that an English song they did not understand, but they all caused them to vote, they can only say magic~

The eliminated personnel are naturally released, and they are the three outdated singers today.

Although Shi Zhe who was eliminated was unwilling, he was still satisfied. Anyway, he made a lot of money this time.

"Have my Weibo fans increased?" After the end, Shi Zhe hurriedly asked his agent.

He felt that his appearance in "Le" this time would at least increase the number of fans by tens of thousands.

But the agent gave him a basin of cold water: "There are only a few hundred, and many people scold you on Weibo."

"Swear me? Why?"

"It's not that your question is too difficult. When you finished the question, your Weibo was exploded. It was all scolding you. Now you have become their punching bag, and the number of fans has not increased." People helplessly said.

When Shi Zhe heard it, instead of being angry, he was elated.

"It's okay. Black fans are also fans. They scolded me and I was anxious, so that my popularity would come back?"

The agent smiled and said, "If Jiang Siming sings badly today, it’s okay. His fans will definitely not let you go, but you have seen it too. Jiang Siming took the first place, so these people who scold you There is no need to scold you anymore, it's all clean."

"I..." Shi Zhe almost didn't swear, but soon he found a way to comfort him.

"It's okay, at least I made a million, and there is a second male in a movie."

With that said, Shi Zhe happily picked up his mobile phone and called Guo Xiaosi to pay him. Who knows, Guo Xiaosi directly blocked him...


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