I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2001: The title mother came to celebrate two thousand

"What do they say so much? What are they talking about?"

The innocence in the audience was used by Shi Zhe as an excuse for the question, but she was not stupid. Although she did not speak Chinese, she knew that the nickname given to her by the fans of Huaxia was called the mold.

Corvo and O'Neal are also at a loss. Corvo's Chinese is much better, but they still don't understand well, let alone O'Neal.

Fortunately, there was also a celebrity Yao beside him, explaining to them: "This is the program rule. The first singer to appear will give the last singer a title and let him compose a song to sing live."

"Oh, it's difficult." Momo was taken aback, and then asked: "Then why did you mention me?"

The celebrity Yao explained with a smile: "Because this person said he was a fan of you, he gave the title of an English song to the last singer and asked for an electronic sound."

"Isn't that harder? A Chinese singer who wants to write an English song on the spot? You have to have electronic music. This is too hard!"

Mildew was completely surprised, and even doubted: "This is not arranged by the script, right?"

Celebrity Yao laughed and said: "I believe what others say is a script, but what he said is definitely not."

"Oh? Who is this singer? I have heard of several famous singers in China." Momo asked curiously.

Celebrity Yao laughed and pointed to Corvo and said: "It is the boss of their Lakers, the pride of China, the richest man in the world, and a talented singer."

"Wow! I've heard his songs, "monsters" and "Love Yourself", which are very famous in the tubing, and they are all ranked high." said Momo.

"And very handsome." The celebrity Yao Youan said, feeling like he is selling his most proud baby to others.

"Hahaha, I know, but I am even more curious than this how he wrote such a nice English song. Can he write it this time?"

As a music fanatic, she is obviously more inclined to the latter than her beauty and musical talent.

Celebrity Yao Tanshou: "I don't know. The topic this time is really difficult. I hope he can write it out."

"Master, come on! Master must be able to!" O'Neill suddenly shouted to cheer.

"When did Jiang become your master?" Corvo asked silently.

O'Neill replied naturally: "He is my master. I plan to give my daughter to him as an apprenticeship."

Everyone laughed. It is estimated that if Jiang Siming knew, he would have a nightmare, hahaha.

The show continues.

The next two guests were singers similar to Shi Zhe.

This also made the audience a little disappointed in the show. Why are some second-rate singers invited in the last two shows.

Audiences who are accustomed to eating "big dishes" began to be a little bit picky.

After all, I am used to seeing top singers, and these second-rate singers are really hard to get into their eyes.

The votes of the three people were basically the same, none of them exceeded two million.

This kind of votes, everyone has already seen the result, and these three must be eliminated. There is no suspense.

Although the guests invited now are not good enough, the audience continued to watch very honestly.

The new guests are actually flavoring agents. The protagonists of this show are the guests who have persisted.

Listening to them sing is the most enjoyable thing about this show.

Then, five other singers came on stage one after another to bring everyone a gluttonous feast of music, but also won a large number of votes.

Jay Chou: "Snow as Snow", 601w+ votes

Zheng Yuan: "The Love Song of the Red Dust", voted 404w+

Lin Sansui: "No need to spend money if it is not fashionable", the number of votes is 516w+

Han Lei: "Walk the Four Directions", 480w+ votes

Ren Tianwang: "There Is Still Me" with 555w+ votes

Each of these old guests has more than 400w votes.

In the end, Jiang Siming is left, and everyone does not think that Jiang Siming's votes will be less than 200w.

Even if he wrote the first letter song this time, it is estimated that countless fans will pay for it.

Since these episodes of the show, I don’t know how many viewers have become Jiang Siming’s new fans.

In addition, this time the title is so tricky, even if Jiang Siming's song is really bad, no one will blame him.

Instead, fans will support their idol without hesitation.

In order to help Jiang Siming to delay a little more time, Wang Han and Ren Tianwang, who had finished singing at the end, insisted on talking on stage for several minutes.

Everyone also knows what they have made, but no one will break it.

It is precisely because of this that it seems that this is not a script.

If it was arranged in advance, Wang Han would not have to delay the creation time for Jiang Siming.

A few minutes later, a backstage voice came from Wang Han's headphones, and he was relieved, said a few words briefly, and left the stage with King Ren Tian.

Jiang Siming took a long time this time, but it took a lot of time to get the subtitles.

Since it is an English song, Jiang Siming does not want the audience to really listen to a song that does not understand the lyrics.

So I gave Liang Tian both the English and the translation, and Liang Tian took them and immediately asked the staff in charge of the studio to turn them into subtitles.

At that time, it can be placed on the big screen at the scene so that everyone can hear the song and know the meaning of the song.

When everyone saw the subtitles lit up on the screen, the audience also understood why it took longer for Jiang Siming to write the song.

"So heartwarming~"

"Do you believe it or not that Jiang Shen proposed it?"

"Sure, who can translate the songs he wrote himself?"

"Loved, loved, such idols love!"


The audience looked at the screen one after another. Above it was a simple introduction to the song.

Song: "ChildrenOfAMiracle" (Children of Miracles)

Lyricist: Jiang Siming (Ming)

Composer: Jiang Siming (Ming)

Singing: Jiang Siming (Ming)

This line of subtitles are available in both Chinese and English, and they have taken care of every audience and foreign audiences like Corvo.

Looking at the stage and the screen, Moyu started to look forward to it.

Music, sound!

"Miracle, Miracle, Miracle, Miracle..."

Unlike the usual preludes, only the melody is different. The prelude music that appears this time is also mixed with singing, from far to near, and even children’s laughter.

The lights on the scene flickered suddenly, and the lights began to rhythm with the prelude.

It's like hitting people's hearts, every beat fits every heartbeat perfectly.

Electronic music, with a subtle rhythm of electronic music, perfectly interpret the prelude!

This prelude made everyone's eyes lit up, and their ears were firmly pricked up unconsciously.

Most of English songs listen to the rhythm and the rhythm.

And this song, unintentionally at the beginning, uses rhythm and rhythm to "capture" everyone.

It's not that they deliberately lowered their expectations, but it sounds really nice!

Such a strange and alternative prelude, singing, electronic music, shouting, children's laughter, etc., these unrelated things can be integrated together.

All the prelude parties said that the knee has been served!


Third more~

[Author's digression]: Unknowingly, "Pick the Pieces" has been updated two thousand chapters, time flies so fast, thank all the book friends for the company of "Pick Pieces", Sake will definitely continue to work hard!

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